6Th Circuit Court of Appeals
Deborah A. Skousen | 10.03.2003 07:56
Freedom hs always been a hard fought issue, the ideals of a fair justice system and social freedoms for centuries has been an idea humankind has rallied around, some have fought hard against these principles of freedom, wishing strong control and suppression of the truth. I grew up believing the principles of justice and freedom were the foundations of America. As an American, I grew up believing the principles of freedom and justice was the foundation of my country, and as an American it is our responsibility to protect our rights and laws from those who would destroy the principles which our forfathers established.
In March of 2002 a case was heard in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The case was against a State of Michigan Police Officer, who's police report resulted in a public trail the media dubbed "A Slap heard Around the World". The case became a parental rights issue, a mother who disciplined her daughter for staying away all weekend and then swearing at her mother,however; the truth was not told in the courts, nor in the media of the wrongful police charges, court actions, and the complete disreguard of the justice system.
In order to understand the illegalities one needs to understand what was done by the officer and court.
On April 28,1997, a police report was handed in a the Livingston County Court, State of Michigan, USA written by State Trooper Paul Rambo. In his report Trooper Rambo wrote "the victim was treated and released for a bruised jaw with instrucitons to take Motrin 600mg and ice on the contusion" Later, in a statement my John B. Payne, in his Motion to Quash it states...."A medical report dated, April 28th,1997, reflects that there was edema on the complainant's left cheek and Trooper Rambo stated to counsel that he observed brusing".The attorney signed the affidavit that all statements were true. This became the basis of the trial, and the police report the basis of the charges. Prosecutor David Morse stating in area newspapers there was a bruise and in later interviews stated a red mark welt.
On May 20, a post card was mailed stating Deborah Skousen was under arrest and was to report to the courthouse for arraignement. The allegations were unknown as to the charges of domestic volience. There had been a Family Indenpendent Agency investiation prior, the FIA had fund all allegations unsubstantieated. The post card was shocking!
The police report was denied when a request in writing was sent to the Michgian State Police. All the way through the initial court appears and through pre-trial the police report was refused. The allegation were unknown as well as the accussers.
At pre-trial. I was told to plead no contest or the charges would be raised to a felony (meaning one could go to prision)I refuse to take the no contest plea, and the charges were raised to a felony "aggravated assult". The police report still refused. When the report was finailly given, months later, the name of Michael Byan was listed as complaining witness. His role and idenity was withheld from me.
I was found innocent in a December 1997 trial, and filed a federal lawsuit against State Trooper Paul Rambo in the Federal Court in Detroit, Michigan.The case was assigned to Judge Paul Borman.
In deposition it was established Trooper Rambo did not follow police procedure. He took no photographs of the bruse he claimed he saw, did not fill out domestic volience forms, stated in deposition he destroyed the police records. The police report Trooper Rambo wrote did not reflect the doctors report. The doctor's report stated "Tender Preaucicular area is just in front of the ear. Negative bruise. Patient opens mouth slightly. Teeth intact. Negative wounds inside mouth, full range of motion of cervical spine. Tympanic membrane negative injection."
The doctor was not contacted by the courts until the motion to Quash was put into court. Up to this point all charges were based on a police report.
My daughter had undergone orthodontic treatment,the courts would not put into evidence a signed consent form for orthodonitic treatment stating the following: "there is a risk that problems may occur in the tempromandibular joint located just in front of the ear". This form was signed and dated when orthodontic treatment began.
The case against the officer was moved from Federal Court in Detroit to the Court of Appeals in Ohio. The argument from the attorney general's office: the trooper had immunity. The identity of Michael Byan was still being withheld.
The attorney from the attorney general's office was not truthful in his statements before the court. My attorney weak. The three Federal Court of Appeals judges made fun of Judge Boreman from the Federal Cour stating he was a Clinton Appointee. As I left the courtroom I asked my lawyer how a decission giving immunity to law enforcement be decided on a falsehood? I was told : President Bush wanted complete immunity for all law enforcement agencies, and what needed to be said to get that ruling would be said, even if it was not the truth. I was then asked if my son was going to join the Taliban. I am scot/irish decent (maiden name McCord).
My children were chased from the Brighton Area Schools, when the high school newsletter printed an article blasting me. My child attending the school lost their friends,and left school. The high school said it was their freedom of speech and the article had been approved by school officials. Negating their responsibity to provide the child with a safe school enviorment.
We have been harassed by people within the county, and harassed at work from people with county ties.
A letter recieved in late Feburary 2003(that's right just a few weeks ago} Prosecutor David Morse identified Michael Byan as a Michigan State Trooper over seeing the case.
I have all due respect for the law, but what happens when they are lawless. My daughter and I were pitted,I do not like she was put in a positon to take the responsiblity done by the officer and the courts tore my family apart.
Granted President Bush was not in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals that day, and neither was justice. I have lived in fear for over 6 years, an so have some of my children. Where is justice and civil right in the American court system.
Deborah A. Skousen