Barcelona: Guerra a la Guerra
uk imcistas | 12.04.2003 12:44
In Spain the anti war movement has been growing rapidly, not only as a strong platform against the war - but becoming a new political space. While in Madrid the demonstrations have been heavily repressed, with rubber bullets and teargas, trying to silent and intimidate the public, the situation in Barcelona is different.
The anti war movement is changing Barcelona’s appearance. The city is covered in white flags, banners hanging from balconies, shops, cafes, churches, instutional buildings, universities and schools. A daily cacerolazo, demonstrations, direct actions, camps (occupied / liberated spaces in various squares around the city), strikes, open assemblies in squares and city corners, street meals/parties,'escraches'/ rallies/pickets.
Aturem la guerra, the catalan plattform against the war has grown out of citizen groups and only later has been joined by political groups and parties, including the city council - posing an interesting political dilemma as the general assembly has taken decisions on civil disobedience, direct actions and squatting/liberation of public buildings and squares. Places that also have been, in several cases, brutally evicted by the City Council itself.
Espai liberat / liberated spaces is a plattform of a wide range of automous groups. Organising in the past month several openings and sqattings of social centres in Barcelona centre and direct civil disobedient actions, boycotts and pickets such as the daily rally to chains like Burger King, Mac Donalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken, forcing their branches in the city centre to close down every evening.
La coordinacion de las acampadas / the coordination of the camps, coordinates between groups and assemblies a series of camps in public squares around the city; for example the square in front of the Town hall, Pla Jaume (in the middle of the historic centre) and Pla Palau are places for daily activities, assemblies, wireless communication, screenings etc.
Along with these intitiatives other groups are active across assemblies, working independently or in across plattforms such as Boicott preventivo, the squat Can Masdeu, Llobegrat and many other squatts around the city as well as the various students assemblies/ groups and trade unions.
uk imcistas