Pastor Mark Dankof to an Idiot Named Pastor Jerry Falwell
Mark Dankof | 16.04.2003 00:55
Pastor Jerry Falwell's comments in his Iraq war article entitled "The Idiots of Whom I Speak," are both uncharitable and inaccurate. He surely knows that such pinko liberals as Pat Buchanan, Robert Novak, Lew Rockwell, Richard Cummings, Jon Basil Utley, Harry Browne, and Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) have also expressed the gravest reservations about Mr. Bush's policy of preemptive war and the direction being taken by American occupation policy in Iraq. Perhaps Mr. Falwell would be interested in boning up on the history of Britain's "victorious" intervention in Mesopotamia in 1917, only to be caught in a maelstrom between Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds three years later. It may be a historical primer and warning to the United States in its present position and policy course.
I have several questions for Pastor Falwell. Did Mr. Bush obtain a Congressional declaration of war for this preemptive military action in Iraq, as required by the Constitution in Section 1, Article 8? And where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq that Mr. Bush and his neo-conservative advisors assured the public were lurking in that country and ready to be used at a moment's notice? And finally, is Mr. Falwell still using as personal transportation around the country, the jet aircraft provided for him by the Israeli government for his services? I know that they certainly take care of Mr. Wolfowitz, Mr. Perle, Jay Garner, and the rest of the Company at a moment's notice.
Pastor Mark Dankof
Mark Dankof
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