7 Million People Take the Streets Against War on Iraq in Spanish State,F15
maqui | 20.02.2003 18:37
Here's a recount of the demonstrations that took place in the Spanish State during the F15 Global Day of Action against the War in Irak
Almost 7 million of people took the streets in the 56 demonstrations all over the Spanish State!
Note: These figures have not only been reported by the organisations that called the demos, but also by the main Spanish corporate media.
- LLeida: 20,000
- Girona: 30,000
- Tarragona: 20,000
- Tortosa: 600
- Sevilla: 25,0000
- Granada: 150,000
- Cádiz: 70,000
- Cordoba: 75,000
- Malaga: 70,000
- Almería: 15,000
- Jaen: 20,000
- Huelva: 20,000
- Algeciras: 15,000
- Lepe: 300
- Motril: 5,000
- Madrid: 2,000,000
- Zaragoza: 400,000
- Teruel: 2,000
- Huesca: 5,000
- Valencia: 500,000
- Alicante: 60,000
- Castello: 25,000
- Elx: 20,000
- Murcia: 60,000
- Tenerife: 60,000
- Las Palmas: 100,000
- Oviedo: 200,000
- Donostia: 16,000
- Bilbo: 160,000
- Araba: 18,000
- Iruna: 20,000
- A Coruña: 16,000
- Vigo: 100,000
- Pontevedra: 40,000
- Lugo: 12,000
- Santiago: 16,000
- Ferrol: 15,000
- Albacete: 30,000
- Ciudad Real: 75,000
- Avila: 5,000
- Burgos: 16,000
- Salamanca: 40,000
- Valladolid: 15,000
- Palencia: 5,000
- Soria: 4,000
- Segovia: 15,000
- Badajoz: 3,500
- Ceuta: 500
- Melilla: 5,000
- Eivissa: 3,000
- Mallorca: 30,000
- Menorca: 8,000
- Ponferrada: 15,000
- Zamora: 20,000
- Santander: 35,000