Heads Up you Doomsyers
dh | 24.02.2003 23:08
The Bush gang are doomed as we are rapidly removing their deadly
energy base.
They have missed the window of opportunity by months now.
is now laughing at the unfunded babbling of Powell, Bush
This whole scenario from 9-11 onward is the final revelation of the
frailty, nonsensuality and stupidity of the world regime.
(Their earlier stories were not better, only everybody was
enthralled by them, see PEARL HARBOUR, GULF OF TONKIN
Sure, Cathy and Mark have contributed greatly with their book
"Tranceformation of America", but does that make them
It is likely that the criminals at the helm try something on
03.03., as they're probably trying every day to set up new
terrorist acts etc. Is nobody noticing the failure of all these
"dirty bomb" and "anthrax" scares.
Just ignore these senile dirty players who are losing ground so
rapidly and concentrate on building the new world, not the NEW
WORLD ORDER, as this new world need much less order then we are
use to.
Notice how all your positive and nourishing relations are taking place
outside the realm of government interference and how you become
more and more impervious to their forlorn attemts to entangle
you in their hopeless network of papertrails, paper, paper,
compliance etc.
This is the world of the past, Bush is a last flickering afterimage
of the past, when Generals in Spotless Uniforms could still
order the annihilation of 2 million peasants and be seen as the
good guys.
This is all over, the sooner you start actively(! + with contempt)
ignoring the nonsense, the sooner it disappears.
This is not a call for passivity, as we still have to duck'n hide
from some debris the wounded beast is throwing around + give it
a toss here and a push there to accelerate it's demise.
if we have a CB every 30 km and the space between peppered with
HHGs and TBs, they're powerless. This is easy to achieve this
year, much easier than the spread of the common fridge to each
and every american household in 50s, remember? Every body, buy
one, build one, and basta, only a few desert areas left for
them! Those will then be sorted out by fun loaded orgonite
safaris of a liberated mankind in order to reclaim these
ancient and psemingly empty spaces for mankind.
Oh what fun it is to be.....
Earth Humans Win!
