Apparatus of state
Ken Molnar | 23.02.2003 10:07
I am a former employee of Halliburton and was working in Doha Qatar during 911.
I spoke privatley that I did not trust the motive of the campaign then underway in Afghanistan. I concluded that this assig,ent would be my last contact with the oil industry.
After my return to the US I have been harrased and monitored for over one year, so I have come to Europe to escape this harrasment, but it is only more intense here since the government thinks I can make more trouble here.
I tried to enter the UK a fez days ago, but when I said I wanted to speak to the press, they refused me entry, and sent me back to france.
If anyone is remotely interested in my story, please call me at my hotel.
I should think that being refused entry to the >UK to talk to the press is a story in and of itself.
Ken Molnar