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Long after the war I wonder what cause it.

Simon Willace | 10.04.2003 14:44

Not for the simple minded, not for those who want a quick burst of logic, getting something for nothing may take 4000 words to deliver. Too long? go on to the next headline.

It’s all just a matter of faith.

Are they your beliefs?
What are they based on?,
How did you come by them?,
If I prove your wrong will you think like me?
Then where will we be?
Although it all seems reassuringly familiar
History all appears alarmingly the same
I wonder why.

Generally speaking humans believe what profits them, it’s a value statement, its general, maybe you are unique. Bound by values born of self realization a solely acquired knowledge, unique in the values you assumed, you maybe the one…but most of us assume knowledge in a pack, governed by the values of others until we agree without realizing alternatives.
The importance of Values may not be monetary, it may be just comfortable to comply because the alternatives are not made known or worse, difficult to understand, or too hard to grasp. It would take first the interest and then the effort to search out and learn, so much easier to accept without question and to defend by regurgitating the defenses of those around us.
Underlying all human behavior is the rule of ease. If it is easier to comply or support, then one will always follow. To take another route would be hard, not the soft option, or even impossible to contemplate. To find ones way without direction or command would be a test of a faith in ones self. We are too fully consumed with self-doubt, for that to be a norm. Only the support of others confirms belief. Few of us have an ideal, or alternate reason to shed the chains of order, we comply to rule because it is easy.

A few of us take a step away from our root program and question the assumed truths, those we viewed with some suspicion but kept because they filled a place otherwise left vacant. But we don’t stray too far, it’s an interesting diversion but the road is too lonely to walk for long. We return a little changed, sometimes for the better and then find like minds to share our new thoughts with. However the list of assumed truths although not perfect, is too long, perhaps too embedded, it is too much a part of ourselves to wholly refute, we find the occasional false belief and refute that but the main program stays intact.
We’ve all been down that road, one step at a time treading lightly, testing the ground as we venture into the dark, only lighting the way with the odd book or historical discovery. It was ‘outside’ information which made us question, it was someone else’s insight which caused the doubt in the first place, but they have gone ahead too far into the dark to help, somewhere further on they are also alone.

Assumed truths are authentication’s, a memory file of rights and wrongs, you absorbed them in childhood, they are the bases of your core program. It’s never the definitive truth, there is no such thing, (there is always another view another truth to counter the one you given) but to save you the confusion it is never made known to you at this young age.
The truth depends on the values of those around you, your parents interpretation of truth calibrates it’s worth to you and loyalty files it away so that one day, with prompts, it returns to support itself and its next comparative example, forming a self supporting structure for belief. There is no occasion to doubt while your source of information is singular, while you are young there is never any need to question as long as the truth remains corresponding.

Take for instance a racist, surrounded by like minds, growing up assured of superiority, what would it take for him/her to become less ignorant? You could point out the truth as you see it, contradict and argue, but it would not make a difference. Your opinion goes against the root program, it threatens a loyalty base set by many years of indoctrination. It is not until the racist questions the program that knowledge can undermine the assumed truths at the core of that belief. That kind of alternative confronting knowledge is sought from ‘outside’ so it must be received through choice, a conscious effort by the individual, the chicken before the egg, and as such it rarely happens.
However should the racist begin to question, such a baseless faith would unravel quickly, it has very little foundation to support its own structure. No longer feeling sure, a fundamental shift in beliefs will occur, devastating the piece of mind, so much so that the entire belief structure of the individual crumbles resulting in a mild to serious mental disorder. The core program is essential to mental health, its existence interprets all incoming information reassuring an overall sense of right and wrong, each and every piece of information received is compared to the core database.
Questioning upsets all this, not just the odd question but the means of access the key and bases of the belief structure. Should one question get passed the defenses others will follow… the contradicting evidence streams in and the racist becomes confused unable alone to refute the arguments and defend the indefensible. Not only does he/she find equality to those despised but also those around him/her become the replacements for that hatred because they lied. All the value and comforts of the assumed truths become worthless, that is why ignorance is easy and violence a common defense.

So to demand change is asking a lot, it is cruel to suggest anyone should go through mental instability for the change that you request. You become selfish and not selfless. It must be left up to them to change. Portraying a racist as unintelligent will not make a difference, such stereotyping is after all one of their own tools. They maybe ignorant but then anyone who says they are not must be stupid, how can you know everything?
They are, like all of us, insecure, frightened, gathering strength through a pack mentality, no different to those who oppose peace or any that don’t want war. The best you can do is to undermine their faith but remember that they intend to do the same in response, I feel an endless argument coming on.

Lets go for the quintessential…Imagine questioning God. (Christianity) For years being a part of the flock, born in to it and then it all begins to unravel, no one said anything, it just occurred, why is Christ white?
Sounds, petty and innocuous, its been mentioned before no doubt, and Christianity survived, no excuses. I’ve asked it myself and know the answer, its for racist reasons, there’s no shame in admitting to it more shame for not. Christ can’t have been anything else but white and still be worthy of an European founded Church.
He was an Arab, and unless he wore contact lenses and bleached his hair he would have been Arabic in appearance. This question stares you in the face every time you enter a church, its up to the individual to ask, and its up to the individual to find the answer. An outsider will not tell them. That would be an attack, defense then comes into play by allegiance refuting any contradiction. Those within the faith guard its foundations without question. Your not allowed confronting discussion, because the structure needs to be guarded, it is far too weak to stand-alone.
Once you do; the questions cascade; If he/she wasn’t a white fella then why is he shown to be? Isn’t it a false Idol? A graven image. Why do they pray to a false idol? Why is there two gods? The questions trip over one another until the whole faith begins to unravel in front of your eyes. Who created the Dinosaurs?, were we all the off spring of an incestuous relationship between Eve and her two sons?, no wonder the clergy interfere with children, just lift your shirt and call me father! the tradition of incest has carried on!.

Yes… any questioning gets a little grubby, defend it if you answer by calling me names and pointing out that I will go to hell, but don’t start making a scene what ever you do, that would be very unchristian, it only betrays ignorance. Knowledge comes through questioning which is not part of your answer.

However unlike the racist there is no waiting profit for change of mind for the Christian. An alternative to faith in one god is no faith at all, there is no alternative to god, inside the preset boundaries of the established core program of the anglo. So why take the road of questioning to begin with?, with so much to lose, family, community and business contacts. The whole network gone because of one question, why would anyone choose to walk alone? Ah so that’s where the profit lies!

Take the belief that Anglo Saxons are superior… if you take time to learn what those words mean you will find it is a mixture of the Germanic and early British tribes mixing at around 800 BC as a result of conquest. A term coined by the French, Saxons were part indigenous of southern to western Britain mixed themselves with Iberian blood. Anglo’s filtered through most of middle Europe collecting Gaul and Hun as they went. Therefore the term is not used to describe one race, a pure bloodline but infact a mongrel. Then years go by and that new breed colonizes in other mixing again with strains from other lands and those it conquers assume their values making a black man as anglo as a white by the assumed truth’s promoted within the societies established throughout the western world. Able now through the television to infest all nations on pay-tv with encouragement and acceptance through veiled entertainment of hybrid anglo values.

The transferring of values happens slowly in repeated bursts.
These early phases of imposed values absorbed from religion or family values, grow with loyalty to adopt profitable additions within the piece of mind of the adolescent. Each representing equal worth to the recipient and the investor. Then in time the recipient takes the role of investor and the cycle repeats.

As an adult, using the law of ease again, authority, business and government surface to become the guides. The same techniques to develop following are employed, through the skillful marketing of beliefs you are subjected to a range of singular information sources each designed by sociology graduates skilled in the art of deception, each confirming the value of the system. With the ‘whole of popular values’ in mind they pander to your needs. Everything shines just the way you like it for as long as you appreciate it without question, it is available for your comfort as long as you abide by the rules. The authority sets the value and you are allowed to see the profit, as long as the values seem the same, and comfort supplied, questioning does not occur and authorities maintain order and control. There are no alternatives anyway, none given, and few outside your circle to offer, so no profit in questioning.

Obviously the question has not been asked, current western values are in question, demands have been made but the real issue has yet to surface.
If a representative government can ignore international law and humiliate a once respected world organization then ignore the wishes of its own people for the financial gain of war. There never was a meaning in the word democracy, unless the definition is so lax it can describe any parliament style of politics.
It currently describes the form of regime in Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Zimbabwe neither listen to the people, they have that in common with Iraq, America,ours and the democracy promoted to change the world, perhaps it is just another of those assumed truths, that is now in doubt, where’s the alternative?, it makes you think their might be one.

Information is the key in all of the examples I have used. Information, which is portrayed as truth or gospel, (interchangeable definitions with those two I point out) when we know that truth, is in interpretation and the gospels were faked anyway.

It is no coincidence that mainstreams media supports war, no surprises there, no reason for war has ever survived the battle. Saddam could have swapped his torment for a penthouse in California where the other despots are protected. Its only money, its only ever money, but no Saddam choose to fight he chose to remain true to his country he can walk the streets and be surrounded by men with guns, civilians and military alike in a meet and greet right in war torn downtown Baghdad. Bush can’t even appear in front of his loyal army unless they are disarmed in his presence.
You can have a field day with point and counter point, but ultimately its only value is in the head of those who are open to questions.

Everyone anti war or pro war is against the Hussein regime, then it will come as a shock that I’m not… here’s an alternative belief coming up, to challenge a recently assumed truth. He was also one of the great leaders of the Century…now I’ve lost you, come back there was a war on because he had WMD the reason did not survive why are you still against him?…leaders are never great people…if anyone is capable of leading a nation then it is probably best if they are prevented from breathing at birth… Who likes Bush, Blair, Howard? Their people hate them too… that’s right leaders are all the same, they have their good side and bad But you were only shown the worst of Saddam, read on here’s the best. Confronting isn’t it? Your getting the other parts of a truth, I don’t suggest the ones you have is false in any way but it is only the negative part of a truth.
The question is why didn’t you know the rest?
Saddam Hussein, should be remembered for the good he did, as well as the bad here’s a selection from his biography, I had to get a translation because the English print version in my library had the pages ripped out… dam censorship!
This is from Said Aburish although I can’t provide authentication on the author I can find evidence that he wrote the truth.
It was Saddam who nationalized the oil industry and plowed back the huge profits into the infrastructure of the country, his rule was total during a twenty five year rein therefore the growth and modernization was his to implement during that time.
Building roads and government buildings, hospital’s and schools. He developed a health care program for the poor and a literacy program, which won him a Unesco award.
The towns and out lying villages of rural communities were supplied with electricity and telecommunication’s, clean water was a government project and it was supplied without charge to all Iraqis through an Hussein initiative. He also went one better to help his people, or enable propaganda, he supplied free fridges and TV sets.
He elevated the status of women who by the early eighties were in good positions in the work force educated and holding positions of management.
And yes he also amassed great personal wealth but there has to be perks or no one would take the job, and for those he murdered? Well what did their leaders want? And by comparison what have our leaders got and what have they done to get it?
During the eighties his armaments and technical backup came from the west he was encouraged to invade Iran and later when he disclosed intent to threaten Kuwait unless they refrain from stealing his countries oil from beneath the border his American friend did nothing. When he disclosed intent to invade that country the American response was to step aside and treat it like any other inter regional dispute, as they had in every other dealing he had with his neighbors.
Every step of the way under American eyes, every step of the way, but who had the information and who gave it to you, now you question…don’t look at me! I’ve got nothing to gain from deceiving you, I don’t work for a super power, I don’t have a following I just want you to think! For your self…that’s all.

Society is blessed with a variety of information sources it can be bought or obtained from all areas of media its differences are endless. Almost all views are displayed representing all notions of values. However the law of ease prevents like minds from seeking different points of view, it is unsettling, dangerous and viewed with fear. By creating like minds through family values and religion, society also offers a resource to politics and business. We are able to denounce others by comparisons to our own assumed values guided by the one sided views of the world around us.
In popular belief marketed by media, headlining news are…Those refuges want to live in our country because we have a good life style! It’s a popular statement after all we put them up in five star accommodation… if our prisons/detention centers are so comfortable imagine how they look forward to living amongst us?
And an un-marketable truth offers a more credible reason but it’s not fit for print…The refuges want to live… They would prefer not to leave their own country but death is no option. As they languish in concentration camps uncertain of any future they gather comfort from each other and view their captors and the outside community with suspicion and hatred. later when they leave and get access to the western community they remain with each other in separated communities.

Promoting one truth in media however shallow will reinforce belief, not only are the status of the refugee in question when they arrive but also the homeland of the voter is raised above that of the foreign visitors. A refugee represents different assumed truths, their ways are not like ours, they must want to be like us other wise why are they here?
But when they get here they remain different, what’s wrong with us? Impersonation is the best form of flattery. It must be their fault, they wanted to come, so they must be bad or stupid, they are changing our country by stealth, they are diluting our culture they are taking over!. The progression becomes paranoia and the attacks begin.
It is so much easier to go with popular prepackaged opinion, marketed as fast food for thought, drive through comfort for the soul and so very easy to manage by the monopolies of information. Each saturating the networks of news as I write, each shoring up their own assumed values and imprinting their view upon the like minds purpose built for following.

It may not surprise anyone but it is worth pointing out, Newscorp. Amongst its other businesses has 175 newspaper outlets in many countries and in each, each of the editorials duplicates the owner’s political views.
Murdock needs no hands on control for this system to work, each editor is selected by rigorous interviewing, confirming their political and moral views assuring that the assumed truths of the owner are identical to the employed and are projected into mainstream opinion worldwide.
Editorial control then is independent to each outlet allowing impunity when the system is questioned it remains true to say that Murdock has no editorial control, he doesn’t need it.
The media is today known as a free press, this is another truth, there is little evidence of government control. Therefore it is true, however as the media now commands power of its own and commands a respectable Gross corporate profit rivaling any GDP it is also true that such power equates to controlled governments.
While we had our minds numbed the powers changed hands. Newscorp would not tell you, they wouldn’t mention that Murdock supports the war because of the cut in oil prices will be like a 20% tax cut for the western nations involved, his core multinational market.
His papers did not report their own financial losses last quarter for fear that investors would see the failing empire. It is in his interest to improve the economy of his host nations and one man in control of information can make a difference, a war is a golden opportunity, encouraging it is profitable in both the short and long terms and undermining opposition imperative. How could anyone have more power? Views can also be fabricated to maximize appeal and impact.

So no, while we long for one cause of all the trouble in the world to magically appear, one evil doer to be found and punished. The problem is far more severe and endemic. It’s all done to provide for our best interest because we depend upon an economic structure, which requires the occasional war. It’s not a controlled political environment for the benefit of a few but one controlled by all that benefit from the status quo. We may well say not in our name but it is all of us who will benefit from exploitation, we exploit and we are exploited in turn, it’s a trade off we profit most from following, we’ve lived like this for so long there’s no other way.
The word’s ‘You can’t handle the truth” from a film, brings the message through loud and clear. Our anglo nation is supported by the raw materials that our land cannot provide. It is only business sense, which demands the cheapest price and control of supply. These things are done so that our first world position is assured, all the peace in the world would not give us the excess we demand. Our superiority would no longer be so assured, we could no longer pretend not to be racist.
In the example of oil, Arabs would be superior, they would have economic control. Their people would be allowed to progress from feudalism, through revolution to a parliament of nobles and eventually to reprehensible government just like we did, because every country has. Our skin tone does not make us any different, it is the natural progression of any society.
So don’t go looking for a way through the present system. Realize that it is the way and if it seems to be heading in the wrong direction, to you then you go the other way, there will be enough people to follow. We are all looking for a new direction, away from the past into a fresh and new future. We need the pioneers; it’s the way of self-sufficiency, there are no mobile phones with cameras there, no endless rolls of scented printed toilet rolls or trains, which can travel faster than reason. There is somewhere where one can live without the excess of supply and within the demands of nature, some place, which does not exist but can be created by refusing to believe there is no alternative.

So for each and every supporter of governments or religion, or just society as a whole, I ask you to doubt your own core program, to learn and focus on what is definitely wrong, there are enough examples. Seek your own answers, rewrite your own core program, it took years to establish it. It has evolved without you’re input forced upon you after evolving over hundreds of years. Passed down from generation to generation to you and protected by the three staples of society. Religion, politics and family values each interwoven and interdependent upon the existence of the whole system for support.
An attack on such an institutionalized faith will always be defended, even you have a lot to lose, with only a slight chance that at the end of the process you will know more and have helped to change the future.

You see… now… that all you know comes from whatever you learnt based upon the values you were given and you have assumed were correct and they got us here. So if it’s the wrong place and you use the same values to find a new path the assumed truths will always lead you back here, your not going anywhere fast.
As each year passes your values becomes stronger, those who have lead us here exploit it. The world is not in a good place, and it keeps repeating its history, from one battle for power to another always promoted as righteous. Could it be that we keep returning to the same point, because we are on one circular path directed by a fundamentally flawed mental program of promoted assumed truths. Are we heading into another repeat steadily consuming and burning until our energy runs out? Something in your head has to change first before there is any change at all. That other path leads somewhere, other wise what could be wrong with questions?

Thankyou for your time

Simon Willace

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