Spontaneous Direct Action In Leicester. 8 Arrested.
Leicester ISR. | 07.03.2003 19:20
Once the crowd had grown to several hundered at the rally point the police began to be concerned at the angry numbers. They moved in and attempted to disperse the crowd, a but as they did so a fifteen year old was arrested. This added to the anger of the crowd considerably. They then decided to march to the police station to demand his release. Roads were blocked, slogans were yelled (Whose streets?! Our Streets!!) onlookers were very confused. We had shown Leicester how to rage in style. After an hour or so of street reclaiming around the centre, the police (who eventually found us again!) managed to block around 100 demonstrators down a side street. Eventually they were released, but apparent "ring leaders" were taken away for interogation. There were 8 arrests in total. So the youth of Britain are apathetic are they? Not any more it seems.
Leicester ISR.