T Dillon | 15.04.2003 12:02
It has nothing to do with the fact that the mayor of NY is Jewish, a hawk. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Bush Two's Amerisraeli war kabinet is Jewish, nothing. That is pure and simple circumstantial coincidence. If the media in Amerika is as much under okkupation from vested interests as Iraq now, then that too is pure and simple coincidence.
But to hear Governor Big Bizness Pataki call for the head of Saddam to be brought to New York, there as he roused the rabble of construction workers on the holy construction site of Ground Zero, one can clearly see the mileage that has yet to be milked from 9/11. The scabs can eternally be picked and a wealth of patriotic gush harvested and thus the gaping wound will seemingly never be left to heal. Why the hell should it? This puss is the stuff that Bush's war machine is running on. As Barak said after the terror event of the decade “The attack is very good indeed.” Good for Zionist Israel, good for the warmongers in Washington and the globalist vultures whose interests now seem to have totally converged with those of the bulldozer butcher of Tel Aviv, indicted war kriminal Sharon.
Some have said that the wound was self inlicted, a conspiracy of little white vans and a total collapse of the US security system that is unprecedented in any modern police state. If there was no conspiracy then why didn't any heads roll and why are those responsible for the most massive security screw up in the country's history still calling the shots? “If you think it is possible for the $30 Billion + funded intelligence apparatus of the planet's superpower to be completely blindsided by a sophisticated attack from terrorists who had been created, trained, armed and funded by the US for decades to engage in proxy wars with the now defunct Soviet Union, well, that's your opinion. If you think that this current election-stealing regime wouldn't go so far as to allow an attack on our own soil and civilians in order to garner public support for the current war, that, too, is your opinion. We differ.” as Kellia Ramares, KPFA radio Los Angeles so astutely put it.
Pataki a true pro, stoked the crowd hoarse and then on a roll called out for the drawn and quartered statue of Osama bin Hussein to be schlepped over to NY, melted down and incorporated into the projected building that would rise like phoenix from the ruins of the WTC. Emotive stuff indeed and almost as good as the Hollywood skripted dragging of the head of Saddam around the Hotel Palestine after Old G'ory was removed from the evil face, the same flag that had flown at Ground Zero? God that would be too kitchy even for today's Amerika, or? “Like the fall of the Berlin Wall” as one teary eyed hack put it. Not quite, considering that the show in Baghdad still has a long way to grind and the bodies ain't even been tallied up yet.
What has Pataki actually in mind to do with the remains of Saddam? Only the amputated legs of the beast of Baghdad, broken and twisted atop the column seem to have survived the media feeding frenzy as the marines “spontaneously” Iwo Jimad the dictator into the rubbish bin of abridged Amerikan history books. And let's not forget who created this monster while we're on the subject, Rumsfeld, Bush One, right? Or have they already got the revisionist Alzheimer history chip injected into your cortex too? The rest of the hapless metal image of Saddam was rapidly hauled off by the rent a mob and like a chocolate Easter Bunny broken apart and devoured by the hungry masses.
So the WTC will rise again and the gargoyles of the New World Order Building, according to the governor of NY and big bizness, will be forged and cast from the crippled legs of the statue of Ozymandias. It has a bitches brew touch of black magic evil about it, akin to cannibals killing and then eating their victims in a victory ritual. Primal stuff indeed from the righteous religious godfearin' folk that now speak for New Amerika!
What a morbid talisman for the future of fortress Amerika. Genghis Khan is alive and well in Washington and his minions round the evil empire rival each other for the next off the wall “inspiration”.
T Dillon
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