American, Dutch, English & Jewish ‘Nazi’s’
Mark Metzelaar | 31.03.2003 13:03
This is not a scientific work; just one truth of a neglected side of history against the common known and manipulated corporate history.
Cruelty against animals and other humans existed throughout history.
Not surprisingly, because we are on top of the food-chain and thus the most dominant and aggressive predator.
The whole idea about civilization and good versus evil, is a delusive cultural thought, meant to control the lower people by higher people, for their own purposes.
Many basically good dogma’s have been produced. Good in the purpose of letting a society work, mainly for the purpose of people higher in society, partly for people’s mental well-being.
It’s mentally relaxing to believe in good, or God; the same word and meaning, versus The Evil, or thevil.
People don’t like to be continuously affrighted for their neighbors, in case civilization doesn’t exist.
Also one likes wishful thinking about the goodness of leaders, as one has to be used about thinking of the goodness of their parents people as children were dependent from; so leaders can easily manipulate the populations mental desires.
What’s inside that culture is called good and things from other cultures are named evil.
In fact these things have nothing to do with a pure general good and wrong, as our lives are legitimated by the death of, and struggle against other life, even for vegetarians or veganists.
Go on the highway with a car and sometimes a hundred insects found their death. Insects killed while walking. And what to do against mosquito’s, rats, and other pests? Bacteria that are killed? Plant-life that also seem to have feelings according to research about micro-currents? Taking food away so other life forms can’t use it? Probably the only ones that are a bit civilized and ‘good’, are some rare people in India that meditate whole day and don’t was their hands with soap, because soap kills bacteria.
Sometimes a reasonable good dogma is introduced by people that want to make a society or culture work better for most of its people, so that the sum of well-being INSIDE and only for the ones belonging to that society, is higher.
But then the bad things happen. Because humans are predators that strive for power, people with power and wane-bees try to infiltrate these dogma’s and use them for their own purpose.
According to the natural laws of survival of the fittest, or the right of the strongest, the people with most power, and drive for elbows and most tricky deceiving games, get on top of these dogma’s.
These days power mainly is represented by money.
From Babylon in nowadays Iraq, enormous amounts of money were gathered by prostitution in temples and the first banks were born, as well that power play with money started. According to some, this money originating from Babylon still is in control.
Also somewhere in history, Jews got the blame, because many were in business. The jewtrick, became the word for a form of deception. Nowadays a better non-racial word might be something like turn-around-deception.
My guess is that the Islam is a more pure form of religion than the Christian or Jewish beliefs.
It looks like the Islam noticed the bad influence of banks, prostitution and drugs; in those days alcohol.
In Islam, interest on loans are not allowed and therefore banks and very rich people can’t make a lot of profit only by having money, letting others work and doing nothing. Also are drugs one of the best moneymakers and is alcohol strictly forbidden in Islam belief.
Completely different might have developed the Christian and Jewish believe. Those beliefs were incorporated by people striving for more and more power by using money and drug trade.
We know about how the Catholic church betrayed and sold the south-American Indians. And that some Jewish people got very rich in trade and were seen as a growing danger for other tribes and cultures.
But some issues are not general knowledge and then turn-around-deception is on its best.
The Protestant church was the answer to the Catholic church for influential people in the northern European countries in the struggle for more world power.
The Dutch Royal house of Orange; Oranje-Nassau, a family from Germany, introduced the Reformed Protestant church and made itself the head of that church.
In England the Royal house of Winsor family took the power. This family also came from Germany and in fact is named the house of Hanover.
Both Royal houses from England and Holland, made their money with opium trade to China and worked together. The house of Orange did this through a major stockhold in the Nederlansche Handels Maatschappij (Netherlands Trade Company), that later became the ABN bank, nowadays the ABN-AMRO bank. China was ruined by these mob gangsters or high level criminal drug cartel families.
To protect the drug trade, the Dutch Royal family ordered a war against the Dutch Indies (later Indonesian) province of Atjeh that resisted the Dutch occupation and the “Free trade treaty”; only meant to be free for very rich Dutch traders. In fact this nowadays still is how capitalism mostly works. Between 1870 and 1907 100.000 Moslems from Atjeh were killed. The Royal Marrechause, comparable to the German SS, an elite corps to protect the Royalty, was specially formed to kill all men, woman and children they met, without taking prisoners.
Also in Ireland the house of Orange is active and till today Catholic Irish people are fighting them.
Some Irish people talk about a world wide conspiracy; “all USA presidents were Protestants and they even killed the only Catholic one: Kennedy”.
Even the American civil war might -on higher level- be more concerned with power play from these and other rich families than the good values against slavery as a dogma for the lower people, as not more than a tool to get more influence. In fact these families are amongst the biggest traders that brought the slaves to the America’s.
The Royal families from England and Holland, but originating from Germany, also trade in oil and own -according to people from within Shell and banks- both B.P. (British Petroleum) and Royal Dutch / Shell.
Semi-religious organizations were introduced; free-masons. Rockefeller and Dupont and some other rich families financed the build-up of Nazi Germany. Hitler was brought to power by industrials that thought they could use him for their purposes. Some think about a very dark high level free-mason conspiracy to create WWII, so afterwards a more unified world with more open trade would be formed. But according to others, they felt pity for the Germans that were broke and just try to help them build-up their industry. And when things started going wrong, they already had stopped financing and money came from Austrians instead.
The Dutch Queen and inheritor of the throne, Juliana (daughter of Wilhelmina and granddaughter of Emma, both war-criminals in the ethnic cleansing of Atjeh) married before WWII with price Bernhard. Bernhard is a pre-war German officer and by some accused of being involved in the England-spiel: his right hand, a high officer in his team gave the names of people in the Dutch resistance to the Germans. Bernhard also started negotiations with the Germans to return to The Netherlands while being under German occupation.
Bernhard seems to have also put Queen Juliana temporary in a mental hospital in the Greet Hoffman affair; a friend of Juliana that told her about her husbands dirty games. Prince Bernhard created around 1950 the Bilderberg group; a high level VIP free-mason organization and for example a Rockefeller, Hubbard (scientology?), (mainly Dutch) bankers like ABN-AMRO, but also a Belgium, one French and English banks like Goldman Sachs where a Dutch prince also works, oil company Shell, Philips (multinationals that the house of Orange is believed to have secret major stock holds) the US minister of Defence and many others are part of them. The gatherings of Bilderberg are considered top state secret and go along with ‘democratic’ taxpayers financed full force of Dutch and other secret services and the military. Also full force of military and intelligence services is provided for the Royal family with sharpshooters on roofs and more of those, making an attack very difficult in sharp contrast with the protection of the Dutch parliament that would for example be easy to blow up with all its members, just by driving in a van loaded with explosives.
Immediately after WWII, also the CIA was created, mainly by taking over former Nazi’s by Henry Kissinger, because they knew how to set-up and run organizations like the SS. They started overthrowing governments mainly in Southern America and the Middle East and installing fascist right wing governments and dictators that would be good for their trade interests.
USA took over a lot of Jewish people and made some strange hypocrite immigration laws like not have been member of a Nazi-party. Strange enough this doesn’t seem to be the case for CIA’s members and strange enough the Jewish-Israeli Mossad and CIA are very good friends.
In fact this isn’t strange when one gets freed from the cultural brainwashing and turn around deception about WWII. Till 1938 the Zionist organization had a fascist doctrine with a strong leader, as was common good in those days. They worked together with Mussolini from Italy with the idea to steal or colonize a part of Africa, especially Palestine. Spain advised Italy to choose for Hitler and he didn’t like he Jews, so Mussolini stopped the collaboration with the Zionists. In fact the Zionists had the same fascist and racial idea’s, but became first victim of the same idea’s before being able to continue their plans about colonizing and overpowering another tribe, the Palestinians. After the war they used the jewtrick, or more modern and non-racial: turn-around deception, to let it look like they where only the victims and being the good guys free of fascist and racial thoughts. Using and abusing that victim-role –and being victim indeed with 3 to 8 million Jews killed- they succeeded in the Western world to cover-up most of their bad behavior, that goes pretty far towards colonial, racial and fascist crimes against humanity to the people of Palestine.
In The Netherlands a lot of Jewish people lived and still live; Amsterdam is considered partly as a Jewish town with almost all majors being Jewish and installed by De Kroon / The Crone; a non-democratic organ mainly influenced by the Royal family. (The majors are head of the so called “triangle” police, justice and local governments and therefore have an enormous non-democratic power.) Although I almost have no information about how the Mossad and other Jewish/Israeli organizations operate –they are very secret and silent- the ties between Dutch Royalty and the Jewish seem quite developed. Holland/The Netherlands always was a country of traders and a lot of Jews took part in this trade. So some friends of the house of Orange must be rich influential Jews. Also weapon trade with Israel still goes on through the airport Shiphol, in spite that parliament forbid this.
Some months ago a report came out over the Bijlmer affair, where an old with depleted Uranium as contra weight overloaded Israeli airplane fell down on a flatbuilding. 10 years private research and documents proofing all the statements about weapons in the airplane, the danger from appr. 100kg dampened depleted Uranium that disappeared, all kind of local diseases that point towards poisoning, but were cover-up by stigmatizing them as pure Post Traumatic Stress syndromists, Uranium cover-up action by Mossad, Dutch police and Justice who made false official statements, etc. Of course Dutch corporate media kept silent about this report and didn’t make a huge scandal out of this, as they did many times before.
The problem with Nazi-Germany might on higher level being quite different than the issue of racial killings; dogma’s those people also adhere to some extent (Orange that killed 100.000 Moslems and the Zionists that worked together with Mussolini). The problem was not this racism, but that it was pointed towards very rich and very influential people in Europe, partly the Jewish upper class, instead of outside Europe towards poor ‘uncivilized’ people like Indians or Muslims.
Nowadays we don’t have slavery and live in a free world! Again turn-around-deception. Because of the so called “free-trade” that is more free for the Western world, other countries meet high import tariffs and false concurrence by agricultural and other subsidies as well as dirty tricks in trade like power play, corruption and monopoly positions. A research might have as outcome that the so called free people in the third world making products for the Western world, have poorer life conditions than the slaves in past times. So these days slavery might in fact be worse than in past days without slavery official existing!
In The Netherlands, The Dutch liberal party VVD had a right-wing pro economics liberal, but also an environmental course. A man out of oil company Shell, Frits Bolkestijn, nowadays also member of Bilderberg, got his political course paid by Shell and took over power in this party, throwing out all the environmentalists.
Now the socialist party, the PvdA, has a new leader, Wouter Bos. This guy also worked for Shell and therefore could be an infiltrator from Shell, Bilderberg and the house of Orange. He is under suspect because –in spite of the wish of his party- he likes to bent for the Christian CDA party that wants him to support the American (or Orange/Bilderberg?) oil war against Iraq, with a lot of weapon trade and movements going on over The Netherlands.
The civilian party LPF’s leader Pim Fortuyn was murdered one day after a meeting with Lockheed, US-officials, US ambassador Sobel and Dutch militaries to talk about the multi billion dollar Joint Strike Fighter project, Fortuyn opposed. Next to that he promised to investigate what was truth about the stories about the influence and games of Orange after being elected, he also opposed the military and wanted major reorganizations also on higher management level. They say he changed his opinion that day, but he can’t tell us anymore! And maybe that’s truth for only the JSF, because jobs were provided for Dutch laborers. A guy from the Military Intelligence Department (MID, Mat Herben, a former end-editor of official Defense magazines) took over power in that party and his first government action was to vote in favor of the JSF. Maybe he was only used by others. This looks like the Lockheed II affair; Lockheed I being the past case that prince Bernhard took money from Lockheed to lobby for an earlier fighter plane. According to some people around the Royalty in a documentary; he didn’t need that money and that was only for expenses to buy other people. For Bernhard it was about the BV-Orange; his own family stocks in Dutch companies that got compensation orders, the same as is the case for the JSF.
NEWS from Saterday March 29th Dutch newspaper NRC:
Edwin de Roy van Zuydewijn husband of princes Margarita suggests in an interview in relation to the Royal family that secret services of certain persons are in command and also are behind the murder on Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn.
Hmmm… That guy is in great danger till he gives all the details that are planned for a legal-issue. Accidentally or not, after returning from a parliament meeting in The Hague about revelations about how the secret service harassed him ordered by the Royal family, the princes and De Roy were followed by paparazzi on motors that almost drove their car from the road in the same way British princes Diana was killed.
Van Zuydewijn thinks with internal information in the same direction as the outcome of my research, indicating that the Dutch intelligence BVD/AIVD and/or coalition groups like Mossad and unofficial intelligence networks, was infiltrated in the extremist ALF ( Animal Liberation Front) group of Volkert van der G. (6 people known to the newspaper A.D., farmerleader Brink and the police detectives of North-Veluwe, known for already three years) and set him up against Fortuyn. Normally the Dutch intelligence operates in ‘controlling’ and not in bringing people to Justice. On the other side, Fortuyn became party for the fur farmers after a known Jewish media lobbyist and fascist hunter Hans Knoop (brought Nazi Menten to Justice) lobbied towards Fortuyn. This brought Fortuyn on confrontation course with the ALF and the extremists in that organization. Except unofficially the Dutch Royal family, the official heads of the BVD/AIVD were premier Wim Kok and minister of inland affairs Klaas de Vries, both from the socialist PvdA who were loosing a lot of power to Fortuyn’s LPF party and try to stigmatize him as the Dutch Hitler.
Except for the Americans (Lockheed, Carlyle, CIA), The Royal family and Bilderberg, the socialists, also other Jewish lobbyists than Hans Knoop were involved. So was Joep van den Nieuwenhuizen involved in lobbying for the JSF. The new leader after Mat Herben from the Military intelligence, became Wijnschenk, who blew up the party shortly after out-crying that he is Jewish and that the members of the party are racists. Except for that this isn’t through, although a civilian party also contains a low percentage of racists, he proofed to be a lobbyist for a paranoid Jewish case by infiltrating and blowing up the party for that reason.
Busy reporting when this issue developed, I got censored in Indymedia Netherlands and was stigmatized as anti-Semite and racist. Also at the same time a legal issue was threatened towards Indymedia by a so called anti-racial organization, that merely seems to be a one man Jewish organization with ties to Amsterdam liberal VVD party that has a lot of Jewish members. Also the Dutch Indymedia seems to be infiltrated by the Dutch intelligence, possibly also Mossad and/or people more or less belonging to networks lobbying for a Jewish case. That is exactly how ‘controllers’ operate; setting-up people against each other if for powerful people unwanted issues happen and need to be covered-up.
Another controller manipulation in the Dutch world of left wing activism is that they’re anti-globalist, but as soon as one starts talking about Bilderberg than it’s a right-wing issue and you’re a fascist activist or something! Globalism means Bilderberg and activism without attacking Bilderberg, is pointing your weapons and ammunition next to head of the snake.
So I found many involved to a certain level for several reasons and playing dirty games. Nevertheless that doesn’t proof they are involved in the murder on a direct, rational and fully conscious way. For sure these are cultural conspiracies and cultural pressure –with or without stimulating the murderer from nearby, can let other people do things without ordering them. So the question remains -if so- who was really on purpose involved in the murder case and set things up?
In my opinion all the games that were played are dirty and criminal enough to bring to justice and enough reason to open up the eyes of the population. Media, Justice and democracy didn’t work as they never worked and don’t do the work that they’re paid for, except in favor of the higher people, stealing taxpayer and consumer money to put a spell on the lower population for higher purposes.
In The Netherlands we officially have a “parliamentary democracy” with 150 independent parliament members in many parties. In fact these members have nothing to say, because the fraction leaders of the parties that form the government and a few around them, decide how they must vote. These fraction leaders and people around them are almost always people that are on good speaking terms with the house of Orange and collaborate with them in their own drive for glory and power. If they do well, they get a follow-up international job provided by these influential organizations like Orange and Bilderberg. So in fact we have a fraction dictatorship that are marionettes for higher people and businesses.
In America, father Bush has the Carlyle group, a defense (sub-)contractor with for example rocket trade. So the young Bush inherits the stocks. Other members and advisors are the Bin-Laden family (the ‘good’ sheep’s), John Major and James Baker. Also the Bin Laden family took a stake in Bush jr. first oil company. The White House says that –in spite this trader normally only operates for the Bin Laden family- this time he acted for himself.
The Anthrax letters that were mainly pointed towards journalists and democrats shortly after NSA Condoleeza Rice threatened the media, came from CIA Defense laboratory USAMRIID and was meant to point to some Moslems from Iraq. That setup went wrong after new developed scientific research proved for 100% it could only come from the US military lab themselves!
CIA knew about the attacks at least one month before and FBI officers were ordered to follow Al Qaeda members and report directly to headquarters, but not allowed to make legal cases against them. George Tenet CIA, told Bush within a few hours after the attacks that three Al Qaeda members were on a plane. How could he know and why could known Al Qaeda members enter a plane? The only plain with three Al Qaeda members was heading for Washington; for the democratic Congress and not for the White House as we know now according to high ranking captured Al Qaeda members. Only because the plane was 50 minutes late, the attack failed. So this plane as well as the anthrax was an attack on democratic Congress and specifically on Democrats.
Plans for invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq were made before 9-11 and discussed with the Pakistani intelligence. Pakistani intelligence and Al Qaeda and the Taleban were good friends, so the CIA had a good picture about what the former CIA organization Al Qaeda was doing.
Richard Perle, the head of a neo-conservative Defense Advisory, publisher in the Jeruzalem Post and good friend of Nazi-war criminal Sharon (allowed the Christian militia in the refugee camps Sabra & Shatilla, knowing what their thoughts were about doing there) and Wolfowitch made the plans together with some other people. Richard Perle and CIA’s director George Tenet have in my perception an expression seen only by top Italian mob-bosses.
The day that Sharon and Bush came to power, I knew the world would change completely and forced into an escalation by only those people. But now having found an important link between those criminals and
the planned escalations in the person of Richard Perle. I have a lot of clues and information, published earlier and partly from other class A resources, that they planned 9-11 or at least “knew and let it happen” .
Its basically quite simple: without 9-11 attacks, the plans of those people and Bush who wanted to start total war and exterminate all the (Moslem) terrorists instead of swatting at flies before that time, could never have been fulfilled; not having the support from inland and internationally to go into those Moslem countries.
On top of the right wing neo-conservatists or neo-Reaganetics, is Donald Rumsfeld. The neo-Reaganetics adore the idea of pre-emptive strike because maybe someone could be a threat (that qualifies for the mental diagnose as anti-social paranoid schizophrenic psychopaths).
And let Donald Rumsfeld be member of the Bilderberg group. So Richard Perle (just in dispute because of his weapon companies interests) is the link between those military extremists/conspirators and Sharon, while Donald Rumsfeld is the link with the Bilderberg organization. End June, start of July they had a meeting in Virginia Washington DC to discuss the differences between Europe and USA and how to deal with Iraq. As we now know, the deal was that war could be done with support of the United Nations. This also shows why the Dutch government is so supportive of the American plans, while our also Dutch language speaking neighbors from Belgian totally oppose this war. According to some oil-experts, Shell already has signed the contract for Iraqi oil by using an Islamic Malaysian daughter firm.
Furthermore, Bilderberg has meetings at least ones a year to discuss how the world has to be changed.
They knew about Sebrenica two months before it happened and did nothing; sacrificed them for …? The French got the blame, but on higher level are many indications that the Dutch intelligence, Bilderberg and the Americans were involved; the American minister of Defense under Clinton, warned the Dutch Queen Beatrix that the situation around Sebrenica was hopeless and the people were like rats in a trap. (Later this covered-up neglected info was used in their favor to bring down the PvdA leader Wim Kok and his party just before the elections, because they didn’t vote in favor of Lockheeds JSF.) A very high ranking woman from the UN is also member of Bilderberg. 8000 Muslims men were killed, historically not of much value for these fascist organizations that fight Islamic values for their profits.
The higher goal was probably to have a precedent to start war next time and get that area under their influence, instead of bringing peace according to strong racial borders and having problems to have major stake of influence in those strong mono-culture countries.
That brings me to another subject. The racial issue is on higher level used for something completely different. Take Kurdistan for example; if this gets one country with only Kurds, its very difficult to influence and control them because of the strong culture and proud. If there are more tribes and cultures struggling against each other, its easier for powerful people and multinationals to control them.
That’s probably the higher reason by no way former Yugoslavia was allowed to fall apart according to racial borders and trading pieces of disputed land amongst them. In this way a lot of problems could have been resolved, but some high level people decided otherwise abusing the race issue for completely different purposes.
Back to the agreement between the Europeans and Americans at the Bilderberg meeting last year June/July.
So it seems the Bush government broke that agreement. Last week I noticed the Greek multi-billionaire Soros telling on CNN that Bush made a mistake. Soros is thought to be involved in bringing governments down by selling their currencies towards a free-fall and other financial means.
So Bush and his gang made some influential enemies that since Iraqi Babylon 5000 or 6000 years ago always got it their way on the long term.
Hitler eventually failed in betraying them. The question is how far Bush and his gang will go to remain to power. They already past the Homeland Security with all the rules to control the media and internet under military censorship and put people from terrorist suspected towns in camps for questioning. Of course a new major terrorist attack is needed. A suitcase atomic bomb destroying a city center? A bacteriological attack with many American deaths? And who did that this time? Sadam that was provoked on purpose by Bush’s gang to create this situation to be able grabbing for almost absolute world power? Or the CIA that did the attacks themselves or let it happen, while they knew people where planning this?
Yes, I can play chess quite well; these are their options to remain on power and get more power.
The other possibility is that none of these attacks on American soil happen and Bush is removed from power.
I don’t know what force is going to win, but I suppose this could take a long time with many escalations into a completely different world. Into WWIII and a new world wide depression like the years ’30. The human pig-cycle for economics 70-90 years according to Kondratief.
Again the Moslems are targeted. Many times the Iraqis are betrayed by the Americans that also brought Sadam to power by the CIA. He got his chemicals from one guy that’s now in the Bush government; was it Cheney or Rumsfeld? People like Rumsfeld, Wolfowitch and Powell already know each other since the Reagan government.
They supported Sadam with military tactics how to gas the Iranians. Also the Kurdish people were targeted. The people around Basra along with the Kurds were betrayed by Bush sr. He gave his word to support a civil-upraise. So the people started fighting and 300.000 to 500.000 deaths were the result of Bush betrayal. The Iraqi people hate America and know in a very hard learned way, they always came for their own strategic, business and oil interests and never for them, instead killing many of them.
American companies are going to rebuild the country. But who is going to pay for that? They just take the Iraqi oil by an American military regime and decide for them they have to hire American companies.
Just on CNN: Iraqi oil and world economics. Another CIA PsyOps (Psychological Operations) media manipulation trick. Didn’t they say not to go in there for the oil? Also The Bilderberg magazine told that twice that is a delusive thought in their January release. Two main editors of The Economist are members of Bilderberg, so in fact it’s a Bilderberg magazine in which Shell oil has a huge stake. And Shell already seems to have the Iraqi oil contracts through the Malaysian daughter firm. And just now CNN starts telling that –as I already knew- the Iraqi oil is the cheapest to get up and the resources might be the biggest, because for 20 years no research to new fields has been done. And selling the oil for lower than the recent OPEC market price, for example $20, could support the world economy! So that’s what the Americans already were planning for years. Install an American military regime (as they earlier installed Sadam) and decide for the Iraqi’s to sell their oil lower than the market price to blow up the OPEC and the Arab world and make them Western slaves? Most profits go to the oil companies that have the lowest costs they can imagine together with an enormous oil output making other oil countries less wealthy. They don’t care about Iraqi military or civilian deaths. They don’t care that much about American deaths and about American war-trauma’s for the lower people. They REALLY care about their own business and high profits and extreme multiplication of their stock values in their military and oil companies they have themselves, their family or network friends who pay them on a secret account or in a later stage and also giving them very high income jobs in those industries for the rest of their lives. America doesn’t need more oil. The government does everything to create an oil shortage to legitimate their war and business by letting taxpayers buy oil at a high price to higher the national reserve, promoting absurd uneconomic gasoline consuming cars, withholding other forms of energy and delaying and destroying all kinds of developments that make America much less oil-consuming on the short and medium term. Also less oil would mean a much better environment and weather climate for the whole world on long term. The rich don’t care; this is the general method they get their money to buy away everything that still is nice from other people.
Just seen another documentary on Belgium. About all the dirty games in the former Iraq war. There were no troop concentrations near Saudi Arabia that legitimized American troops in that country. Criminal gangs around the former Bush government sold many weapons to different countries in the region because of stimulation and partly creating that fear. On video is even proof that US ambassador in Iraq Madeleine Albright answered to an Iraqi official on the question “what America would do in case they took Kuwait”; “America would do nothing”. The camera was still running and the mike was open. So they set-up a trap for Iraq. In the war many civilian targets were bombed, like water facilities. Up to 500.000 Iraqi’s died because of the war, for a huge part civilians and the Americans covered that up. Later more than 1 million Iraqis died because of the demolition of infrastructure and the embargo, as well as because of the deliberate betrayal in not supporting the Iraqi upraise against Sadam. It was father Bush who ordered to stop the war immediate as the upraise started and Colin Powell was very surprised. Earlier Bush gave his word to support an upraise. But I know that father Bush has the Carlyle group; a military firm with many very influential political figures taking part as the Bin Laden family, John Major, James Baker and who knows many more. This doesn’t look like corruption on its most cruel way, this is the worst form of corruption to steal money from taxpayer inside and outside America for the weapon industry by killing many people that take part in the games THEY MADE.
It looks like father Bush decided to stop the war and remain Sadam in power, just to get more money for his weapon industry by scaring Iraq’s neighbors about the enormous danger. And now today getting even more money for that weapon industry for the new invasion and stealing the oil.
Some philosophy on how they share the lute: Maybe America wants all of the lute for herself as a war trophy. But on high level in-room deals have been made between USA (Exxon), Britain (BP) , Netherlands(Shell), France and Russia. Now the UN didn’t vote in favor, these deals are broken. So what’s going to happen with the lute? I think that America –some of its firms and influential persons- get commissions paid when other oil companies are involved. It’s a normal way of business in the oil industry: many people work on commission base and get their whole life a percentage of the orders they bring in. So other companies that get a part of the lute, will probably have to pay commission to some American and British co-conspirators.
The right of the strongest combined with the former jewtrick; turn-around-deception as a nowadays non-racial word.
That is the strongest according to the law of survival of the fittest. Hitler would agree this is the system that will win, in spite of that he lost this game. And that was also why his philosophy must have been forbidden, so the lower people can be fooled by beliefs and don’t know where the game is about.
And it always will be like that, as it always was.
Real democracy? Didn’t the Greeks have something like that? But why did that disappear?
Completely free media instead of by VIP’s and companies influenced corporate media or non-democratic government media?
Independent parliaments members combating influences from networks, monopolists, oligarchs, multinationals and power-plays?
Very good intelligence placed directly under the independent parliament members instead of the democracy deceiving governments of a few?
Justice that works for the (low-) society and not for the VIP’s?
One of those systems is going to win these coming years after many big changes in the world.
Till now the historic statistical truth is that money on long term will win this war; money, power and deception.
And the Moslems might be killed, more and more, until their last men, while fighting back for their rights.
And as long as we get our monthly payments, most people feel very comfortable to collaborate in this game and being proud to win what those ’insect like lower uncivilized terrorist people’ loose.
CNN newsticker from Israel: Three cable providers stop transmitting BBC because they “couldn’t agree on a new contract”. For sure this is turn-around-deception and Jewish media manipulation; just now BBC is even in England under fire of transmitting the Arab and Iraqi views and asking critical question and transmitting critical interviews from the front. So OFCOURSE Israel is not going to transmit worlds best quality quite independent media news station.
CNN live coverage Powell: Gives Israel 1 billion dollar military next to economic aid and praises Bush decision and ever lasting ties between Israel and USA. Later BBC reported this meeting as “an important Jewish lobby group in Washington”
… A terrible speech; Powell on an amateur way showing up as a strong leader with people applauding at every silly sentence. To me like a deja-vu from old German WWII movies.
Almost none in the West saw this happen, but now it seems too late to stop them. Adolf Hitlers dream came true: the 1000 year empire just got absolute world power; not by him because he was defeated by this stronger and more tricky enemy that now uses the same methods more and more, as they gain more and more power. Power makes corrupt and without balance in power, civilization is far away. American war budget is as high as the rest of the world. Intelligence and controllers from CIA and the Mossad are infiltrated in most sectors in most countries. They manipulate other countries from inside many organizations. The British and Dutch collaborate, knowing this is the way to survive and grow. Bilderberg, Orange and Winsor/Hannover lost power and try to regain. But they will not make a strong fist against this 1000 year empire that they supported and earned money from. And the intelligence MI5/6 and BVD/AIVD are close connected to the CIA and the Mossad, many times more than to the ‘democratic parliaments’ they should represent.
So most ‘uncivilized’ Moslems and Arabs will be killed, like most ‘uncivilized’ Indians were killed, because they didn’t fit into the Western business interest and have the pride to fight till their last men.
Earlier I thought out the term ‘economic fascism’ in relation to the drive behind the atrocities of the Nazi’s. And that is the drive indeed; huge companies and very rich persons playing dirty games, only interested in profit maximization. Look at all multinationals; how tobacco industry lied, food industries that now and can make fabricated food with slight changes (e.g. salt & fat composition) much more healthy with many less deaths among the population, the alcohol stimulating legislation and that alcohol companies can easily make alcohol less harmful by adding special additives and selling a full-taste light beer, what very cruel atrocities against humanity and mass-destruction the weapon and oil companies are involved in, how governments are working more for them than for the civilians, how monopoly positions and oligopoly positions (less than 5 competitors) are not forbidden and stimulated by governments by privatizing infrastructure like telephone, cable, gas & electricity, railroads, etc. Suppose the highways are privatized? Only optimal concurrence exists when there are at least 5 competitors without secret negotiations. So that means 5 different highways for the same tracks next to each other! Same for railroad, gas & electra infrastructure, cable, wired telephone, etc. You see, that would be ridiculous, so some companies need to be from the state or the civilians. Everyone who learns economics learns the above mentioned cases are not the ways capitalism does work and is on its bad as it can be. Capitalism means completely free concurrence without dirty games, monopoly positions, oligopoly positions, secret negotiations, not infiltrating and influencing governments, good working democracy with INDEPENDENT parliament members that directly form the government themselves, good controlling mechanisms and secret services as well as something like a parliamentary guard, working directly for parliament members. If that’s not possible, than it needs to be a democratic controlled company.
That’s is how capitalism is learned on economics. All other ways of right wing and asocial neo-capitalism in gaining profits is what I consider economic fascism.
And then the corporate media; media controlled and smartly censored by end editors, advertisers, major shareholders and corrupt –network belonging, or above- government members.
Also the legal rights and how its applied in practice, always has been right of the strongest; to protect the rich people. The Swedes –the folks USA corporate media hate so much- made the right for the lower people as an add-on, that’s now applied in many countries. But in basic some people still have more rights than others.
Communism died, so now economic fascism is to die? Many tried and none succeeded during last 5 or 6000 years from the first banks that grew out of prostitution in the temples of Babylon, Iraq. The fighting continues again –now brought to Iraq again- with the same money in control of that fight.
Former articles:
Search on “metzelaar” at Indymedia Washington DC

The Netherlands (also under “waerheijd’)


South Africa

The articles on Washington DC and South Africa are in English and contain many links to other articles and good informing sites with background info. The articles in Washington contain or link to all articles
about 9-11. In South-Africa is an article about the connection between Sharon and South Africa and racial germ-warfare. In The Netherlands are most Dutch articles about the murder on Fortuyn and other Dutch issues about manipulation by people in government, business, military, police and justice. Most censored articles are published in Belgium (keyword search, not article search field) and often the pseudonym “waerheijd” had to be used in The Netherlands.
Mark Metzelaar
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