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227 MMM cities worldwide! Cannabis Action. Against expanding Bush Drug War.

2.1 million U.S. prisoners. | 02.05.2003 12:25

The drug war is the root EVIL of both Texas and the US police state today in the USA and expanding globally. Ending cannabis prohibition worldwide is the way out. Bush, the moron Antichrist, left a legacy of a full 1% of all Texans incarcerated! 1.3% of Texas adults are imprisoned today! Bush government waste: It costs around $25,000 per prisoner per year. Texas leads all other U.S. states with 4.8 percent of the Texas adult population under correctional supervision: jail, prison, probation, parole.

Alphabetical MMM 2003 city list. Please distribute widely.
This page can be passed on in plain-text email, and be clickable.
Million Marijuana March. Weekend of May 3 2003.
Global March for Cannabis Liberation.
Weekend of first Saturday in May. Worldwide since 1999. --Combined city list. --MMM city list CHART. --Expanded full-text city list. Many more clickable links. Most up-to-date info, times, locations. --MMM world MAP. --Many MMM links. --MMM links. -Public MMM archive. --MMM-only archive. -Images: -MMM reports archive.
Send MMM reports (personal or published) to: or
No list subscription necessary (at least until June 2003).

227 MMM cities worldwide and counting!!!

A combined alphabetical MMM 2003 city list. For distribution. Please pass on this MMM city list!
Made by combining MMM city lists from here: and --See Dana Beal's last email.

Here are 43 corrected or additional clickable links that can be substituted or added into Dana Beal's MMM city list. The ones without asterisks just needed http:// in front of them in order to be made clickable in plain-text email worldwide. After the alphabetical MMM city list below there is important info about this city list and these city links. And some additional important MMM links of all kinds.

*Albuquerque. (an additional link)
*Amsterdam. (needs a space after the link)
*Atlanta. (an additional link)
*Auckland. (an additional link)
*Barcelona. (an additional link)
*Birmingham (an additional link)
Birmingham, UK.
Buenos Aires.
*Buenos Aires. (link was split into 2 parts)
(link does not need www, but does need http://)
*Christchurch. (an additional link)
*Christchurch. (an additional link)
*Christiana. (an additional link)
*Christiana. (an additional link)
*Cincinnati. (an additional link)
*Cleveland. (it was misspelled)
(link was duplicated and pushed together)
*Duesseldorf. (additional)
*Ljubljana. (an additional link)
*Mexico City. (needs a space after)
*Mexico City. (needs a space after)
Mexico City.
*Nashville. (needs space before, after)
*Nashville. (duplicate is incorrect)
*Nashville. (duplicated, pushed together)
New Orleans.
New Paltz.
New Paltz.
*New York. (an additional link)
*Nuernberg. (an additional link)
*Oslo. (an additional link)
(an additional link)
*Trondheim. (an additional link)
*Tucson. (an additional link)
*Wichita. (an additional link)


-----Combined alphabetical MMM 2003 city list begins.-----

Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada: Tim: 604-607-1111;;

Abbotsford: 604-607-1111 Tim Felger About 100 marchers who refused to pay to march.

Albany, New York, USA: Terry: 518-436-7098;

Albany: Terry Phelan 518-436-7098

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA: contact: Cindy: 505-880-0666; 281-6277(VoiceMail);; organization: NM-NORML - (505)281-6277(VoiceMail); (810)821-0690(Fax);

Albuquerque: Cindy Giannini (505) 880-0666. Between 500 and 1000 participants in '02, no arrests

Amherst, Massachusetts, USA: Angela: 413-545-1122;;

Amherst: Angela Panaccione 413-545-1122

Amsterdam, Netherlands: Has: +31(0)20-6107807;;

Amsterdam: +31(0)20-6107807 +31(0)6-16314682 Has Cornelissen,; Stichting Legalize!; Legalize!, Binnenkant 46,1011 BP, Amsterdam, Nederland

Arlington, Texas, USA: Paula: 817-299-8447;

Arlington: Paula Matson 817-299-8447

Ashland, Ohio, USA: Amber: 419-289-8810; 419-207-8834;;

Ashland: "Amber Leiter" 1528 Township Road 1153, Ashland, Ohio 44805. 419-289-8810 419-207-8834

Athens, Georgia, USA: March begins @ High Noon on Saturday at College Square and ends at the 25th Annual Athens Human Rights Fest.; contact: Charles:;

Athens: Charles James March begins @ 12 on Saturday and ends at the 25th Annual Athens Human Rights Festival

Atlanta, Georgia, USA: contact: Paul: 404-522-2267(Daytime);; organization: C.A.M.P. - P.O. Box 5718 Atlanta, GA 31107 404-522-2267(Daytime); 404-523-9004(Fax);; Coalition for the Abolition of Marijuana Prohibition

Atlanta: Paul Cornwell 404-522-2267 CAMP Legal Defense Fund, Inc., PO 5718, Atlanta, Ga. 30117-5718

Auckland, New Zealand: Tigi Ness/Unity Pacific band, Cornerstone Roots, The Midnights, Bassteppa Sound System, DJ Sensei, information stall, markets, Grower's Ironman, the declaration of a prohibition-free zone & more. Sponsors: The Hempstore, Switched On Gardener, Knaster Hanf; contact: Chris: 09 302-5255;; organization: National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, NZ Inc. - PO Box 3307 Auckland New Zealand +64 9 302-5255(Daytime); +64 9 303-1309(Fax);;

Auckland: Chris Fowlie ph 09 302-5255 2000 participants in '02.

Augusta, Maine, USA: Drums around the Capitol; Cindi: 207-696-8879; 207-696-3324;;

Augusta: Cindi Ellen O'Connor 207-696-8879 or Faryl Orlinsky 207-783-3324 "Drums around the Capitol"

Austin, Texas, USA: Sarah: 512-481-9123;; organization: Austin M5 Coalition -;

Austin: Sarah 512-481-9123 Tracy Hayes 512.693.2356, 900 Bouldin, Austin TX, 78704 Nearly 1,000 participants in '02.

Barcelona, Spain: Ernesto: +34-93-317 01 30;; organization: CANAMO - +34-93-412 16 19(Fax);;

Barcelona: Ernesto Blume, CANAMO, Cervantes 7, entlo. 08002 Barcelona Spain Tel.: +34-93-317 01 30 Fax: +34-93-412 16 19 E-mail:

Basel, Switzerland: +41 61 263 98 70(Fax);;

Basel: Sektion Basel-Stadt SHK, Postfach, 4007 Basel, Fax: +41 61 263 98 70, Email:

Batesville-Oxford, Mississippi, USA: 662-578-6993;; organization: NFN Enterprise - 662-578-6993(Fax);;

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA: Robin: 225-667-9270;;

Baton Rouge: (225)667-9270

Battle Creek, Michigan, USA: Drum circle and speeches in the park. March at 4:20pm on the Calhoun County Correctional Facility.; contact: Jay: 269-697-4521;;

Battle Creek: "Jay Statzer" 269-697-4521 Noon-6:00pm Friendship Park where Capital Ave crosses the river. Drum circle and speeches in the park. March at 4:20pm on the Calhoun County Correctional Facility.

Bergen, Norway: contact: Jan: +47 99 32 59 61;; organization: NORMAL - +47 22 46 39 84;; Norwegian Organisation for Reform of the Marijuana Laws

Bergen: Jan A. Andersen NORMAL, Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0158 Oslo, Norway

Berlin, Germany: Martin: 0049-30-2949-0201;;

Berlin: Martin Muencheberg 0049-30-29490201 200 participants, 2,000 spectators in '02.

Bermuda: Queen Selassie

Berne, Switzerland: Swiss Hanf Koordination Sekretariat; + 41-31-398-1444;;

Berne: Swiss Hanf Koordination Sekretariat + 41-31-398-1444 Roman will know which Swiss cities are marching.

Birmingham, Alabama, USA: Loretta: 256 234-0342;;

Birmingham, UK: picnic or join trip to london; contact: Mark: 0121-256-1303;; (Birmingham Scene Report) organizations: Grow More Weed Campaign - PO Box 9121 Birmingham 0121 256 1302(Fax); 0121-256-1302;; Iron Man Records/Badger Promotions - PO BOX 9121 Birmingham B13 8AU UK The Badger Promotions mailing lists: info on live music events in Birmingham area); The Iron Man Records mailing list: info on all Iron Man Records related activities);

Birmingham: "Loretta Nall" 256 234-0342 home

Birmingham: Grow More Weed Campaign, PO Box 9121, Birmingham B138AU. 01212561303. (Mark Badger) Fax: 0121 256 1302. email: March/Festival foundered over Biblical interpretation; just 20 people in '02.

Bishop, California, USA: Blazing bongloads in front of cop station and munchies for everyone; contact: Carlos: 7608724743;; organization: Caltrans -

Boone, North Carolina, USA: a peaceful march on King Street, followed by performances by local bands and Guest speakers. The march starts beside the courthouse @ 5pm; The march starts beside the courthouse; contact: Joshua: 828 266 7587; 828 719-9231;;

Boone: Joshua Nathan Simmons or Stan Chamberlain 828 266 7587 ASU Box 7947, Boone NC 28608

Boston, Massachusetts, USA: 781-944-2266; organization: Cannabis Reform Coalition\NORML - P.O. Box 0266 Georgetown, MA 01833-0366 781-779-1334(Fax);

Boston: Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition\NORML P.O. Box 0266, Georgetown, MA 01833-0366 781-944-2266 - - 781-779-1334 fax Signature-gathering drive in '02.

Boulder, Colorado, USA: The Boulder, Colorado event has been canceled because of outrageous government-mandated expenses. The event in Denver ( is still on. We apologize for any inconvenience.; contact: Ralph: 303-546-6125;;

Boulder: Ralph Shnelvar 303-546-6125 or Fred Smith 303-449-2390

Bratislava, Slovakia: Daniel: 00420 776 126 587;;

Bratislava: 00420 776 126 587 Daniel Hromada, Cerchovska 8, Prague 2, 120 00, Czech Republic

Braunschweig, Germany:;

Braunschweig: Info booth

Bremen, Germany: Silke: 0162 33 99 334;;

Bremen: Silke Tel. 0179/180 25 25 Olaf 0162/77 34 576 Party-Project: 33 99 334 Demonstration and Party

Brno, Czech Republic: Vaclav: +420-737-8111-07;;

Brno: Vaclav Linkov, Tel.: +420-737-811107

Brussels, Belgium: Ottavio: +32-2-284-5496;;

Brussels: Ottavio Marzocchi +32-2-284-5496

Bucharest, Romania: Clauditza: 004092195819;;

Bucharest: ClauditZa 004092195819 address: Spliff Decision, viorele street, nr 34 Bucharest, Romania or Poke 004091343202 address: piata romana, Bucharest, Romania 300 active smokers on a small beach named Kudos in '02.

Budapest, Hungary: contact: Peter: +36-1-4600145;; Dániel: +36 (1) 46-001-46; organization: Kendermag Egyesület (Hempseed Association) -

Budapest: Peter Juhasz tel: 36 30 2517290 Org: Kendermag Egyesület

Buenos Aires, Argentina: daihatsu: (011) 15 40289847;;

Buenos Aires: daihatsu or miss olga summers www. ARDA (011) 15 40289847 RADDUD (011) 46357820 Nos juntaremos el 4 de mayo, 16 hs., a fumar uno en el planetario buenos aires.

Buffalo, New York, USA: After hours parth (location TBA); contact: Brian: 716-886-3396;; Philip: 716-895-1987;; organization: B.A.C.H. -

Buffalo: Brian Schuler 716-886-3396 or Philip L Beavers jr./B.A.C.H 716-895-1987 600-700 people over the course of the day in '02; all 3 networks; no police problems

Burlington, Vermont, USA: Music by Channel 2 Dub Band; 8 speakers - neurologist Dr.Joe McSherry & Rep.Dave Zuckerman(Vermont medical mj legislation - unfortunately isn't going anywhere), several alternative party candidates, chair of the LP, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, etc.; Info tables from the MPP, NORML, FIJA, FEAR, and more. Cannabis info and ibogaine discussion. We usually get 500 to 1,000 people in attendance and make the 6 o'clock TV news on Saturday and front page Sunday coverage in most of the statewide newspapers.; contact: Denny: (802) 496-2387;; matt: (802) 865-9410;; organizations: Vermont Libertarian Party - PO Box 5475 Burlington VT 05402-5475 1-800-682-1776;; VT-NORML - 31 Town Line Rd. Grand Isle, VT 05458 (802) 372-9512;;

Burlington: Denny Lane / Brendan Kinney, Vermont Libertarian Party & VT-NORML / (802) 496-2387 802-496-2387 POB 537, Waitesfield, Vt 05673 or matt hogg or "Marcus \(Home\)" 082 674 2299 100 people, mostly Rasta's, in '02.

Champagne-Urbana: Kate Stepanski (217) 332-3169 (217) 766-9393 after 9 p.m. the Urbana-Champaign march will take place on May 2nd at 5 p.m. on the UIUC Quad.

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA: Ragan:;

Charlotte: Ragan Tolbert Postal: Ragan C. Tolbert,14125 Walkers Crossing Drive, Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: 704/492-5154

Chicago, Illinois, USA: Caren: 773-381-9330;;

Chicago: Caren Thomas, to Windy City Hemp, 2506 N. Clark St., PMB#157; Chicago, IL 60614; or 773-363-2942 -or-

Chico, California, USA: Butte Alliance for Medical Marijuana; 530-345-1997;;

Chico: 530-345-1997 or 1381 Fairway Alley, Chico, CA 95926 Approx. 420 participants in '02.

Christchurch, New Zealand: Cognitive Liberty; Meeting of the Heads - launch of the MMM.. and speeches all afternoon.; J-Day in the Square! - music, celebrities, speakers, jugglers, contests, stalls, prohibition-free zones, prizes and 'goodies' galore! Rain date: Sunday 4th. Sponsors: Cosmic Corner, Hydrogarden, Phantom Billstickers, RDU 98.5 FM, Knaster Hanf; Cures not Wars Dance Party; contact: Blair: ++64 3 389-4065; 025 2657219;; 64-33227448;; (further event details/images etc.) organization: Mild Green Media Centre -; Mild Green Initiatives, for your liberty, pleasure, health and safety.

Christchurch: Blair Anderson Mild Green Media Centre ph: ++64 3 389-4065 Website Newsforum news:// 500 participants in '02.

Christiania, Denmark: F.H.M. invites all in Denmark to paticipate in a big demonstration truh Copenhagen city, moving around in a long smoke-inn-session. There will be given joints out for free and we smoke some fruitpibes with lotsof hashish also free for everyone...; Free Hashish Movement invites all people to join the Million Marijuana March from Christiania out and around in Copenhagen city, ending up on Christiansborg Slotsplads (in front of the parliamentbuilding).; Here will invited politicians, doctors, aidscampaign, cancerscientist, actors, philosophers, and other creative idea-makers, speak from a stage, loud and clear in hope of that also our politicians in the parliament get interested in the debate...; There will be nice entertaintment with music and performances... Pusherstreet in Christiania donate the hash, skunk, marijuana, joint´s and so on, that Free Hashish Movement hand out to the people. Come with a smile on your face (c: take part in the place; contact: Zid: +0045-32956507; +0045-21655029;;; organization: Fri Hash Bevaegelsen (Free Hashish Movement) - Hampens Plads, Christiania-Copenhagen, Denmark +0045-21655029;; We demand our politicians to legalize cannabis & secure the individual persons right to make free choices.

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: Join us on May 3rd for the HempRock Music Fundraiser; Million Marijuana March/Rally on May 4th from 3-6pm; contact: Lynne "the Happy Hemptress": 513-68-4-HEMP;; organization: Hemprock Productions - P.O. Box 18253 Erlanger, KY 41018;

Cincinnati: the Happy Hemptress 513-684-HEMP

Cleveland, Ohio, USA: Help us legalize marijuana by joining us and marching to surround the Cuyahoga County Jail. March starts at 1:30pm Contest for best poster and funny cigarette rolling contest. The JIMILLER BAND and speakers and more at Jesse Owens Park after the march.; contact: John: (216)521-9333;; organization: Ohio Cannabis Society - 216-521-9333;;

Cleveland: John (216)521-9333 2,000 participants. No arrests.

Cologne, Germany: Vinnie: 0221 562-6347;; organization: grow!Club CannaCom -;

Cologne: grow!Club CannaCom e.V. /redAktion: 0221 562-6347 "Vinnie" Info booth by grow! w. JES, akzept & VfD drew interest...

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA: Live music-Johnny and the Jugs, talks, info booth....; contact: Bob: 719-685-1189;;

Colorado Springs: Bob Melamede (719) 471-1447 Dr. Bob Melamede, 1918 El Parque St. Apt. 1 Colorado Springs, Co 80907 the Hemp Store 724 Manitou Ave., Maintou Springs, CO 80829] or Stephan Ballasch (719) 541-3960 Continuous presence of a few hundred people in the park in '02.

Columbia, Missouri, USA: Dan: (573) 443-6866; 573-819-2669;;

Columbia: Dan Viets (573) 443-6866 office

Columbus, Ohio, USA: OSU-SSDP; Russ: 614-291-1026;; Ken: 614-265-VOTE;;

Columbus: 614-291-1026 Russ Selkirk Sean Luse OSU-SSDP, 276 Chittenden Ave, Cols, OH 43201 650 participants, no arrests.

Copenhagen, Denmark: Klaus: (+0045) 32 95 65 07; hampenyt!; Zid:; ((The party For HEMP))

Copenhagen: Klaus Tuxen or Zid Dhartha (+0045) 32 95 65 07 org: Hampepartiet ( The party For HEMP) address: F.H.B. hampens plads Christiania, 1407 Kbh. K.150 on march, 500 at smoke-in in '02.

Daingerfield, Texas, USA: johnny:;

Daingerfield: johnny s. chambliss p.o. box 484, ore city, texas 75683

Dallas, Texas, USA: Paula: 817-299-8447;

Dallas: Paula Matson 817-299-8447

Darwin, Australia: mick:;

Darwin: mick lambe 30 marchers, 35 police, but no arrests due media spotlite.

Dayton, Ohio, USA: RALLY AT Mayor's Office, City Hall; MARCH STARTS; RALLY AND FESTIVAL! food and drink at park, cannabis culture magazine give away, petition signing, and more!; Volunteers needed to Clean up the park; contact: Sterling: 937-685-9148;; organization: Ohio Marijuana Party - and more info)

Dayton: Sterling Albury 937-685-9148

DeKalb, Illinois, USA: Adam:;

DeKalb: "Adam Timm"

Denver, Colorado, USA: Ken: 303-935-6534;; 303-546-6125;;

Denver: Ken Gorman 303-935-6534 or 303-546-6125

Des Moines, Iowa, USA: Speakers include State Representative Ed Fallon (maps on our web site at; contact: Terry: (515) 789-4442;; Carl:; organization: Iowa NORML -

Des Moines: (515) 288-5798 ,, ; or Terry Mitchell (515) 789-4442; 608 Dallas St., Dexter, Iowa 50070. 300 marchers, police friendly.

Dessau, Germany:;

Dessau: Contact:

Detroit, Michigan, USA: Two bands, speakers and "Shattered Lives" display. Ibogaine press conference at 2:30pm Sidewalk march at 4:20pm along Woodward; contact: Professor Hemp: 313-506-5724;; Dimitri: 313-563-3192;

Detroit: "Professor Hemp" 313-506-5724 or Dimitri 313-563-3192; Noon-5:00pm Grand Circus Park at Woodward & Adams. Two bands, speakers and "Shattered Lives" display. Ibogaine press conference at 2:30pm Sidewalk march at 4:20pm along Woodward

Dover, Delaware, USA: contact: Richard: (302) 793-0716;; organization: Delaware Cannabis Society -

Dover: "Richard J. Schimelfenig" Delaware Cannabis Society, 63 Lawson Ave. Claymont, DE 19703 (302) 793-0716 299 demonstrators, 8,000 spectators, cops watched and did nothing in '02.

Dublin, Ireland: Philip:;

Dublin: "Butler, Philip" +353 1 4163707 or 1,000 people in "02.

Duesseldorf, Germany: Marlon: 049-172-7591795;;

Dunedin, New Zealand: Dunedin J Day! Another good old fashioned Otepoti fog up. This one goes out to Peter Dunne - bring your buddies, drums, smiles. Sponsors: Knaster Hanf; contact: Duncan Eddy: 025-719139;; organization: Dunedin NORML -

Durban, South Africa: +27 31 2016 359; +27 31 2016 359(Fax);;

Durban: or +27 31 2016 359 PHONE AND FAX. Post net Suite 136, Private Bag X 04, DALBRIDGE, 4014, SOUTH AFRICA Justin Ballot, 134 Clark Road, Durban 4001, South Africa

Edinburgh, UK: Linda: 0131-667-6488;;

Edinburgh: "Linda Hendry" UK - 0131 667-6488

El Paso, Texas, USA: Steve: 915-497-0165;;

El Paso: Steve White 915-497-0165 Postal:1226 mcrae ste.b el paso, tx 79925

Eugene, Oregon, USA: Kris: 800-556-2012; 541-744-0090;;

Eugene: Kris Millegan 800-556-2012 600-800 folks in '02. One arrest. Kris Millegan P.O. Box 577, Walterville, OR 97489

Fairbanks, Alaska, USA: Project Manhigh; Timothy: 907-474-9007;

Fairbanks: Timothy 907-474-9007

Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA: Tom: (479) 251-1780;; Nancy: 479-582-4138; organization: First Church of the Magi - P.O.Box 2827 Fayetteville, AR 72702

Fayetteville: Rev. Tom Brown or Nancy Harris, 479-582-4138 Postal address: First Church of the Magi, P.O.Box 2827, Fayetteville, Ar. 72702

Feldkirch, Austria: Hempfest Organized by Legalize! Österreich and Bürgerinitiative Cannabis;;

Feldkirch: 3. Hempfest Organized by Legalize! ÷sterreich and Burgerinitiative Cannabis (Citizens' Initiative Cannabis)

Flensburg, Germany: Peter: 0461-13620;; Irene: 04632-871771;

Flensburg: Irene Weber Phone/fax: 04632-871771 Info booth in downtown Flensburg, where from 13:00 a demonstration starts

Flint, Michigan, USA: Rev. "Happy": 989 872 8005;;

Flint: Rev. A.S."Happy" Wright 989 872 8005 100 participants in '02.

Freiburg im Breisgau: , Infobooth

Freiburg, Germany: Infobooth;;

Ft Wayne: (260) 496-8542

Ft. Myers, Florida, USA: contact: Rene: 239-567-0467;

Ft. Myers: Rene Cohen 239-567-0467 10751 Aquavista Lane, N. Ft. Myers, FL 33917 In Centennial Park.

Ft. Smith, Arkansas, USA: the rally is a day long free event w/several bands lined up and a local restaurant (the hamburger barn) is bringing the food and drinks.; contact: Mondria: 479-78-EARTH;; organization: Ozark Mountain Hemp - 479-78-EARTH;;

Ft. Smith: Mondria Hamilton 479-78-EARTH Ozark Mountain Hemp, 925 Garrison Ave., Ft. Smith, AR 72901

Ft. Wayne, Indiana, USA: Nick: (260) 496-8542;;

Ft. Worth, Texas, USA: Chet:;

Ft. Worth: "Chet Frank" 5600 North beach St., Fort Worth TX 76137

Garberville : 707 923 4488 "Paul Encimer" Box 162, Piercy CA 95587; or "jeri"

Garberville, California, USA: Paul: 707 923 4488;; jeri:;

Geneva, Switzerland: Delta9: +41 22 800 22 32; +41 22 800 22 33(Fax);;

Geneva: SŽction Genve CSC, c/o Delta9, 21 Bd St-Georges, 1204 Genve, Phone: +41 22 800 22 32, Fax: +41 22 800 22 33, Email:

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Michael: 902 865-8606;; organization: HempWorks -

Halifax: 902 865-8606 Michael Patriquin HempWorks, 93 Orchard Dr, Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia B4E 3B3

Hamburg, Germany: contact: Martina: ++49 40 4394493;;

Hamburg: Martina Katzsch ++49 40 4394493 Kulturhaus Eppendorf about 70 people in '02.

Hamilton, Bermuda: There will be a rally at Astwood Park, south shore from 2PM - untill. Come Enjoy the music, sign petitions, express your views; there is a scheduled forum for May. Come and let's change Bermuda laws.; contact: Queen Selassie:; organization: H.E.M.P - Healers Educating Misinformed People

Hartford, Connecticut, USA: Mike: 860-283-6112;;


Hayward, California, USA: concert? maybe; contact: Rebecca: 510.481.5349;;

Hayward: Rebecca Oliver 510.481.5349 617 grant ave, slz, ca 94580 Event Location : Hayward BART Organization : Loose Confederation of Med. Mari Users Rally @ BART station & march in the San Francisco parade, as soon as they get it together--concert? maybe.

Hearst, Ontario, Canada: Les: 705-362-8402;;

Hearst: "Les Neron" 1-705-362-8402 Robert Neron(Federal Exemptee) Box:1346, Hearst Ontario P0L 1N0

Helsinki : Finnish Cannabis Association Finnish Cannabis Association, Sorvaajankatu 9 A, 00810 Helsinki, Finland 800 participants in '02.

Helsinki, Finland:; organization: Finnish Cannabis Association -;

Hilo, Hawaii, USA: Roger: (808) 961-0488;;

Hilo: Roger Christie (808) 961-0488 200 in '02.

Houston, Texas, USA: Dean: (281)752-9198;;

Houston: Dean Farrell or (281)752-9198. c/o Dean Becker, 11215 Oak Spring, Houston, TX 77043 Total attendance was about 5 hundred in '02. Narc infiltrators mar event.

Hull, UK: contact: Carl: +44 01482 494789;

Hull: Carl Wagner phone: +44 01482494789 5 Victoria Square, Ella Street, Hull HU5 3AL, U.K. 3-400 on March grew to 1,000 in jam in Pearson Park. Cops backed down after threatening arrest because of media frenzy.

Huntsville, Alabama, USA: Literature will be distributed as we call for the liberation of cannabis and the release of drug war prisoners.; contact: Corey: 256-325-4372;; Angel:; Acorn: 256-489-2607;;

Huntsville: Angel Starlin or "Acorn" 256-489-2607 or

Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: Neal: 317-335-6023;;

Indianapolis: Neal Smith, , 317-335-6023 Voice Mail, 3601 N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis, IN 46205 175 participants at peak in '02.

Ithaca, New York, USA: (in front of Willard Straight Hall and by the belltower); contact: Adam:;

Ithaca: Adam Hirsch , 301 Bryant Ave Apt # 5, Ithaca, NY 14850. 200 marchers in quiet protest in '02.

Jackson, Mississippi, USA: march; contact: Anthony: 601-366-2884;;

Jackson: 601-366-2884 Anthony Harville, 3413 N. State St., Jackson, MS 39216

Jerusalem, Israel: Joseph: (011 972) 55-344-859;;

Jerusalem: Joseph (011 972) 55-344-859

Kansas City, Missouri, USA: 'its a beautiful day'; David: 816-678-7447; 816 931 6169;;

Kansas City: David 816-678-7447, 'its a beautiful day' 3918 broadway, kansas city mo. 64111... 816 931 6169.

Kendallville, Indiana, USA: Andrew: 260-349-1029;

Kendallville: 260-349-1029 Andrew Guthrie, 15-31 S. Main,Kendallville, IN 46755

Kingston, Jamaica: May 2: petition presentation to Prime Minister at Jamaica House, Kingston; May 3: march and concert/reasoning in Kingston; Paul: (876) 972-0817;;; Jah Lion: (876) 426-5731;; Irie Lion: (876) 854-1600; (876) 794-8087(Fax);

Kingston: Paul Chang (876) 972-0817 or or Other phones Jamaica: (876) 426-5731 Jah Lion; (876) 854-1600 Irie Lion; Facsimile Jamaica (876) 794-8087 Mail: PO Box 24, Laughlands, St. Ann, Jamaica Details: May 2: petition presentation to Prime Minister at Jamaica House, Kingston; May 3: march and concert/reasoning in Kingston

Knoxville, Tennessee, USA: Aerow:;

Knoxville: Aerow Albrook Matt Barker 316 Russfield Dr., Knoxville, TN 37922

Lansing, Michigan, USA: Certified ASL interpreters; Kathy: 517-628-3915;;

Lansing: Kathy Kennedy 517-628-3915 or e-mail: "kathy kennedy" Certified ASL interpreters

Lawrence, Kansas, USA: contact: Chase: 785-979-8465;; organization: KU SSDP -; Students for Sensible Drug Policy

Lawrence: KU SSDP Chase Cookson 785-979-8465

Leipzig, Germany: C.U. Rolf: 03412131477;;;; veejaykay:;;

Leipzig: Phone: 0341-2112022 (ask for Ben) or, j–rg klepsch, simildenstr.12, 04277 Leipzig-germany There will be a parade, followed by an open-air party.

Levin, New Zealand: the park will become a prohibition-free zone, with Norml information stand and discussions including growing, safe smoking, law reform and much more. Sponsors: Knaster Hanf; contact: 06-368-8181;; organization: Levin NORML -

Lexington, Kentucky, USA: Gatewood: 859-259-1522;;

Lexington: Gatewood Gailbrath 859-259-1522

Limburg, Germany: Rally, Interviews with the people, Music (Söllner, Joint Venture, Witthüser and Westrupp), Signatur campaign, information, research material about hemp.; contact: Valentin: +49 6431 74185; +49 177 5024425;; Fasanenstraße 665553 Limburg

Limburg: (Valentin Batlle) +49 6431 74185 2002, 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Limburg City Europaplatz M.M.M-Event with Music (Söllner, Joint Venture ...)

Little Rock, Arkansas, USA: Patrick: 501-697-0305;;

Little Rock: Patrick Ledford 501-697-0305 or Jamie Collins 45 marchers at State Capitol in '02, not one arrest.

Ljubljana, Slovenia: "Manifestation Against Prohibition of Truth." The event, starting at 3 pm, will in addition to speakers and music groups also host various workshops.; The purpose of the event is not only to achieve changes in legislation in the field of growing and using cannabis, but it also concentrates on media and politicians’ attitude towards this problem.; At 9 pm, the happening will continue in club SubSub as well as in two clubs in Metelkova City.; contact: Tina: who wish to express their opinion on cannabis prohibition at the event should e-mail it along with their name and address); Mojca: 0038641786490;;;; organizations: Student Organisation ŠOU Ljubljana - ŠOU Maribor, Škis - Konoplja - DrogArt - Mladi Forum - Mladi liberalni demokrati -

Ljubljana: #352; ou-Lj, Kersnikova 4, 1000 Ljubljana or Mojca Štraus 0038641786490 Vinski vrh5a, 3240 Šmarje pri jelšah, Ljubljana, Slovenia Rally Concert

London, UK: Shane: 020 8671 5936; 07931 243 855;; Chris: 020 7637 7467; 0870 0548646(Fax);; organization: ICC (UK) - PO Box 2243 London, W1A 1YF, UK International Cannabis Coalition

London: Festival HQ: Shane 020 8671 5936. or International Cannabis Coalition (UK), PO Box 2243, London, W1A 1YF, UK. Chris: 020 7637 7467. Fax: 0870 0548646. Email: 10,000 on the march, 30,000 at the festival; no police problems.

Los Angeles, California, USA: Sister Somayah: 323-232-0935;

Los Angeles: Sister Somayah 323-232-0935 175 participants, S. Central.

Lucern: Sektion Luzern SHK, c/o Henry Serges, Bruchstrasse 48, 6003 Luzern, Email:

Lucerne, Switzerland: Henry:;

Lugano, Switzerland: Andreas: +41 91 923 40 85(Fax);;

Lugano: Sezione Ticino CSC, c/o Andreas Arnold, via Massagno 34, 6900 Lugano, Fax: +41 91 923 40 85, Email:

Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Paul: 00352 26 53 08 95; 091 690 355;;

Luxembourg: Paul HallŽLIFE Tel: 00352 26 53 08 95 Pol tel: 091 690 355 Initiativ fir eng tolerant Cannabispolitik address: LIFE, 53, Val des Aulnes, L-3811 Schifflange, Luxembourg Luxemburg (LU)

Lyon, France: +33 (0)4 72 71 04 77; +33 (0)4 72 71 06 93(Fax);;

Lyon: Tel +33 (0)4 72 71 04 77, Fax + 33 (0)4 72 71 06 93 La Maison du Chanvre sarl, 147, grande rue de la Guillotière, 69007 Lyon - FRANCE.

Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Ben: 608-257-5456;;

Madison: Ben Masel 40 to 120 participants.

Maimitown: "The Happy Hemptress"

Manchester, UK: 0161 834 1130;; organization: Cannabis Coalition (Manchester) -

Manchester: Cannabis Coalition (Manchester), 57 Church Street, Smithfield Buildings, Manchester, M4. Tel: 0161 834 1130. email: 600 marchers in '02.

Marburg, Germany: contact: Jo: 06631/801512;

Marburg: Gr¸ne Hilfe Hessen, c/o Jo, Tel/Fax: 06631/801512 Location: Cafe Am Gr¸n 70 guests attended.

Melbourne, Florida, USA: Kevin: (321)-726-6656; Jodi: 321-253-3673; organizations: FL CAN - CAMM - Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana

Melbourne: Kevin Aplin FL CAN (321)-726-6656. Jodi James - Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana 321-253-3673. 200 in parade, total media coverage; one obstruction of justice citation for filming a cop ticketing some one for an open container.

Mexico City, Mexico: Marcha Informativa, batucada y diversión; contact: Tato:; Camello:; organization: AMECA -; Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Sobre el Cannabis

Mexico City: +5300 5774 email: or or"Tato" "Camello" "Asoc. Mexicana de Estudios Sobre el Cannabis" Leopoldo Rivera Rivera/AsociaciÛn Mexicana de Estudios sobre el Cannabis, Amapola # 35, col. Jardines del Molinito, Naucalpan, Estado de MÈxico. CP. 53530 MEXICO or Adolfo Prieto 1003, Col. del Valle, C.P. 03100, Mexico, D.F. or Samuel Martínez Ramírez Av. Azcapotzalco #193-4 Col. Clavería Mexico D.F.,, Almost 300 people in '02.

Miami, Florida, USA: A smoke out/drum circle in Peacock Park with lots of good buds.; contact: Nelg Nella: 954-929-7025;; Janine: (561) 702-5004; 561-706-1670;;

Miamitown, Florida, USA: "The Happy Hemptress": 513-684-HEMP;;

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA: Domini: 414-469-0899;;

Milwaukee: "Dominic Salmaan" 1525 E. Royall (Apt # 14), Milw., WI 53202. Over 100 people marched for 3 1/2 hrs. in '02. No police problems.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA: Chris: 612-522-5374;; organization: Grassroots Party -

Minneapolis: Grassroots Party or Chris Wright 612-522-5374. 400 folks, no arrests in '02.

Missoula, Montana, USA: We'll gather on the island and then march en masse to Caras Park just after 4:20.; contact: John: 406 542-8696;; organization: Montana NORML -;

Missoula: John Masterson, Montana NORML 406 542-8696. Approx. 420 participants in '02.

Montpelier, Vermont, USA: Vermont State House Lawn, Montpelier, VT, 12 noon to 6pm, march through downton Montpelier at 2pm.; contact: Rama: (802) 433-5441;;

Montpelier: Rama Schneider (802) 433-5441 address: 1614 Gilbert Road, Williamstown, VT 05679 Several people handed out literature in '02.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada: The exact route of the March has not yet been decided. We anticipate more of a fun celebration, rather than a political protest.; contact: Marc-Boris: (514)528.1768;;

Montreal: Marc-Boris St-Maurice (514)528.1768 3,000 marched 4 1/2 miles; no cops in '02.

Moscow, Russia: we're not planniing any public actions in Moscow this year. However, spontaneous actions might take place......; Headmaster:;


Munich, Germany:;

Nashville, Tennessee, USA: Howie & Marivuana: (615)ACT-HIGH;;;

Nashville: "Howie & Marivuana Leinoff" or (615)ACT-HIGH. 150 marchers, no arrests; first tv coverage in '02.

New Orleans : Daisy 504-957-HERB email:

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA: Daisy: 504-957-HERB;;

New Paltz, New York, USA: Rock Against Racism IV and The Global March for Cannabis Liberation New Paltz Leg - Rain or Shine - Big Top Tents; Free and Open To The Public; "Tony Vacca/World Rhythms with Massamba Diop"(Xylephones, Tama, Djembe, electric bass, and more!), "The High Times Cannabis Cup Band"(Reggae), "Buddha Fulla Rymez"(Detroit Hip Hop), "The Shadowmaps" & "ToeMosh"(Battle of the Bands Finalists), and more TBA; Speakers Include: Dhoruba Bin Wahad (Co-Founder Black Liberation Army/Senior Member of The Black Panther Party/Wrongly Imprisoned 20 years), Mary Barr (Prison Reform Activist/ReconsiDer Speaker Bureau); Speakers Include: Cliff Thornton (National NORML/SSDP Board Member), NJ Weedman (Ed Forchion Medical Marijuana Activist/Political Prisoner), Robert Robinson (Advisor New Paltz NORML/SSDP), plus many more TBA!; Sponsored by: The Student Association, NYPERG, Synthesis, MAPI, QSU & NYSCAN Vendors, Free Information, Petitions, March, Rally, Concert, Fun, Legal Hemp, Letter Writing, Voter Registration, Great People, Good Vibes, Plus So Much More!; contact: (845) 257-2687;; organizations: New Paltz NORML - PO Box 775 New Paltz, NY 12561 Rock Against Racism IV & The Global March For Cannabis Liberation is hosted & produced By New Paltz NORML/SSDP SSDP (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) - Rock Against Racism IV & The Global March For Cannabis Liberation is hosted & produced By New Paltz NORML/SSDP

New Paltz: NORML / SSDP c/0 NY State CAN, PO Box 775, New Paltz, NY 12561 500 marchers, well over 2,000 at concert in '02.

New York City: Dana 212-677-7180 7,000 participants in '02. 148 arrests.

New York, New York, USA: march to City Hall; contact: Dana: 212-677-7180(24-7);; organization: Cures not Wars - #9 Bleecker Street New York, NY 10012 212-677-7180(24-7); 212-353-1670(Fax);; Cures not Wars is a non-profit orginization working for drug law reform, the Ibogaine cure for addiction, and clean needle exchange.

Newark, Delaware, USA: Richard: (302) 793-0716;; organization: Delaware Cannabis Society -

Newark: "Richard J. Schimelfenig" Delaware Cannabis Society, 63 Lawson Ave. Claymont, DE 19703 (302) 793-0716

Nimbin, Australia: contact: Max: 61 0266 891842;; (the 2003 Live webcast of what has historicaly been one of the biggest roll-ups on Earth)

Nimbin: Max Stone of the Australian Cannabis Law Reform Movement" ph: 61 0266 891842 24,000 participants in '02. No arrests.

Normal, Illinois, USA: Zach: 309-275-6112;; Miriam: 309-275-6110; organization: MASH -; Mobilizing Activists and Students for Hemp

Normal: Nearly 1,000 participants in '02. Zach Thomas and Miriam Sterlin, Mobilizing Activists and Students for Hemp (MASH) Phone # : 309-275-6112/309-275-6110 e-mail:

Nuernberg, Germany: Emanuel: 0049-(0) 911-535433;; organization: Green Party - +0049-172-818-2178;;

Oberlin, Ohio, USA: Patty: (440)774-4544;;

Oberlin: Patty Hallman (440)774-4544) c/o Stitch by Stitch & Curiousities, 31 South Main Street, Oberlin, OH 44074

Ogden, Utah, USA: Happy: 801-393-2735;;

Ogden: Happy Gorder 801-603-4720 1065 Wall Ave (85A), Ogden, UT 84404

Omaha, Nebraska, USA: We will be meeting beforehand to make signs.; contact: Paul: (402)598-6180;; organization: NORML -

Omaha: Paul Tripp,, (402)598-6180 12216 Poppleton Plz. #238, Omaha, NE, 68144 Over 30 participants in '02.

Orlando, Florida, USA: Kacie: (407)895-3492;;

Orlando: Kacie Grange (407)895-3492

Oslo, Norway: contact: Torkel: +47 99 32 59 61;; organization: NORMAL - +47 22 46 39 84;;

Oslo: Mariann: Postal: NORMAL, Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0158 Oslo, Norway 3000+ participants. No arrests.

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Don: 613-749-3014;; Rick: 613-756-2961; Rob: 613-756-5892;

Paducah, Kentucky, USA: Rally at the Plaza! Special celebrity speakers include: George 'The Living Proof' McMahon(legal Federal marijuana patient), Christopher Largens(international journalist), Fat Freddy(Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comic book hero),; Speakers include: Kathy Lyons(KY hemp & marijuana activist), Reverend Roland A. Duby(KY cannabis comic), Cher Ford-McCullough(KY State Director AAMC and Compassionate Moms), Randy Cheatham(Jacksonville, Florida CAN); March! Live music by Ropel-Ash Band(Bardwell, KY) & various entertainment throughout the day. Sponsored in part by: KY/AAMC, Compassionate Moms, Cures-Not-Wars, Cannabis Culture Magazine; contact: Cher: (270) 362-8186;;

Paducah: Cher Ford-McCullough Postal: 65 Cabin Lane, Gilbertsvile, Ky. 42044 or Brian (270) 362-8186 50 marchers, 90 at rally, one undercover in '02.

Pagosa Springs, Colorado, USA: Steve: 719-964-8174;;

Pagosa Springs: Steve Poleski 719-964-8174

Paradise, California, USA: Virgil: 530-877-5814;

Paradise: Virgil Hales 530-877-5814

Paris, France: Like in 2001 and 2002, for MMM 2003 there will be rallies around France (Montpellier, Lyon, Rennes, Marseille, Lille, Annecy,...) and in Paris, the nation-wide gathering in Bastille place 3:00 PM.; contact: farid: 00 33 (1) 44 93 93 57(Fax); 00 33 (1) 40 09 69 75;;;

Paris: FARId GHEHIOUECHE 06 148 156 79 ; 5, rue de Tombouctou 75018 PARIS or CAM-RD 9, passage Dagorno 75020 PARIS Tel : 00 33 (1) 40 09 69 75 Fax : 00 33 (1) 44 93 93 57 Like in 2001 and 2002, for MMM 2003 there will be rallies around France (Montpellier, Lyon, Rennes, Marseille, Lille, Annecy,...) and in Paris, the nation wide gathering in Bastille place 3:00 PM.

Parkersburg, West Virginia, USA: contact: Cindy: 304-428-1726;; organizations: Mountaineers for Medical Cannabis - P.O. Box 1151 Parkersburg, WV 26101 American Alliance for Medical Cannabis -

Parkersburg: "Cindy Wimer" "Mountaineers for Medical Marijuana" 304-428-1726

Patterson, California, USA: David: 209-892-6640;;

Patterson: David Germolus 209-892-6640

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: We will March from 8th and South to Headhouse Square (aproximately at 2nd and South) and have our rally there. Bring a sign & a friend or two: Speakers, open mike, & more. (We ask that people don't smoke during the march, for the comfort of others); contact: chuck: 610-279-6358;  chuckp@CritPath.Org; Dirty & Kaya:;

Philadelphia: "chuck palmer" 610-279-6358 100 participants, no arrests in '02.

Phoenix, Arizona, USA: Rally @ Encanto park; contact: donovan: 602-486-6145;; rex: 602-618-4521; organization: Conscience Credence Cannabis Committee - POB 86112 Phoenix, AZ 85080-6112 602-200-9461;

Phoenix: 602-200-9461 Conscience Credence Cannabis Committee POB 86112, Phoenix, AZ 85080-6112 donovan criss 602-486-6145 1635 w. grovers av. phoenix,az 85023 or rex 602-618-4521 2222 w beardsly rd #1119 phoenix,az 85027 Rally @ Encanto park

Pilsen, Czech Republic: pavla: ++3282488420; ++43428098;;;

Pilsen: "pavla kozakova" 200 people and one sound system in central park in '02. No arrests.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA: Frank: 412-247-3674;

Pittsburgh: Frank Carr 412-247-3674

Pordenone, Italy: Anna: ++3282488420;; Ivan: ++43428098;

Pordenone: Anna Cavezzali & Ivan Romano , Via Firenze 5, 33080 Porcia, PN, Italy ++3282488420 ++43428098

Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada: contact: Alex: 250-723-2547;; Anil: 250-724-7196;;

Portland, Oregon, USA: Madeline: (503) 239-6110;; organization: Oregon NORML - PO Box 86443 Portland, OR

Portland: (503) 239-6110 MMM 2002 Committee c/o Oregon NORML (OrNORML) PO Box 86443, Portland, OR 97286 Madeline Martinez or Steven M. Cooper Volunteer Coordinator Grew from 200 people, no arrests.

Potsdam, Germany: All-day hemp event; contact: 0331-7405540;;

Potsdam:, Tel. 0331-7405540, All-day hemp event.

Prague, Czech Republic: Michael: +420 603 872631; +420 2 33358050;;

Prague: Michael "xChaos" Polak Tel: +420 603 872631 / +420 2 33358050 1-2,000 participants in '02, with hundreds more in nearby park. No marijuana related arrests in Prague (police just arrested offender, who broke police car window, but this was after MMM officially ended).

Providence, Rhode Island, USA: Tom: (401) 737-7057;;

Providence: "Tom Angell" (401) 737-7057 or Just 6 people in '02.

Raleigh-Durham: Bryan T. Moore 124 S. Applewood Ct., Rocky Mount NC 27803 phone (919) 247-2644 or Chris Harris (919)368-5913 or "Jeff Badalucco" 919-247-2644 238 124 S. Applewood Ct., Rocky Mount NC 27803 Raleigh NC MMM will be held at the Capitol Building from 4-9pm on Saturday May 3rd.

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA: Raleigh, NC MMM will be held all day at the Fayetteville St. Pedestrian Mall (downtown); Drum circle! Bring your drums!; Free concert! The Valient Thorr, The Kickass, The Bruce, Prelude to Damnation, The Escape Artists, and more!; contact: Brian: (919)816-0609;; Jeff: 919-247-2644;;

Rapid City, South Dakota, USA: Bob: 605-255-4032;;

Rapid City: Bob Newland 605-255-4032 website: 300 marchers in '02.

Reno, Nevada, USA: SUPREME COURT JUDGE JIM GRAY will be a guest speaker, as well as local university student - BILL. we will be doing voter registration and signing the "truth in trials act" letters to give to JIM GIBBONS.; i will also have examples of hemp products to show people what is out there.; contact: Michelle: 775-287-1594;;

Reno: Michelle 775-287-1594

Reykjavik, Iceland: Ritstjóri:;

Reykjavik: Tinna BreiÝfjšrÝ Ritstjóri

Richmond, Virginia, USA: Free Music: Child, Southern Funk Orchestra, Project G-nome, Bliss, Speak Easy, Richmond Dub Collective, E-String Al. There will be speakers, games, demonstrations, exhibits, voter registration, food, hemp food & more. Speakers from many reform groups.; we are exercising our Constitutionally-protected rights to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. We strongly urge that all attendees never break even a stupid, unconstitutional law when you're likely to be caught!; March to Capitol Square; brief rally there, back to the park for more music/education/fun.; contact: Roy: (804)355-7612;; Cera: 1-800-669-2466 ext. 800-800-HEMP;;

Richmond: "Roy B. Scherer" (804)355-7612 or S.L. Barker (RCHO) Monroe Park

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Luiz:; +55-21-9885 9162;;

Rio de Janeiro: +55 - 21 - 9885 9162 or "Luiz Paulo" 500 participants in '02.

Roanoke, Virginia, USA: Marty: 540 772 6355;;

Roanoke: "Marty" 540 772 6355

Rockford, Illinois, USA: Kane: 815-871-8747;;

Rockford: Kane Keller 815-871-8747 c/o

Rome, Italy: Michela: mgesuald@ilmanifesto; organization: Segreteria Forte Prenestino -;

Rome: "Segreteria Forte Prenestino" or Michela Gesualdo 10-15,000 participants in '02.

Rosario, Argentina: +54 - 341- 4642699; +54-341-155093184;;

Rosario: +54 - 341-4201291 or +54 - 341- 4642699 E-mail: Corrientes 1307, 2000 - Rosario- ARGENTINA Nearly 400 participants in '02.

Salem, Oregon, USA: March and Rally plans TBA-- probably high noon around state capital building; contact: 503.363-4588;; organization: Medical Cannabis Resource Center -

Salem: 503.363-4588 Medical Cannabis Resource Center, 1695 Fairgrounds Rd.,Salem, Oregon 97303 March and Rally plans TBA-- probably high noon around state capital building

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Ken: 801-334-8122;;; Ben: 801-533-5267;;

Salt Lake City: Dr. Ken Larsen (801) 533-8658 856 E. 100 South (#2), Salt Lake City, UT 84102 or Ben Valdez 801-533-5267 300 noisy marchers, no arrests.

San Diego, California, USA: Donna: (619) 223-1050;;

San Diego: Donna Lee (619) 223-1050 Approximately 50-75 attendees. NO POLICE! NO PROBLEMS!

San Francisco, California, USA: Clark: (415) 724-5081;; organization: Hemp Evolution -;

San Francisco: Hemp Evolution/Clark Sullivan (415) 724-5081 "freeman sullivan" 4,000 participants in '02, no arrests.

San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA: we will be concentrating on bridging the gap between the English speaking community and Spanish speaking communities; Alejandro: 787-345-9036;;

San Juan: Alejandro "Zen" Otero postal: 425 carr. 693 PMB 130 Dorado PR 00646-4802 Tel# 787-345-9036 we will be concentrating on bridging the gap between the English speaking community and Spanish speaking communities.

San Luis Obispo, California, USA: Donovan: 805-474-8742;; Jo-D: 805.937.0034;

San Luis Obispo: Donovan No Runner 805-474-8742 or Jo-D: 805.937.0034

San Marcos, Texas, USA: contact: Joe: 512.754.0264;;; Rose: 512 3960580;; organization: Hemptown Rock - 232 N. LBJ San Marcos Texas 78666 512 3960580;

San Marcos: Joe Ptak: 512.754.0264 Email: Postal: 505 Patricia, San Marcos, TX; 78666

Santa Clara, California, USA: Lisa:;

Santa Clara: "Lisa"

Santa Cruz, California, USA: DdC:; list);;

Santa Cruz: DdC This will be the 2nd annual Marijuana Liberation Day for Schertz Texas. Come out and show the people that You support the legalization of marijuana.; contact: Justis:;

Schertz: This will be the 2nd annual Marijuana Liberation Day for Schertz Texas. Come out and show the people that you support the legalization of marijuana.

Schlitz (Hessen): Grüne Hilfe Hessen, c/o Jo, Tel/Fax: 06631/801512 Demonstration: "Gebt das Hanf frei!" from 14:00 at the Schlosspark, with Live-music, info booths, etc

Schlitz, Germany: Grüne Hilfe Hessen, Demonstration: "Gebt das Hanf frei!", with Live-music, info booths, etc; contact: Jo: 06631/801512; 06631/801512(Fax);

Seminole, Florida, USA:;


Sioux City, Iowa, USA: clint:;

Sioux City: clint boatman 5305 Stone Ave, Sioux City, Ia 51106

Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA: Bob: 605-255-4032;;

Sioux Falls: Bob Newland 605-255-4032 website:

Sofia, Bulgaria: Chris:;

Sofia: Chris Pantchev Xpu100

Soltau, Germany: Sven: 05191-975296;;

Soltau: 05191-975296 50 people, one police activity.

South Bend, Indiana, USA: Seitz Park will have a Rainbow Farm memorial ceremony and a "Shattered Lives" display.; Ibogaine press conference; March at 4:20pm on Madison Center drug rehab complex to demand the release of cannabis users from forced treatment (brainwashing) and demonstrate for market separation and drug treatment reform (Ibogaine.); contact: Jay: 269-697-4521;;

South Bend: Jay Statzer 269-697-4521 Noon-5:00pm Seitz Park where Jefferson Ave. crosses the St. Joe River. Ibogaine press conf. 2:30pm March at 4:20pm on Madison Center drug rehab complex to demand the release of cannabis users from forced treatment (brainwashing) and demonstrate for market separation and drug treatment reform (Ibogaine.) Seitz Park will have a Rainbow Farm memorial ceremony and a "Shattered Lives" display.

Spokane, Washington, USA: Darren: 509-998-3405;;

Spokane: Darren McCrea 509-998-3405 4807 N. Adams, Spokane, WA 99205

Springfield, Missouri, USA: The march will begin on the Springfield Square at 4:20 sharp, and will take approximately 1 hour (allowing time for dawdling); contact: Al: (417) 885-3993;; Joe: (417) 877-6832;;

Springfield: Al Minta (417) 885-3993, 635 E. Cardinal St., Springfield, MO 65810 or Joe Setzer (417) 877-6832 137 Hackberry Lane, Seymour, MO 65746 The march will begin on the Springfield Square at 4:20 sharp, and will take approximately 1 hour (allowing time for dawdling).

St. Louis, Missouri, USA: 314-567-8522;; organization: St. Louis Area NORML - PO Box 220243 St. Louis, MO 63122

St. Louis: 314-567-8522 or St. Louis Area NORML , PO Box 220243, St. Louis, MO 63122. 600 marched to the Arch for cannabis reform.

Starks, Maine, USA: marijuana maypole, infoshop, open jam; contact: 207-696-8879;;

Starks: 207-696-8879 March from Harry Brown's Farm to the Town Offices in Starks, Maine May 3rd 10 am

Stavanger, Norway: contact: Helena: +47 99 32 59 61;; organization: NORMAL - +47 22 46 39 84;; Norwegian Organisation for Reform of the Marijuana Laws

Stavanger: Helena Moe Hoines NORMAL, Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0158 Oslo, Norway

Stuart, Florida, USA: chad: 561-213-7307;;

Stuart: "chad cooke" chad cooke 561-213-7307 719-a northview drive, jupiter,florida. 33458

Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, Canada: We have a few speakers, vendors...of course the Sacred Tree of Life will be burning during the whole event.; March! We will march down Coursol road, along Front Street to King Street, to John Street and back to the event grounds.; contact: Michael: 705 753-4756;; organization: Tarzan's Mission of the Sacred Herb -

Sturgeon Falls: Bro Michael Ethier 705 753-4756 ..c/o Tarzan's Mission of the Sacred Herb,171 Queen Street, Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, Canada P2B 2G2

Stuttgart, Germany: Infobooth;;

Stuttgart:, Infobooth

Syracuse, New York, USA: Jacqueline:; organization: SSDP -

Syracuse: Jacqueline Carroll

Tampa, Florida, USA: Anthony: 1-888-210-0425(Pager, Daytime);;

Tampa: Anthony Lorenzo 1-888-210-0425 toll free pager Over 100 participants in '02.

Tampere, Finland: MMM touring around central areas starts 14:00 at Hämeenpuisto/Metso; contact: Janne:; Lasse:; organization: Hamppukaupunki -;

Tampere: Janne Puustelli Kanavatie 10 as 1, 37500 Lemp, Finland, EU or Lasse Pihlainen Annalankatu 11 C 31, 33710 Tampere; Org: Hamppukaupunki MMM touring around central areas starts 14:00 at Hämeenpuisto/Metso

Tel Aviv, Israel: Boaz: 972-54-573679;;

Tel Aviv: Boaz Wachtel -- Tel:972-54-573679 PO Box 2983, Even Yehuda, 40500 Israel -- 4,000 participants in '02.

Telluride, Colorado, USA: Robert: 970-708-2348;;

Telluride: 970-708-2348 Robert Schmid, POB 13, Placerville, CO 81430 In '02, 75 folks marched past the Courthouse, then rallied for about an hour for speeches.

Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada: Doug: 807-475-7436;;

Thunder Bay: Doug Thompson 807-475-7436 75 participants, no cops, no media.

Tokyo, Japan: Takao - Cannabist: +81-3-3706-6885;;

Tokyo: Takao Bakuya (Cannabist) +81-3-3706-6885 800 participants in '02.

Toledo, Ohio, USA: Sandy: 419-381-0901; organization: Marijuana Party - 419-381-9461;

Toledo: Sandy Coty 419-381-0901

Toronto, Ontario, Canada: food, entertainment, parade, and some good ol times; contact: Larry: (416)540-7829; (416)242-2635(Fax);; organization: Toronto Area Association / Marijuana Party of Canada - (416)367-3459;

Toronto: Larry Duprey (416)540-7829 fax(416)242-2635 or Toronto Area Association / Marijuana Party of Canada, 132 Dundas St. East, Toronto, On M5B 1E2 (416)367-3459 3-6,000 participants in '02.

Traverse City, Michigan, USA: Melody: (231)885-2993;;

Traverse City: Melody Karr (231)885-2993 PO Box 524 Mesick, MI 49668. or 10954 Birch Road Mesick MI 49668. 70 marchers, hundreds of spectators in '02.

Trondheim, Norway: contact: Jorgen: +47 99 32 59 61;; organization: NORMAL - +47 22 46 39 84;; Norwegian Organisation for Reform of the Marijuana Laws

Trondheim: Jørgen: Postal: NORMAL, Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0355 Oslo, Norway 200 participants in '02.

Tucson, Arizona, USA: mary: (520)323-2947;;

Tucson: mary mackenzie (520)323-2947 or 3400 east speedway, #118, tucson, arizona 85716 Over 200 participants in '02.

Tula, Russia: Boris:;


Turku, Finland: Vihreet:;

Turku: Vihreet Pantterit 300 participants in '02. 10 counter-demonstrators.

Ukiah, California, USA: Verge: 707-882-2457;;

Ukiah: Verge Belanger "v belanger" Tommy Gunn, 528 North State St. #1, Ukiah, Ca. 95482 300 participants in '02.

Upper Lake, Ca.: Linda & Eddy Lepp"linda senti" 707-275-8879 Signed up 131 new patients in '02.

Upper Lake, California, USA: Linda: 707-275-8879;;

Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA: Friday May 2nd; contact: Kate: (217) 332-3169;;

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: There will be bands, speakers, and prizes for best signs and costumes. Bands include locals Bud Freque, Contraband, Big "B", Jacob Cino and Bounty Hunta. To help put up posters, please drop by the BCMP HQ at 307 West Hastings street.; contact: David: 604 682-1172;; organization: Marijuana Party -

Vancouver: David Malmo-Levine, BC Marijuana Party Bookstore and Internet Broadcasting Center, 307 West Hastings Tel. 604 682-1172 2,000 marchers in '02.

Ventura, California, USA: Meet at the Park at Thompson Blvd and Chestnut at 1:00 PM; march through downtown; contact: Amber: 805 653-5633;; Dayna: 805 890-6855;;;

Ventura: Amber Lessing 805 653-5633 or Dayna Barrios or 805 890-6855 Meet at the Park at Thompson Blvd and Chestnut at 1:00 PM; march through downtown

Vermilion, Ohio, USA: contact: Sonny: 967-6069;;

Vermilion: Sonny Morris 967-6069 309 devonshire More than 100 people partied in the park, no problems in '02.

Vienna, Austria: Bushdoctor: +43 (01) 524 04 40; +43 (01) 524 04 24(Fax);;

Vienna: 5. Hanffeuer, Bushdoctor Phone: +43 (01) 524 04 40, Fax: +43 (01) 524 04 24, Kirchengasse 19, A-1070, Vienna, Austria"

Walton, Kansas, USA: Dave: 620-837-4496;;

Walton: Dave Baughman 620-837-4496 124 S. Walton Ave., Walton, Kansas 67151 Around 50 participants in '02.

Warszawa, mazowsze: Adam Wojtasiewicz +48503692715 ul. Mickiewicza 72/15 01-650 Warszawa Poland

Warszawa, Poland: Adam: +48503692715;;

Washington, D.C., USA: We are having speakers & rally first, then the march, then music.; contact: Toni:; BRANDON:  steffy1321@AOL.COM;

Washington, D.C.:Toni Keane

Wellington Ben Knight NORML NZ , PO Box 27-315, Wellington +64 25 377509

Wellington, New Zealand: Sponsors: Switched On Gardener, Knaster Hanf; contact: Ben: +64 25 377509;; our wellington crew if you can help); our wellington crew if you can help); organization: NORML NZ - PO Box 27-315 Wellington, New Zealand

Wenatchee, Washington, USA: Jennifer: 509-662-1338;;

Wenatchee: 509-662-1338 Jennifer Warford, 507 Woodward dr., Wenatchee, Washington 98801.

Wichita, Kansas, USA: I will plan a cookout with speakers, but will certainly discourage any smoking of the herb cannabis.; Debby: (316) 681 1743;; organizations: KS NORML -; Hemp Industries of Kansas -

Wichita: Debby Moore, CEOHemp Industries of Kansas 2742 E. 2nd Wichita, Kansas, 67214 (316) 681 1743; or c.a. riley, Kansas NORML 316.685.7869 Last year about thrity people met and marched through downtown Wichita. I will plan a cookout with speakers, but will certainly discourage any smoking of the herb cannabis.

Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada: smoke t!ll y0u fucken choke; contact: Chris:; 227-6417;;

Winnepeg: Chris Buors, mail to 430 Winterton ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2K 1K4 500 rallied at the Parliament Bldg in '02.

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA: Queen Selassie: (336)995-1737; (336) 995-4017;;

Winston-Salem: Queen Selassie (336) 995-1737 home (336) 995-4017 cell 4469 Indiana Ave, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27105 25 people stood under a pavilion in the rain.

Worcester, Massachusetts, USA: The parking situation is very bad; please park downtown and take a bus (#23, #26N, or #24) from City Hall on Main St.; protest rally and concert for support of reforming the marijuana laws. David "C.J. Bunn," whose home was raided by the police last month while in the hospital, hopes to act as Master of Ceremonies with David Peel, the "Woodie Gutherie of Yippie Politics."; Speakers include: Yakov Kronrod (organizer/Students for Legalization of Marijuana and Hemp), David "Captain Joint" Bunn (activist/board of directors Mass Cann),; Speakers include: Terry Franklin (2000 Candidate for State Rep. and activist with the U-Mass Cannabis Reform Coalition), Prof. George Phillies (Pioneer Valley Libertarian Association and Central Massachusetts Liberty Coalition),; Speakers include: Ron Madnick (Worcester chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union), Mark Braunstein (Medicinal MJ patient), Keith Saunders, P.hD (sociologist/board of directors Mass Cann),; Speakers include: Danny Bunn (a victim of Drug War), Jeanne "Gramma For Ganja" Ferguson (activist/board of directors Mass Cann); Musical acts(in order of appearance): Turn Table Terrorists(techno and DJs), 34 Spoons(rock and punk), Stratejacket(heavy metal), Racoon Village(Jam Band), spin*star(Rock), Rainshine(Rock), David Peel(Apple records), Rick Blaze, Trauma Concept(Metal); contact: C.J. & Judi: 413-245-3675;; Yuko: (508) 410-0846; organization: Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition\NORML - P.O. Box 0266 Georgetown, MA 01833-0366 781-944-2266; A State Affiliate of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

Worcester: C.J. & Judi Bunn, 413-245-3675 #90 Maybrook Rd, Holland, MA 01521 David Peel will be in Green Hill Park.

Zurich, Switzerland: Barbecue-Party in the Culture Centre in Seebach/Zurich; contact: +41 43 299 94 11; +41 43 299 92 12(Fax);;

Zurich: Sektion ZŸrich SHK, Glattalstr. 138, 8052 ZŸrich, Phone: +41 43 299 94 11, Fax +41 43 299 92 12, Email: Barbecue-Party in the Culture Centre in Seebach/Zurich

---------end of combined MMM city lists. Taken from: and and --See Dana Beal's last email.



*Please forward this alphabetical MMM city list, or its link, widely. Million Marijuana March. Global March for Cannabis Liberation. Over 200 cities worldwide the weekend of the first Saturday in May. Worldwide since 1999.

If you are reading a copy of this somewhere and can't see the full email addresses, then go to these versions of the MMM city list: and

227 MMM cities worldwide and counting!!! This is by counting the paragraphs (one per city) in the MMM city list at by using the "word count" command in the tools menu of Microsoft Word or the freeware AbiWord. Or use the "text statistics" command in the tools menu of the freeware NoteTab Light. The line breaks were removed in order to count the paragraphs correctly. Line breaks can be removed easily by using the "paste special" command in the edit menu of FrontPage. Or by using the "join lines" command in the modify menu of the freeware NoteTab Light. Also added into the city total are the 5 French cities (Montpellier, Rennes, Marseille, Lille, Annecy) mentioned in the Paris notes in Dana Beal's latest MMM city list found here:

35 years of Republicrat EVIL.
1968 to 2003. Creating the U.S.
Drug War Incarceration Nation
of arch-drug-warriors
Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II.
*Evil Drug War Prison Labor Camps! The Majority of the 2.1 million U.S. prisoners are incarcerated due to the Drug War! Drug crimes (24%), drug-related crimes (such as robbing to get money for drugs that are expensive because of the drug war), drug trade crimes, drug-related parole violations, etc.. The USA has 5% of the world's population and 24% (2.1 million) of the world's 8.75 million prisoners. As of the year 2000 the USA again had the world's highest incarceration rate! It is now 5 to 19 times higher than all other Western (long democratic traditions) nations. The U.S. rate is over 3 times higher than it was in 1980 during the first presidential election of far-right arch-drug-warriors Ronald (6) Wilson (6) Reagan (6) and Nancy ("Just Say No") Reagan. The U.S. rate is almost 5 times higher than in 1971 when arch-criminal "law-and-order" President Richard Nixon declared a "war on drugs." 6.5 million U.S. adults, or 3.1% of all U.S. adults, or 1 in 32 adults in the USA, were under correctional supervision (in jail, in prison, on probation, or on parole) at yearend 2000. That is when the true Millennium ended, and when the governor (1994 to 2000) of Texas, and President-select, George W. Bush, the moron Antichrist, left a legacy of a full 1% of all Texans incarcerated! 1.3% of Texas adults are imprisoned today! Bush government waste: It costs around $25,000 per prisoner per year. Texas leads all other U.S. states with 4.8 percent of the Texas adult population under correctional supervision: jail, prison, probation, parole. Statistics, references, links, and charts:
*The majority of the 2.1 million prisoners in the USA are in due to the 666 drug war! This Reagan-Revolution, Reaganomics-era, Republican-led, "kinder gentler" Beast came slithering in wearing corporatist politicians' suits, and the robes of judges and fundamentalist ministers. Click the mirror links: and

2.1 million U.S. prisoners.


Display the following comment

  1. Texas adults — maria008
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