Short Introduction on G8 meeting in Evian:
ab | 21.05.2003 12:59
Short Introduction on G8 meeting in Evian:
From 1st to 3rd of June, the worlds self-acclaimed leaders of the 8 biggest industrial nations will gather in the exclusive village of Evian, in France, close to Genf and Lausanne in Switzerland and to Italy. (map)
Initiated were the G8 meetings in 1975 by the french president Giscard d'Estaing,
who invited the presidents of Germany, Japan, Great Britain, USA and Italy to an informal
to the palast of Rambouillet near Paris to discuss how to solve the oil crisis.
In 1976 Canada joined, since 1998 in Birmingham Russia was allowed to join the elitist circle, too.
France has already proposed following themes to discuss in this meeting in 2003:
- development in Africa, NEPAD (= New Partnership for Africa´s Development), access to water,
- security (so-called war against terrorism + weapons of mass destruction)
- democracy via continuous dialog with civil society and other states
(translation ab), source, List of invited observers:
This year, apart from the G8, the organizers have invited several observers, hence the term G8/G21. The following, plus Switzerland, is a list of invited observers:
"Emerging" Economies:
Saudi Arabia
NEPAD Countries:
South Africa
Days of Resistance:
The Days of Resistance to the G8 will take place from May 28 to June 3rd to oppose this gathering.
The protesters will be gathering in various locations round the lake.update, practical information.
As Evian, is the actual place where the meeting takes place, and is declared to be a "red zone", protected not only by police, but also by the Alpes and situated at the Lake Leman.
Another red zone is declared around the harbour of Lausanne, as delegates will be using ferries as means of transportation between their hotels and the meeting place.
An outer ring around the red zone of Lausanne is declared to be a yellow zone, in which demonstrations are not allowed. .
In Lausanne, Pink and Silver will be gathering at the village Oulala.
In Geneva, there will be three alternative media centres, and the zaage camp.
In Annemasse, two villages will be set up, the illeg8al camp and the vaaag. The g8illegal is aimed at lobbying groups such as ngos, trade unionists and groups like attac, Globalise Resistance and the SWP.
vaaag will be coordinated by the anti-authoritarians and anti-capitalists of claaag and be under self-management.
Indymedia and other alternative media:
Indymedia volunteers, independant journalists and reporters for other alternative media will be at the scene to keep you updated and involved with the grassroots news from under the police-baton.
Indymedia is planning to cooperate internationally on radio, internet and video projects to cover the events.
Global days of action:
The meeting of the G8 in Evian is the next of a series of Global Days of Action. For more information, see our Major reports subsection.Whileas the preperations for the Anti-G8 meeting are full on, a call for help to contribute evidence in the court cases concerning the violent bloody repression at the last G8 meeting in Genoa, is still outstanding.
The next global day of action after Evian will be in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 20- 22 june, countering the EU-Summit.