Stop, drop everything you're doing & ...
Davy King | 03.03.2003 23:02
read this, then:
converge on Downing Street!
Where are the media? Right in London. They'll be there.
This is a simple idea & it may be a good one.
My family lives in the Philippines. There, People Power deposed 2 Presidents! Thousands upon thousands of people surrounded the palace & they didnt go away.
Let us do likewise HERE.
Converge on Downing Street NOW & don't go away.
No need for more words, slogans, even reasons/rational arguments...just go to the seat of power in this country & stay there: PEOPLE POWER!
Thousands upon thousands from London & beyond:
Converge on Downing Street!
Please, please, please PASS THIS ON...
It's so simple, so obvious...
My people in the Philippines deposed 2 Presidents...
Converge on Downing Street: don't leave till Blair is forced to change his mind.
Downing Street is easy to get to. Remember, you don't ebven have to say another word. The overwhelming presence of People Power works: in the Philippines...
Learn from the good Filippino people!
Davy King
Davy King