what fun, a Fund-O-Meter !
al | 29.04.2003 05:38
what fun, a Fund-O-Meter !
The Media Transparency Fundometer allows you to type or paste in a web address (a URL) and then evaluate the given page against our databases for signs of bias.
The Fund-O-Meter retrieves a given web site url and parses it against our database of funders, recipients and people of the subsidized conservative movement. For this reason, if you Fundometer the website, of say, BuzzFlash, or Media Whores Online, you'll see many people and organizations returned. This does NOT mean that MWO or BuzzFlash are funded by conservative philanthropies - just that those sites mention subsidized conservatives.
The Media Transparency Fundometer allows you to type or paste in a web address (a URL) and then evaluate the given page against our databases for signs of bias.
Media Transparency searched the URL:
Enter or paste the URL to evaluate: (MUST include "HTTP://")
For examples, click on any of the following, then click the button above:
http://www.claremont.org/links.html http://www.townhall.com/columnists/BIOS/cbroberts.html http://www.frontpagemag.com/ http://www.heritage.org/speakersbureau/ http://www.aei.org/scholars/scholars.htm http://www.iwf.org/about/nab.shtml http://www.pbs.org/thinktank/guestsA.html http://www.utexas.edu/coc/journalism/SOURCE/faculty/facul/olasky_vita.html http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/scholars.htm http://www.pbs.org/thinktank/guestsB.html http://www.amexp.org/Links.html
How the Fundometer works
The Fundometer works by retrieving the web page specified by you, the user (one page at a time), and comparing it against our databases of people, recipients, and funders of the conservative movement.
The Fundometer then lists all the names that it found, complete with links to pages on this website that contain information about the found items.
Search Tips
If a website uses frames, the Fundometer may just get the frames page, not the page that contains the content you wish to search. In those cases it's best to find a link to the page you want to search, then copy the link. On windows, just right-click the mouse over the link, then click either "Copy" or "Copy Shortcut". In some instances, you might have to go so far as to examine the source code for the page to see the path to the actual page you want to search. In IE, click View->Source from the menu; in Netscape, click View->PageSource.