Latinoamerican opinion
Antonio Salas | 20.02.2003 08:56
Why will the United States sacrify soldiers and invest thousands of millions of dollars in invading Iraq?
Why does George Bush's government insist on making its citizens believe that Husein is a threat to the world?
The answer lays on the weakend US economy that has ensure a cheap and continous supply of oil and this can be accomplished only militarily.
Eventhough US has other sources of energy and covers part of its energetic necesities exploiting its own oil reserves, US will need in a medium time limit to import a major quantity of oil since its reserves are not so great; without this combustible import it would be very dificult for the northamerican economy to accomplished a sustained growth.
The Persian Gulf has the greatest quantity of non-exploited oil deposits and the offer of oil originating from this part of the world influences drastically in determining the international price, on the other side eventhough US has allies in the Persian Gulf; countries like Iran or Iraq do not approve the participation of US companies in the development of non-exploited deposits.
These kinds of obstacles for US plans would impede to assure an offer continuously economically accesible for United States homes, industries and businesses.
That is why it's important a change in the Iraq regime, 3rd international place in oil reserves.
Nevertheless to be able tu justify a militar ocupation in Irak, (without the UN aproval), Washington has to convince United States citizens that international terrorism endangers their security and liberty. Also that Husein is a threat to the "free world" and many other so-called "arguments" with which the United States government and press have used to discredit a government that can rely on the mayority of the Iraqui population; the northamerican press inclusive has even qualified the northamericans as traitors that have cars that consume great quantities of combustible.
Washington has been successful at obtaining the aproval of its pupulation to go to war, in order to accounts United States has an apathetic population who is indifferent. They will behave meekly while their ability to purchase is safe.
United States national security in effect, depends on a war against Irak but not for the massive destructive weapons issue, nor fot the Islamic terrorism, but because it is necesary to increment oil reserves to be able to control the oil offer and along with this its price. Also to be able to sustain an economical growth.
If the United States is able to maintain a good standard of living the northamerican people will not have any internal problems, furthermore Israel's position would be propped up, controlling the Middle East and the export of oil to Europe.
Because of all this I believe it is important for us to take conscience of the issue because besides the humanitary disaster that will take place in Iraq, Mexico and Latin America are also in danger; Mexico has great oil reserves still not exploited in the Gulf of Mexico, (United States has not ratified Gulf of Mexico maritime limits) Nevertheless what is happening in Venezuela and Colombia is not an accident but its reason is the big impact on United States' foreign policy has, oil.
Antonio Salas