Bush Daddy Hunt
Bob Meade | 28.02.2003 20:42
PS: 2/23/03 Microwaves are part of the radio-frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, having wavelength longer than visible light. Research on the physiological effects of microwaves probably came out of Hitler's death camps. The dummkopf Nazis are probably the ones who are saying that more research is needed; thus Ithaca is constantly bombarded with radiation from the Eagle and other sources, TV and radio reception is nil most of the time, and BDT would love to get you to get you in a bed where they could microwave your head while you were sleeping. Many Alzheimers patients have probably literally had their brains fried, and such frying probably results in the characteristic nerve tangles of Alzheimers(143109). Damage to the sight and hearing is probably also caused by microwaves(Is. 6:10). 2/24/03-The Venetian Blind was probably invented during WWII to protect the population from microwaves, plus radar wavelengths are also in the microwave range. I suspect that there was a little-publicized experimental use of microwaves to heat buildings in the 70s. Some of the more common conditions that probably develop from exposure to hazardous levels of microwaves are hair loss, vision loss, headaches, and Alzheimers. As for the "hunt", "You want that body moved? Carry that body with you when you go!" So said the alien. 2/25/03 - Bush Daddy claims that the military went and fried the brains of those who let the microwave laser guns fall into the hands of the dummkopfs. I'll believe it when I see it. 2/26/03 - Do you remember the "Bi-Gay Bi-Gay Symbol"(211500) and how Marion Barry could have taken that "Symbol" and run with it? Well he can still do something regarding these "Bush ---gas"(176670). Marion Barry is a "chemical wizard", and he could take these heads and "paint them black", even make their hair curl like a true Afro-American, then he could say; "These were the colored folks that were behaving like they were God on earth!" To top that off, real estate, "Dryden Style" may soon be coming to an area near you: "Look the "head" of the household is located at this address. He said that we could live here. We are taking care of the place for him. He said that he was one of God's chosen people. He said that he would be back in a "few days". Do you want to talk to him? He may not be having a good day; but you will be able to tell by the smile on his face that he is happy." The Bear Lord could have sworn to himself that this is true. 2/27/03 - BDT lets on that they want to fry someone's head with microwaves when they say, "He needs a headache!" Since the dull headache produced by microwave exposure is similar to that produced by alcohol, lack of sleep, or exposure to toxic levels of sulphur and other chemicals; microwave exposure is very hard to detect. Vision impairment from microwaves can be immediate if there is a change in the shape of the eyeball; but permanent vision damage is something that probably depends on more than the changes in eye pressure brought on by microwaves. Bush Daddy claims that the discarded microwave laser guns that BDT is playing with up here are what will cause the skin of the heads to turn black via external exposure from these guns. "Don't he look like a fine old ---ga!"
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Bob Meade