Hospitals and care not bombs
Patrick Cooper-Duffy | 10.03.2003 17:45
The President Mr Tony Blair used a meeting of the NHS modernising Board to critique the press fascination with the Iraq Attack War instead we should concentrate on the NHS achievements.I feel such a view is wrong and indeed Mr Blair should go sooner rather than later. It is only days ago we were informed of 90 bed blocked beds in Winchester.
It is only weeks ago we were informed of plans to close a ward for elderly demented patients. This small snap shot of one feature of elderly care ill treatment is not isolated. The abdonment of the Community care system is just a sad part of the total picture. The refusal to implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Elderly care etc
Fiddled data. Poorly designed PFI hospitals.Yearly abandonment of nurse recruitment and retention.Clearly the formal structures are not working.We can offer explanations,abuses of power,greed,corruption but until ordinary people begin to both organise and challenge this stupid nonsense it will continue. A free and unfettered press and media should be an integral part of this.
Yours Patrick Cooper-Duffy
Patrick Cooper-Duffy