Lancaster antiway/peace action.
jmp | 20.03.2003 13:04
Campaigners for peace today occupied Market Square in Lancaster and will remain there for at least 24 hours.
The campaigners have put a yurt in the square as a gathering point and expression of social disobedience; and the last few hours they have been joined by many, including school kids from various schools in the area.
One headmaster, with a very distressed expression on his face had to realise that his power was no longer existing: severe threats and abuse from the headmaster was drowned out by the pupils chanting "We Shall, We shall, We shall not be moved".
There is a great atmosphere in Lancaster, sincere debates, Food Not Bombs, music, dancing, drumming, singing, cheering and laughing.
Tomorrow Friday at 12.30 Lancastrians will seize upon Town Hall, and only time can tell where and to what that will lead.. ;))
There has been good media coverage from the usual corporate and local suspects, one camera crew even came back to capture the newly arrived dissenting pupils
Pictures will follow, hopefully...