What on earth might be the reason for the Finns recession?
Åke Tyvi | 15.04.2003 06:15
FINLAND - Besides Finnish police using faked and fabricated case evidences, making traps to jail innocent people, passing faked or manipulated news to mass media making innocent people guilty, filing intention oriented reports of an offense based on faked case evidence are these people placing illegal warrants of apprehension against people in order to access people's private home (home research), bank accounts (other criminal investigation activity), telephone lines (illegal tapping), and making them to loose private property and jailing innocent. All these have happened personally to me, and it has been one of those reasons, why I have contacted to your agencies. However, based on a relatively small research (200 pages lecture material, ISBN 952-98052-2-2) are these methods systematic and based on terror practiced by same few officials.
These is a valid reason to say and believe, that part of the Finnish population and specially those in business have lost their property because of these same policemen practicing terrorism.
I was never told, asked or informed any of the actions told at the first paragraph and I think it is a valid reason not to help this nation economically or believe to this nations lies.
I am asking to make a screening canvas in order to remove those causing this problem in Finnish Police Force; as you have noticed all problems caused by Finnish Police during the last seven years or so, have been reported to MI5. Based on your own observations and information given to UK, you are able to analyze the true reason to the dilemma. These is also a valid reason to doubt, that these aims would had been party caused by Finnish themselves, even in replacing some civil officials with members of a police force.
All applied methods aim accessing to people's private life and to his/her personal property; this aim serves only communism. All acts committed against the plaintiff have served only ruining functions and have not bee normal according to civilian standards. These is a valid ground to doubt these acts being committed those in police force representing either Nazi-ideology, communism or are these people just stupid: 2.5 or 3.5 year police education doesn't quarantine a lot (ISBN 951-98052-2-2). During their first year they learn how to read, write and speak. In the second year these people try to understand, what Law is all about. And then they have six months working period. These people's scientific value is round nil, however they seem to give orders those wiser to them.
An example case of myself was given to MI: Finnish Police has given three illegal warrants of apprehension of myself and refused to make a report of an offense related to commercial law. These people do not understanding or want to understand how stupid people they are to scientists - law is not for sale. Finnish Police have not stopped harassing myself or attempts to ruing my private property. Finnish Police started the chase immediately they know I was about to have my heritage.
All formulas used by them have been reported to USA and UK end. To normal people it is enough to ask or seek help if one is sick; these people their to lych me. Thus I am asking to remove these sick police men from our Police Force, if anything else do not stop these terrorists. Thesepeople seem to think law do not reach them and they do not care.
It is not totally excluded, that those paranormal occurrence having occurred would had been in order to make agencies pay attention to this world corner: All phenomena between 1994 - 2000 were religion related. However, cancer symtoms or similar still remain. I simply do not know anser to this question and you will have to use your own experts in this issue.
Something is not as it should be in this State and Finland can't be taken seriously.
Åke Tyvi