Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega | 30.04.2003 08:55
According to the Book.-“DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACIÓN” (Spanish)(AMAZON)
-Of the Sociedad of the Information to theSociedad of the Useful Knowledge
-Of the Sociedad of the Useful Knowledge to the Sociedad of the Human beings. A new type of alienation: the one of the conocimiento.
According to the Book.-“DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACIÓN” (Spanish)(AMAZON)
-Of the Sociedad of the Information to theSociedad of the Useful Knowledge
-Of the Sociedad of the Useful Knowledge to the Sociedad of the Human beings. A new type of alienation: the one of the conocimiento.
“”DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION”(Spanish)"TEN HOURS WITH the GLOBALIZACION" (Author-Oscar Sanchez Fernandez of the Publishing Fertile valley -Netbiblo ISBN-84-9745-005-1 Obtains data on the book in:, www.NETBIBLO.COM,,,,
Of the Sociedad of the Information to theSociedad of the Useful Knowledge
Alvin Toffler calls first wave of change to which it began with agriculture does ten thousand years, second wave to which it approximately began three centuries ago and means with the Industrial Revolution and the Urbanism and third wave to which we are crossing at this moment, a last change that is deeper than the previous ones because he is global and in addition is extraordinarily fast.
One of the most important characteristics of this third wave is the proliferation of information and the possibility of transmitting it and of interchanging it by the network. This phenomenon is so important that single still affecting single 15 % of the world-wide population, already it has given to name to the new society the massive information him it grows exponentially and it flows by the communication networks of random and disordered way, without being contrasted by anybody, exceeding our capacity to process it by lack of time, which disables to us to know the importance the knowledge that so quickly is being generated the great challenge is to verify the information, to validate it within coordinates nonsingle ethical scientists but and to create the adapted instruments to transform it into useful knowledge for the humanity.
The great problem that this new society is creating is the progressive difficulty that supposes to assimilate that massive information that provides itself to us, blocking in many cases the appearance of scientifically correct knowledge and sinking to us paradoxicalally in a relative ignorance. The excess of information, can give rise to a lack of knowledge.
Perhaps would be more logical to recover certain tranquillity to value information and reach of knowledge, but not it seems to be that to such attitude it is wanted to give capacity to him in a world governed by a vertiginous competitiveness, that moves away to every day more than an advisable cooperation, towards that seemed to walk the Humanity after the two World wars. An accumulation of extraordinary information exists and perhaps the moment has arrived for objetivizar it, to rationalize it so that the same one becomes knowledge that we pruned to administer, to manage systematically and to apply, to objectives previously defined and that satisfy necessities with the new global society. We needed new public, private or mixed institutions, that dedicate their time to select, to classify and to hierarchize the information, orienting the syntheses to the creation of knowledge able to solve problematic human concrete of global interest.
Europe, that in the last decade clearly was surpassed by the U.S.A. in the technological land, with unquestionable capacity by its cultural antecedents, would have to take the advantage, in the creation of?núcleos? of assimilation and direction of the knowledge, in its multiple areas, that would make possible a relaunching of the inevitable process of globalización beyond their present economic coordinates that impoverish it totally. Also the market will have to be modulated by the global society and on the part of the powers public, to limit its desbocada avidity of productive knowledge. Several are the great dilemmas that are arising in relation to the knowledge: we must continue creating knowledge of uncontrolled and exponential way, they have something to see the supposed forces of a more and more omnipotente market with the regulation of the génesis of the knowledge, whose scientific verification begins to be outside control, we would have to be centered in the administration of the profits reached and to more orient the creation of the affluent knowledge towards defined of potential interest after all the Humanity, always compatible objectives with the collective and individual fundamental rights, and put under universal regulation?
Months ago it read an article in a newspaper that had the following holder: cataract of new genes puts in evidence the anarchy in its names. It seems to be that the genes that exert the same function in different organisms, have most of the times several denominations, sometimes up to twenty-five.
Until certain point we are before a necessity of compilation and codification of information, of verification of profits, similar to which developed to the alejandrino helenismo in him century III a.C., or the benedictine Mount translators Casino, the translators of Salerno and Toledo in the Low Average Age. Without them probably the Renaissance did not arise and without a selection under criteria of control of quality and codification of the accumulated knowledge to the day of today, hardly a new Renaissance, a new humanismo will arise, that of passage to the new modernity. At the moment there are no indications that not even so important questions consider, and what if it seems to detect it is a tendency to consider that the single knowledge seems to justify itself if it manages to mean something within the tecnoproductivas spheres and of the market, and this is a reduccionista vision. The last terrorist events surely forced to us to reflect on the subject.
Of the Sociedad of the Useful Knowledge to the Sociedad of the Human beings. A new type of alienation: the one of the conocimiento.
Socially single we must admit that creation of knowledge that has the possibility of being translated in sensible improvements of the individual and global well-being, within ethical budgets. But to always approach such far from easy task and over the individual possibilities, possibly demands the birth of supranational organizations that allow to create the suitable conditions so that the?sociedad of the information? allow to take the step towards the?Sociedad of the Useful Knowledge, one fourth wave in the toffleriano sense, that it takes us to?Gran Society of the Individuals? that it would be the fifth wave, in which of a beneficial globalización for all and whose essence is the development of the human being. A society in which all we pruned to accede in equality of conditions to the knowledge, without nobody could get to also consider it other people's. Otherwise a new type could arise from alignment generated by its extrañamiento, in which they were marginalized of the possibility of reaching it (alienation of the knowledge?extrañamiento of the knowledge)
The information is something to the service of all, that habra that to clarify, to verify and to resist its quality, but the really important thing is that the truthful information to the being caught by the individual, this turns it useful knowledge, which nonsingle it is going to be positive for the colectivity but that is going to be the vital fuel that is going to facilitate the human development of that being, an advance within if same, one authenticates involution of its possibilities, that together with a development of its emotional world, it becomes the growth that all we needed so that our lives and the human condition acquire sense.
The individual is the important thing. In the génesis of the philosophy, the democracy, the republic is the individual with its critical spirit. The world we have invented it the individuals interpreting, manipulating and dreaming the reality. The individual reason made the coexistence possible and the coexistence suggested the democratic base that allowed us to offer an a to us others the state of right on the basis of social contracts that the globalización is going to force to review in or future next.
Over the construction of supranational organizations, of the State-Nation, the Local Town-Nation and Autarkies are the individual, that cosmos, that inner nation, that individual and huge vital epic. Really, it arises to us like last global vindication to recover the Leopoldo Bloon of the Ulises de James Joyce, with all his rights and possibilities in all the parts of the world. For that reason in this line of future, insurance that still distant, we would have to raise negotiating to us before the global state the rights of this metafórica truth: the individual nation, with its incorporated personal sovereignty, perhaps the only nation that would have to exist necessarily in a world really evolved. Then all the intermediaries for new and good human relations would disappear, that he really is what to all truely interests to us. A globalización that locates in its center the development of the human being.
People no longer want to be Spanish, but of anything she is worth to be?vasco, or?corso? if one does not obtain that to each individual they allow him to be the same one, protected by all the possible Human rights and universally accepted.
That would be the?globalización? that to all it interests to us, and this is in addition perfectly compatible with maintaining cultural creations differentiated (Basque, Galician or Slovenian), totally defensible as long as they are not used like hand-thrown weapon against anybody and knowing in addition that they are always insufficient to obtain the identity of one same one. To think that our identity us
To think that our identity us can provide a territory, a language, our traditions and much except a flag, a hymn or a mother country is to simplify the complex. Surely our?individualidad? it is potentially in we ourself and all the rights would have to be oriented to that total was developed and freely.
It is necessary to defend the identity, since the difference is a constituent element of each human being and also of the collective identities in which this it is grouped.
-”...... The blind faith in science and the technology, own of those times, absolutely took to a superiority of the reduccionistas, expert attitudes in the parts and ignorantes to us. The paper of the philosophy, Literature, history, sociology, the humanities in general not deigned in the education, forgetting that they are the matters that allow the towns to discern and to develop the sense critical, necessary to choose best in democracy and power to control the political power, being in addition essential to define our problems. With certainty nobody knows what it waits for to us and as it affects all this to the human relations. It is the moment for asking itself if the exponential increase of the information and the accessible knowledge, together with an immense capacity of global communication, can take us to a greater sensibilización before the common problems, and if all that potential will end up constituting a real aid to most underprivileged.....”. ---
INDICE Contenidos:Prólogo 1.-El birth of New Era.2-Homenaje: the fourth and villa wave-Of the "Society of the Information" to the "Society of the ConocimientoÚtil" - Of the "Society of the Useful Knowledge" to the "Society of the Human beings". A new type of alienation: the one of "Conocimiento".3-Consecuencias of globalización.3.1-La acceleration of tiempo.3.2-La agony of the distance and the new importance of geografía.3.3-La disappearance of a secular parasite: theInnecesario.3.4-Desaparicio'n intermediary of the piramidal system of transmission of intelligence in Organizaciones.3.5-Soberani'a, nationalism and Globalizacio'n.3.6-Homogeneidad, diversity and Globalizacio'n.3.7-Economi'a and globalización3.7.1-La increasing importance of the factor knowledge 3.7.2-Una new form to make economi'a.3.7.3-Market and Globalizacio'n.3.7.4-Pobreza, wealth and process Global.3.7.5-Empleo and Global Globalizacio'n.3.8-Proceso and changes in the model educativo.3.9-Globalización and critical Humanos.3.10-Movimientos rights with the globalización.3.11-Globalización and terrorismo.3.12-From the illusion: a call to general theBondadoso.3.13-Esquema knowledge opened on the global4-Europe process and the U.S.A. before the New Era.4.1-Una approach to strategic Problema.4.2-Errores committed by economic Europa.4.3-Motivos that the U.E and the U.S.A. in last De'cada.4.3.1-Enumeracio'n of motivos4.3.2-El explain the differential of crecimientoentre technological delay of Europe with respect to EE.UU.4.3.3-Crecimiento, inflation and productividad.4.3.4 the European Central bank: an institution with limitaciones.4.3.5 Differences between the types of interest between the U.S.A. and Europe before last quinquenio.4.3.6 Petro'leo and Euro.4.3.7 Delay of Europe in the field of informática.4.3.8 Delay of Europe in Internet.4.3.9 the model of the market of work in Europe and EE.UU.4.3.10 the stock market European captive of the "Dow Jones" and the "Nasdaq".4.3.11 the capital-risk in the United States and Europa.4.3.12 Delay of Europe in outsourcing.4.3.13 Other economic reasons (for capital of strategic sectors to power in situations of uncertainty attitude and, performance, hard, control, enterprise spirit, concentration valuation intangible towards futuro).4.4 political Construction europea.Bibliografía
Autor.-Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega
Editorial .-Netbiblo (
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Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega