Ore of Babylon
repost | 28.02.2003 21:03
Repost from SChNEWS newsletter
weapons which have 'Indiscriminate Effects.'
And to add insult to mass destruction, George W. 'forgot' to include any
humanitarian and reconstruction funds in his 2003 budget. Yet another unfortunate oversight hurriedly rescued by Congress who managed to rustle up $300 million for the cause. How many times did Bush pledge not to walk away
from the Afghan people? $300million might seem like a lot, but it constitutes a small proportion of the $4billion total pledged at the Tokyo donor's conference to help rebuild Afghanistan. Compared to the $3 billion that Israel receives in US foreign aid every year, $300m figure suddenly loses its impact. Israel has been given $240 billion since 1973, much of it used for the purchase and manufacture of weapons, plus additional funds, not counted as foreign aid, for special projects such as $180 million for the development and manufacture of the Arrow missile project. Weapons now make
up 50% of Israel's manufactured exports. Contrary to the norm, Israel is
not required to use this injection of funds to buy American goods, in fact
American defence contractors are often forced to buy Israeli goods, and it has the power to block the sale of US military equipment to Middle Eastern countries. In common with other states that have earned the "rogue nation" label, Israel has the capacity to manufacture nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and maintains a stockpile of nuclear weapons, yet has not signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty and refuses to allow any independent inspection of its facilities.
Israel are now demanding an additional $3-4 billion for the next 3 to 5 years to help them cope with the continuing Palestinian uprising and the consequences of a US war in Iraq. Perhaps George W. should see someone about his blurred 'vision' before he makes more of a spectacle of himself.
More info: Uranium contamination - www.URMC.net
Daisy cutters - www.robearly.com/911/DaisyCutter.html
Israeli foreign aid -