yaa boo, you were wrong!
a nonny mouse | 09.04.2003 15:43
You said civilians would die and be injured: But no civiians have been hurt! Okay so you've got pictures, but they're all faked by Bin Laden's TV network Al-Jazeera!
You said democracy couldn't be created by bombing: But General Jay Garner will take over, and he's a friend of Israel, which is a sort-of democracy, so there!
You said this was about oil: But the oil-wells are to be handed over to independent, democratic, freedom-loving multinational corporations!
You said western forces would occupy Iraq for months: But they'll be out in days, just like Kosovo and Afghanistan!
And you said Saddam Hussein and his regime were just as evil twenty years ago as they were yesterday: But they were obviously good guys then, or why would our rulers have supported and armed them?
Now admit you were wrong, go home, and in future, obey!
a nonny mouse
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