Join the Stop the War march this Saturday, here are some REAL reasons why!
Tyndall | 12.02.2003 18:14
Sat 15th February
Central London
The biggest demonstration in Britain since the Countryside March! The BNP was on that one to support the rights and livelihood of rural Britain. And we urge our members to join in this massive demonstration against Blair's planned war as well.
While we do not see eye to eye with many of the organisations in the Stop the War Coalition, we agree completely with the aim of this march. We need to add our weight to the campaign to pressure Blair & Co. into pulling out of a war that has nothing to do with the British people, and everything to do with US oil companies and the pro-Israel lobby which funds New Labour to the tune of millions of pounds every year. Blair plans to repay his financial backers with the blood of our soldiers - the ultimate in sleaze!
The British National Party opposes the war on Iraq for the following reasons:
It isn't our war!
This war is about the personal vanity of Bush and Blair. It's about securing bigger profits for American oil companies. It's about the power of the Israeli lobby in the US media and in British and American politics.
Saddam Hussein may well be an unpleasant dictator, but that's a problem for the Iraqi people, and not for us. The civil liberties of every person in Iraq and the security of Iraq's Middle Eastern neighbours are not worth the bones of one British soldier.
There's no case for this war!
Despite all the propaganda, Blair has presented no evidence for a link between Iraq and Islamic fundamentalist terrorism. Iraq wants to trade with Britain - exchanging oil for food, medicine and equipment to rebuild an economy shattered by a decade of Western bombing and blockades - not to fight us.
The terrorism and fundamentalist expansion that threatens Britain and British interests - including here at home - is financed and inspired from Saudi Arabia rather than Iraq. Saddam Hussein is a secular dictator, not an Islamic extremist. Bush and Blair are about, in the words of Winston Churchill, to "kill the wrong pig."
National sovereignty, not internationalist meddling!
Every nation on earth is entitled to secure the weapons it needs to deter a potential aggressor. Iraq is as entitled to so-called "Weapons of Mass Destruction" as America, Britain or Israel. The U.N. and the 'international community' have no right to dictate to sovereign free peoples how to run their own affairs, or what weapons of deterrence they can have. We wouldn't accept this One World meddling for Britain, so why should we force it on Iraq?
Blair's war makes us all targets!
Being seen as America's puppet makes us a target for terrorists. If it were necessary for British interests this would not deter us, but as this isn't our war it's madness.
The war could rip our cities apart!
Blair's war will put a huge extra strain on community relations in our towns and cities. TV coverage of British warplanes frying thousands of Muslim conscripts will lead directly to a further surge in anti-white race attacks in places like Oldham, Bradford, Birmingham and Luton. This raises the spectre of a communal conflict that would see entire neighbourhoods go up in flames and ethnic cleansing riots. Again, if the war were in Britain's interests this would be a price of the multi-racial society we would have to pay. But as it's Blair's war, not ours, it is a wholly unnecessary risk.
Blair's war will add to the asylum flood!
The war will displace more than 100,000 additional asylum seekers. Many will come to Britain, adding to the asylum crisis. Britain can't cope with the present wave of spongers, without adding 100,000 more refugees from an unnecessary war.
Blair's war will cost us a fortune!
Blair's war will place huge strains on the West's economy and on the British taxpayer. When our own hospitals are falling apart, it's hardly the time to spend £ millions destroying hospitals halfway round the world. The billions Blair is about to blow on his war should be used instead to rebuild our Health Service.
Join the Stop the War March!
Assemble 12 noon to march off at 12.30 this Saturday.
Travelling from the North (A1/M1). Go to Tottenham Court Road tube and then walk to Gower Street to form up.
All the rest, including London, go to Temple tube and then walk to the Embankment to form up.
The march will be 3.5 miles, ending with a rally until 5.30 pm in Hyde Park.
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