Iraqi from Iraq | 13.02.2003 11:59
They started to implemented on all fronts from spreading
Sex movies, free sex chanells, gambling, drugs, violence on Screens and TV screens, etc .etc.
They are using Arab money to destroy the Arabs and Moslems.
FOR IRAQ THE PICKED UP SADDAM HUSSIENt 23 years back to be so brutal and savage to bring the people of Iraq to their knees. Helping him and providing all his requirments of torturing techniques many countries from the USA, Rusia, France, UK, Germany, China, etc..
They instructed him to spread violence, killing, free sex, prostitution, drugs, and the list goes on.
They pushed him for Iraq Iran war, and then Kuwait War just to let the people of Iraq suffer to the maximum, then came the US/UK sactions.
NO THE PEOPLE OF IRAQ IS READY TO ACCEPT ANy HELP TO GET RID OF SADDAM because they think anybody comes must be better than Saddam Hussien.
FREEMASON have order the US and UK adminstration to get rid of Saddam because his role is over and Iraqi people are ready to accept Israel and American to occupy their land.
When an order from the FreeMason issued to the US/UK adminstartions they can not say no and they have to execute the order.
It is not simply Bush war for Oil, if this the case the American can be real friend to Saddam because they can not find better man to serve them as long as he stays happily on his seat. Saddam is ready to give all Iraq with all its oil to America for free as long as they be friend with him and keep him in power.
But it is not the oil most people think, NO NO it i s the FREEMASON GRAND ORDER.
Iraqi from Iraq
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