mathaba | 22.03.2003 11:23
Most people - 99% of internet users! - NEVER bother to change their start page, are afraid to do so, or do not know how to, or are too lazy to change it...
NOW we can do something about it!!! BUT it has to be done right, and this is why: The start page must be QUICK, USEFUL and SIMPLE - otherwise people will not like it and not keep it.
GOOGLE.COM is a good start page for the above reasons - BUT it does not put a link for NEWS to IndyMedia.
Fed up with useless start page? Want to have ONE CLICK access to IndyMedia, Google Search, Your Email, from a better start page?
JUST CLICK BELOW and try it! When it asks 'do you want to set your home page to just say YES.
With the new home page you will see NEWS links to IndyMedia, Google Search box, link to a message board, CHAT and ALL EMAILS in one neat clean fast loading start page.
Spread the word, and when you DO set the start page - TELL US if you have any suggestions for improvement - click the relevant links on the page.
Already thousands of people are using this start page, and we intend to improve it soon with links to more alternative media, but always keeping the start page itself clean, simple, useful and fast.