Demonstrators,Shame on you!
Simon Willace | 03.04.2003 01:48
Offer alternatives, this is not the last war. It is one of the cascading wars which the west must fight to secure resorces.
Looking at the reasons why those who are involved fight and the reasons those who oppose the war remain uninvolved we can see a trend emerging.
Those on the attack
Australia supports the war for a free trade agreement.(I'm embarassed)
Spain supports because it recieves a kick back although it need not risk its forces.
England, she who ruled the waves, wants to get back in the boat.
America organised the events because it leaders are personaly relient upon oil and its country 70% economicaly dependant upon it's use.
And for the opposition
France, Germany belgium etc have either listened to their population or have other ways through established trade links with Iraq to access the oil.
(One thing still has me confused, if Germany and france are Old Europe where is the United Kingdom? is it 'New Europe' because it was invaded by the hords from the Iberian peninsular, the Germans.The spainish Romans the french and later the Indian' s and Pakistanis before it became part of the United Nations Of America. answers on a post card please).
And finally to fund defence
Iraq's wealth depends upon oil.
Common denominator Oil, did you spot it?
Without oil we will eventualy see wars about Water but lets solve one problem first shall we.
The road to peace and a better envioroment is the production of existing alternative fuel sorces, and the reserch and development of new tecnology which currently has no place in the world because oil is cheaper than life.
So while your altogether, wasting your collective breath offer the alternative!
Point out that if oil was no longer needed then Saddam would not be rich, America would not be interested and every issolated society upon this earth can just mind their own dam buisness until the water runs out.
This is a very real alternative which you can work on before you have to change the word Iraq to Iran on your plackards. That will be easy but think ahead, Syria, Korea, Yemen and Jordan are not as easy to replace.
Things will only become comparitivly peaceful after the present war and until the next, peace will never exist for long enough for us to notice. Did the Vietnam war end because of Demonstrations or because America lost?
Come to that when has America won a war? Korea? Nam? Iraq? Afghanistane? Let those who support them lose again, their not going to learn and your not going to stop them trying.
What is The coilitions suplimental agender?, instalation of democracy?
That went so well in Afghanistane!. liberation perhaps there are more Iraqi's now imprisoned than at any time since Gertrude Bell drew the boarders in 1927.
And to rid the world of a murderous dictator, one should not throw stones, western intervention has killed far more than Saddams effort to remain in power. I never heard him say the gassing of the Kurds was 'worth the price' maybe he regretted the incident but knew it would save more lives to put the kurds down than in street battles. A form of defence used by the Americans when they use the WMD against Civilians in Japan all those years ago, and for the whole sale genocide of Iraqi children, Worth the price.
Democracy is as tangerble as peace is real, each only existing briefly between battles for power.
Changing the sorce of fuel for Polotics may change the battles for power, battles will always continue for economic superiority. however democracy which requires your vote,can only change western dirrection in the next election.
Your participation and your intelegence are now required to develope a sustainable alternative to fuel and provide for that democraticaly elected party before it attains power and transforms into a dictatorship.
Thankyou for your time.
Simon Willace
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