ram | 06.04.2003 16:00
There is an allegation of rape here.
The source has prooven to be reliable over the current aggression on Iraq.
".... An event that had happened 5 days before also received publicity at the coalition HQ. During a night “cleanup” in one of suburban houses near An-Nasiriya three marines shot a man and afterwards raped and shot his wife. The command got information about this accident from one of its informers. After interrogation the marines were sent to Qatar for additional investigations...."
Did anyone hear anything about this rape?
I never did?
Note to IMC-UK censors:
Why did you remove my earlier post?
If you allow posts like 'Jhon Simpson bombed' why cannot I describe creatively the fact that the aggression against the Iraqi people is being widely misreported.
Did the warplane pilot drop the bomb on SImpson? No it was dropped thinkihg it was a car convoy driven by ...they did not know did they.... STOP BEING STUPID. REPUBLISH WHAT I PUBLISHED OR COME UP WITH SOME POLICY ON CENSORSHIP. and by the way do not try to define what is censorship. last time you were wrong!!!
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