Famous Cat Obituary: Dr. Ropes, March 9th 2003, Montreal
Donovan King | 10.03.2003 16:21
Famous Cat Obituary: Dr. Ropes, March 9th 2003, Montreal
A long-haired orange beast, he made headlines when being the first cat ever to receive a doctorate. In addition to being a superb bird-hunter, catnip enthusiast, and friend, his ongoing work in the department of Ontology at OTL has made headlines. In the meta-play CAR STORIES: WHAT HAVE YOU HEARD? - his work was nominated for the $100,000.00 Siminovitch Prize in Playwrighting.
Dr. Ropes will be dearly missed.
In lieu of flowers please offer a donation to an animal rights charity, such as PETA.
Donovan King