REAL COST OF WAR (actual stats and references)
Albert Kada | 13.03.2003 04:57
For proof see my web site and do your homework.
Today an Egyptian got the whole 25 million plus 2 million in moving expenses.
It has been reported on indymedia that Mubarak tortures journalists.
step 1-Any one can get any one to perform terrorism real or faked. It has been reported on TV that Hamas only gets 250,000 plus for suicide bombing. Subcontractors and employers are everywhere.
step-2 Somebody puts it in de media.
step-3 Somebody claims the reward by turning in the culprit, preferably in a country that has trials with judges and jurys and attorneys and such so that the alledged mastermind can be cleared of all charges.
step-4 Money is divided fairly.
Interesting options-sell terrorism insurance backed by the US taxpayer.
Make a game show out of it and put it on TV.
sell damage futures on the Iraqi Stock Market.
Sell your vote at a UN meeting even though France can veto.
sell frequent flyer miles to radical muslims.
Taunt North Korea.
Taunt France.
Make drug deals with the DEA.
Figure bottom line based on how many people have a sincere desire to blow up anything then divide that into 25 million dollars. Then take the inverse of that number and multiply it by 25 million squared. The game show can reward those with the correct answer.
A massive intelligence failure still haunts the USA.
see my web site and click the thumbnail of Mubarak and Bush. also click on I WANT MY 25 MILLION DOLLARS.
Don't try this game at home.
by Albert Kada
Independent Terrorist Journalist
Special Agent CIA-A-1
World's only publisher of computer viruses besides Microsoft.
Stolen from the unpublished newspaper "The American Blasphemer" please copy
Albert Kada