School Student Strikes - March 5
ISR | 25.02.2003 23:43
ISR had been building for strikes on 7 March, but since Student Stop the War has just announced some more actions on 5 March we are asking all those who have been building for strikes to move to that date in the interests of unity and to avoid confusion. There will still be strikes on the 7th in some schools where a change can't be made.
Strike on the 5th March
Students at schools and colleges will be striking and demonstrating across the country against the war on Wednesday 5th March. We have to force the government to listen to young people who overwhelmingly oppose this war.
The government thinks it can ignore young people and our opposition to the war. Don’t let them! Organise a strike at your school or college: tell Blair young people don’t want his war.
A guide to action:
Try and organise regular meetings in your school or college of anyone who wants to help organise the strike. If you haven’t a room to hold them in, try and meet in the canteen, common room, Student Union, after school etc.
Decide at the meetings what you all want to happen on the 5th, such as when the strike should start (in the morning, over lunchtime, for the whole day), and organise to make banners, posters etc. Make sure everyone knows when and where the meetings are.
Pledge forms are a good way to help build the action. Get them filled out in classrooms, lecture theatres, at lunchtimes etc to sign as many students up as possible,
Contact your teachers / lecturers trade unions and the student unions to ask for support for the strike action on the 5th March.
If you are in a workplace, try and organise a lunchtime meeting or rally.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with ISR with any further questions or suggestions and for material to help build the action.
If war starts before March 5th, students across the world will be taking part in protests and strike action on the first full day of school / college after the war begins.
ISR Resources - The following resources for the strike are available on the ISR website. Download them or write your own!
ISR 5th March student strike leaflet (.pdf)
ISR 5th March Walkout pledge form (.rtf)
ISR No War petition (.rtf)
ISR student strike 'action pack' (.doc)
ISR student strike letter to teachers (.doc)
For up to date action in your area, please e-mail or call: againstcapitalism@hotma / 020 8558 7947
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