Bush Economic Plan Speech Today
gravel | 20.02.2003 18:07
in nov 2002, there was a call for congressional investigation into what warnings the Bush Administration received before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. this proposal was derided by the White House, right wing talk radio, and spokespersons for the military-industrial complex. Georgia Senator Zell Miller even went so far as to characterize the call for hearings as "dangerous, loony and irresponsible."
now why is it that it took more than 18 months for congress to even get any kind of "investigation" into 9-11 going? and yet it took only 48 hours to get an investigation into the columbia space shuttle disaster up and running?
something LOONY and IRRESPONSIBLE is happening all right, but the REAL DANGER are people like ZELL MILLER! who was he protecting? why the hell would he want to delay a full and open investigation into 9-11?????????????
well, maybe it has something to do with his opinion on invading other countries in pursuit of "terrorists"
"I say, bomb the hell out of them. If there's collateral damage, so be it. They certainly found our civilians to be expendable."
who are "they" Zell? women and children in the marketplace? where are these "terrorists" that you want to bomb? and if there are innocent civilians in a major city, for example Baghdad, and you advocate BOMBING THE HELL OUT OF THEM, that is clearly a WAR CRIME! zell, you're nuts! no wonder George W. wants your "support" of his economic package...
but we know what high moral ground "perfessor" Zell Miller is standing on. (he hates faggots and loves the NRA, so he's got to be right, don't he?) anybody remember the horror he described in having to collect SOFT MONEY CONTRIBUTIONS:
Sen. Zell Miller described how he would lock himself in a room with an aide, a telephone and a list of potential soft-money contributors.
"The aide would get the 'mark' on the phone, then hand me a card with the spouse's name, the contributor's main interest and a reminder to 'appear chatty,' " Miller wrote. "I'd remind the agribusinessman I was on the Agriculture Committee; I'd remind the banker I was on the Banking Committee. And then I'd make a plaintive plea for soft money . . . . Most large contributors understand only two things: what you can do for them or what you can do to them.
"I always left that room feeling like a cheap prostitute who'd had a busy day."
no, Zell would never sell out his moral high ground for a cheap quid-pro-quo.
and when Bush's tax cuts plunge the federal revenues into trillions of dollars of deficits, when millions of families are impoverished, jobless, homeless, and there money in the bank ain't worth shit, then that will just make WORLD WAR THREE all the easier to launch.
HOO HAW, BOMB the HELL out of EVERYBODY! Yippee! GRAB THE TREASURE! SHOOT OFF ALL THE NUKES! YIPPEE! What a great ole time in the deep south tonight!
well, some americans are not buying into this shit!
time to stop the madness:
1) no tax cuts
2) repeal the "patriot act"
3) indict Saddam Hussein for crimes against humanity in the WORLD COURT
4) pull the troops back home
5) invest our tax dollars in America!!!
6) build trust with peace