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World War 4!

KS | 12.04.2003 18:24

Now that Iraq has been conquered, hog-tied, and castrated to make the world safe for Israel -- never mind a few little problems like the young girl who got her head blown off -- or the 12-year-old boy who lost his family and both arms -- or the journalists killed by the so-called coalition -- there's a lot of speculation on the street about who's next.

World War 4!
World War 4!

World War IV
by Kevin Alfred Strom

American Dissident Voices of April 12, 2003

Welcome to American Dissident Voices. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom.
Next week we'll continue our series The War Against Us, but today
I want to take a closer look at some of the serious mistakes the
Jewish supremacists are making in their ever-growing Mideast war.

Now that Iraq has been conquered, hog-tied, and castrated to make
the world safe for Israel -- never mind a few little problems
like the young girl who got her head blown off -- or the
12-year-old boy who lost his family and both arms -- or the
journalists killed by the so-called coalition -- there's a lot of
speculation on the street about who's next. Will the "glorious
allies" march into Syria? Or Iran? Or somewhere else?

The other day Tony Blair solemnly assured us that he didn't
intend to attack Iran or Syria. And, in direct contradiction to
his saber-rattling against Syria the other day at a Zionist
conference attended by about half of the U.S. Senate (which has
itself called for "regime change" in Iran), Colin Powell also
intoned recently that the gang in D.C. has no intention of
invading Iran or Syria. Maybe he means they have no intention of
invading them today. Well, as they say on the soap operas,
tomorrow is another day.

Whenever functionaries like Blair and Powell start assuring me
over and over again that something isn't going to happen, I start
to worry that it will happen, and soon, too. I do this because,
1) people like Powell and Blair (and Bush, too) are reading from
a Zionist script these days, and the Zionist credo, as former
Mossad operative Victor Ostrovsky admitted, is "by way of
deception thou shalt do war"; and 2) Powell and Blair and Bush
and company have little real authority, beholden as they are to
the Jewish media for their political survival, so even if they
sincerely believe that their territorial ambitions end with Iraq,
it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what they believe. With the
possible exception of Powell, who has shown a minor streak of
independence that would have caused him to be canned if he
weren't the successful mulatto poster boy for the Republicans,
the heads of our so-called leaders are near-vacuums which the
Jews fill with bogus "moral" reasons for invading, killing, or
imprisoning their enemies. So I predict a march to Damascus and
Teheran will commence once Iraq is fully subdued and a puppet
government installed. That's what the Jewish dictatorship
apparently wants.

The Jewish dictatorship may be the most powerful in human
history, but they are vulnerable in exactly the same way that
previous Jewish power structures have been vulnerable. They are
far from invincible. As any student of history knows, the Jews
have come to great financial and political power -- even
dominance -- in many countries over the centuries, from Babylon
and Persia to Olde England, the Spanish Empire, and 20th-century
Germany. And many cases, they overextended themselves, became
arrogant, and eventually they were expelled or compelled to leave
by the angry reaction of the people they had oppressed. Their
hubris and their millennial dreams of world power are their

An interesting situation is developing in France in this regard.
In France, one would think that the Jews are riding high. They
dominate much of the financial and media worlds there, and they
have such influence over the state that it is actually illegal
there to criticize them as a group or to doubt their WWII
atrocity stories. French taxpayers have to cough up $500 million
every year just to "preserve the memory" of the "Holocaust." But
the Jewish dictatorship, in its arrogance, has gone so far that
the true French people are gradually becoming aware of how
they've been enslaved. The push for war on Iraq was the last
straw for many Frenchmen, who didn't see how sacrificing their
blood and enraging many nearby Arab states in order to protect
Israel was good for France. They also didn't like it when Jewish
groups called for a boycott of French products because the French
people opposed this war. So the people there are becoming
increasingly Jew-wise. And a recent poll of Jews in France (I
try not to call them "French Jews" by the way -- that's like
saying a mouse in a stable is a kind of horse) by a Jewish group
called The Israel Project shows a large percentage are
considering leaving the country for the United States or Israel.
A leading Jew there, Roger Cukierman, doubts they'll leave in
large numbers anytime soon, but admits that emigration is a
subject of discussion among Jews there. He quotes many Jews as
saying when French nationalist leader Jean-Marie "Le Pen got 5
percent, they'd leave. Then they said, 'When he gets 10 percent.'
Well, now he's got 20 percent, and they're still here." But the
subject is being seriously discussed among France's 500,000 or so
admitted Jews. The poll showed that 26 per cent. of France's Jews
are considering leaving because of French attitudes toward Jews,
and that 13 per cent. are "seriously" looking into finding a new
home. According to Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, a founder of The
Israel Project, the mood among the Jews there is one of "severe
depression." [ ]

Of course, the Jews of France blame all this terrible
"anti-Semitism" on anything and everything except themselves.
They blame it on the French branch of the evil White race, which
apparently just has hate for Jews in its bones. They blame it on
the Arab immigrants to France, whom the Jews themselves brought
to France in an effort to race-mix the White French out of
existence and who now tragically constitute 10 per cent. of the
population there. They even blame it on harsh Israeli policies
against Palestinians. But none are willing to lay the blame on
the perennial Jewish way of life, that of infiltrating and
dominating a host society. The hubris of the Jews has long been
their weak point, and one which they usually fail to recognize.

This is also evident in the Jewish supremacists' plans for Iraq.

First they claimed to the world that they were going to invade
and to kill because Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction"
which, they said, might be used on us or on "his own people," but
which they really worried might be used on Israel. But as the war
progressed it became increasingly evident that Saddam had really
disarmed and that no such weapons existed. Almost all of the
Iraqi resistance to the invasion has been small arms fire, much
of it from citizen's militias -- private citizens armed to defend
their homes and fields and families. Again and again the
spinmeisters claimed they had found "suspicious" materials -- and
again and again the claims were shown to have no substance. The
highly-armed cannon fodder, the world's great super-power, bombed
and invaded a poor, starving, and largely disarmed country which
nevertheless fought back against the overwhelming might of White
technology and White soldiers that were shamefully being used as
Zionist pawns.

Last Saturday, even the British Home Secretary David Blunkett
admitted that no chemical, biological, or nuclear "weapons of
mass destruction" had been found or were likely to be found in
Iraq, thus confirming what the U.N. weapons inspectors had been
saying all along, and also confirming that the public
hand-wringing about these weapons (that many other countries have
anyway) was just a ruse to garner support for this Zionist war.
If Saddam Hussein had such weapons, why didn't he use them
against the invaders when they were still distant from Iraqi
centers of population? The actions of the U.S. military
commanders, who have to be practical men, speak volumes: they
have ordered that their men need no longer wear protective gear
against chemical and biological agents: the masks and suits have
come off.

The media Jews believe that the public has a short memory and
will not notice that one major prop for this war has just fallen.
They also think that we all stay glued to Faux News and the other
Jewish channels and can't find information on the Internet, such
as the fact that the U.S. forces have used cluster bombs,
depleted uranium shells, and are planning to use chemical agents
like tear gas -- all in violation of international agreements and
conventions. But among the best-informed and more intelligent
segment of the population, their lies have not gone unnoticed.
And it is this stratum of the population which matters most. Jews
underestimate our intelligence at their peril. Their hubris is
their downfall.

The Zionists who are running this war also have mapped out a
post-war strategy for Iraq which is breathtaking in its arrogance
and ignorance. First, they want the U.N. and other international
agencies to have no part in setting up a new Iraqi government,
though they are generous enough to suggest that the U.N. might be
allowed to hand out some bread and water to the starving Iraqis
from time to time. Instead, it will be a military occupation
government, headed by Jews and employees of Jews. I am sure that
the Iraqis, even those who had no love for Saddam Hussein, will
be very happy that their sworn enemies and those who used cluster
bombs against them and their children will be the new rulers. I
am sure that they will feel happy to be so "liberated." I am sure
they will feel confident in a "democracy" in which Perle and
Wolfowitz and Frum and Kristol decide who is a "legitimate"
candidate and who must rot in jail.

On Sunday, the Jewish supremacists flew an odd man named Ahmed
Chalabi into Iraq to integrate him into the Jewish-led forces
there, under the comic-book name of "First Battalion of Free
Iraqi Forces." Chalabi has been groomed by the Zionists as a
leader in post-war Iraq. He leads something called the "Iraqi
National Congress," a cobbled-together coalition of mutually
antagonistic factions that could be guaranteed never to coalesce
in a united front against Zionist front-man Chalabi or the
paymasters that keep the group alive. Chalabi, who hasn't lived
for any significant period of time in Iraq since he left as a
child in the 1950s, may be being positioned as the man to
officially "surrender" to U.S. forces and thereby take the mantle
of front-man for the Jews there. Chalabi, who favors Savile Row
suits and spends most of his time in London, is wanted on an
outstanding warrant for embezzlement of several hundreds of
millions of dollars of depositors' money from a bank in Jordan.
He was convicted in 1989 of multiple counts of embezzlement and
was sentenced to 22 years in prison, but escaped, reportedly in
the trunk of a car, and ended up in London posing as the paid
savior of the Iraqis and Kurds and whoever else he is told he
should be the savior of. Chalabi is widely hated in Iraq, as a
CIA report released last week indicated. According to United
Press International, a former U.S. intelligence official familiar
with the report said, "They basically say that every time you
mention Chalabi's name to an Iraqi, they want to puke."
[ ]

And the so-called "First Battalion of Free Iraqi Forces" was so
small that it had to flesh out its ranks with forces from the
discredited "Badr Brigade," an Iranian-backed Shiite group -- and
I am sure that an Iranian-backed force in Iraq will be wildly
popular with the Iraqi people. Even with Iranian supplements, the
"Battalion" consists of only 700 men. This is what they want to
impose on Iraq in the name of "democracy." It should make every
decent human being want to puke.
[ ]

The Wolfowitz nominee for co-dictator of occupied Iraq is retired
General Jay Garner, also a close associate of the Zionist clique
that now runs American foreign policy. Garner was Israel's guest
in 2000 as a delegate of the shadowy U.S.-based group, the
"Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs." He also follows
the Likud party line and has made public statements condemning
Palestinians who resist the Israeli occupation. This is surely a
fellow who is going to inspire worldwide confidence in his
fairness and objectivity toward the Arabs, isn't he? And I am
sure you'll agree with me when I say that his appointment to an
occupation government in Iraq will surely dispel those nasty
rumors that the Jews are behind this war. Sure it will.

But Garner is nothing compared with the other Jewish
neoconservative nominee for co-dictator in unhappy Iraq, former
CIA honcho James Woolsey, a protégé of Richard Perle. Woolsey is
a foaming-at-the-mouth Zionist warmonger who openly advocates
what I've been telling you for months are the real war aims of
the Jews. Woolsey was the one who floated the absurd lie that
there was a link between Saddam Hussein, al-Qaeda, and the 9-11
terror attacks. Woolsey has been loudly advocating regime change
in Saudi Arabia. Woolsey serves on the board of the
previously-mentioned "Jewish Institute for National Security
Affairs." Woolsey is a prominent member of several other
neoconservative and Zionist fronts, and is associated with and a
strong promoter of the Iraqi National Congress. And James Woolsey
stated openly last week at a speech at UCLA that the war on Iraq
is the opening of a much-to-be-desired "Fourth World War" and
that the governments of Iran and Syria are "America's enemies" in
this war. "World War IV" is a term popularized by Zionist Jew
Norman Podhoretz, who counts the Cold War as "World War III" and
who has been screaming for the blood of independent-minded Arabs
and Moslems for decades. At UCLA a few days ago, Woolsey stated
that "We are fighting "World War IV, a war that will last longer
than World Wars I or II. As we move toward a new Middle East,"
Woolsey said, "we will make a lot of people very nervous,"
including Egypt and Saudi Arabia. "We want you nervous," said
Woolsey to countries who mistakenly believed until recently that
the U.S. was their ally. "We want you to realize that now, for
the fourth time in 100 years, this country and its allies are on
the march and that we are on the side of those whom you - the
Mubaraks, the Saudi Royal family - most fear. We're on the side
of your own people." Except for the last statement, which was a
lie because Woolsey and the befuddled masses of White Americans
are really fighting for the Jews, the copy reads like the writing
of Kevin Alfred Strom as I predicted over the last few months
what was being planned behind the closed doors of the Jewish
supremacist establishment.
[ ]
[ ]

Well, it isn't behind closed doors any longer. Woolsey has put it
right up front, where it ought to be. The plan is to conquer the
Middle East, install carefully-controlled puppet regimes under
the false name of "democracy," and, of course, begin the
construction of media networks there under the control of the
same folks who control MTV and Faux News. And soon, degenerate
art, sick comedy mocking the history and traditions of those
peoples, and false news will glut the airwaves there, and the
parasitic minority believes that yet another recalcitrant people
will become acclimated to rule by their betters, rule by the
self-chosen people who think that they're God.

But I think that the Jewish supremacists have overreached
themselves again. I think their plan to rule Iraq with
figureheads who are sure to be repugnant to every Iraqi who isn't
a criminal or a traitor to his own people is an insane plan even
when looked at from the Jewish point of view. I think their plan
to "pacify" the peoples of the Middle East and turn them into
placid domestic animals for the "Chosen" is going to fail. I
think that what they are doing now, as they did in Germany in the
1920s and in the Spain of Ferdinand and Isabella, is more than
anything else giving the intelligent and informed people of the
world a graduate education in Jewish hubris, Jewish racism,
Jewish supremacism, and the Jewish megalomaniac desire to rule
the world. And out of that awareness a broad anti-Jewish front
will arise. It's our job to make sure that there is a substantial
White American, White Canadian, White European, White
Australasian, and White South African participation in that
inevitable broad front against Jewish supremacism, and that the
end result is the self-determination and assured survival of our
race upon this planet.

Please write to us today, and ask what you can do to make a
strong White community a reality. Send $5 and receive a copy of
our print magazine, National Vanguard, and get a copy of the book
catalog that the Jewish supremacists don't want you to read. Send
$5 today to National Vanguard Books, Box 330, Hillsboro WV 24946.

Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom asking you, whenever
you look at the night sky, to remember ORION: Our Race Is Our


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