Old Europe Gives the New World Colonists a Geo Political Lesson.
Lloyd Hart | 10.02.2003 22:50
By Lloyd Hart
On Friday the 7th of February February 2003 it was reported in the New York Times that the U.S. in negotiations with Turkey was essentially offering the Turkish government a military foothold in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq. This of course, can only be viewed as the U.S. selling out the Kurdish people in order to get use of the Turkish military bases so that the air sorties U.S. General Franks is planning can create the intensity of bombing in which they hope to break the back of the Iraqi military in just a few days. But the Bush administration has run into a snag in this process. Germany France and Belgium have drailed the Bush regime's plan to have NATO cover Turkey's back while Turkey occupies Kurdistan in northern Iraq. With France vetoing the automatic military planning that would occur when a NATO member requests military support, the support that NATO might provide for the U.S. Turkish sellout of the Kurdish people, the possiblilty of War in a few weeks may now be War next week or no War at all. What this basically means is that old Europe does not wish to ignite the powder keg on it's doorstep that will inevitably come from this sleazy U.S. Turkish deal.
All one has to do is look at the last 10 years of Turkish oppression against the Kurdish population in eastern Turkey to predict what will happen to many of the people within Kurdistan in Iraq who are fighting for Kurdish autonomy for Kurdistan within Turkey. Many Kurds living in northern Iraq are wanted by Turkish authorities on terrorism charges that from the Kurdish side of things could only be seen as freedom fighting.
Now that Turkey is invoking their NATO member right to have other NATO members help defend them, it reveals that the deal between the U.S. and Turkey has been solidified and of course Turkey will have gotten some of the oil business as well.
At the same time as the news of the German, French and Belgian NATO Blockade, it is being reported in today's New York Times that the Islamic group Ansar al-Islam (the very group that General Colin Powell claimed was the Al Quada connection to Saddam Hussain) assassinated Kurdish parliament minister Shawkat Hajji Mushir and two other government officials and seizing two hostages on Saturday. So it can be said that things and maybe heating up in northern Iraq or Kurdistan and one could even go as far as to say that the fuse to the powder keg maybe lit.
It is interesting to note that the present European resistance to the New World colonists, the Bush regime was not so well organized 12 years ago when the first Bush tricked Saddam Hussain into invading Kuwait then playing the white knight to Kuwait's rescue. We can find the reason for this present day resistance, in the European street. Which simply means that democracy is actually working in Europe which means that the press that is actually reaching the people is actually informing Europeans. Unlike what is occurring in the United States where the press is kowtowing to the emperor in the White House.
Ironically, while writing this piece U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld gets on the boob and states that Germany France and Belgium's position on what he called NATO defending Turkey instead of saying "Hey NATO, cover Turkey's back so Turkey can cover my back while we go into Iraq to seize the strategic oil supply so we the U.S. can rule the world." Rumsfeld went on to say that planning would go forward with or without NATO for Turkey's defense continuing the U.S. attempt at dividing Europe. But with Russia standing up with France today and talking down the rush to war Putin is showing that Russia knows where its future lies and that of course, is with Good Old Europe. Many of the small countries that signed the letter supporting the U.S. invasion of Iraq will eventually realize that their fortunes and their future as well lay in a united Europe impervious to U.S. influence. In another related development General Jones the new supreme commander of American forces in Europe has gone public with a plan to reduce U.S. troop presence in Germany as a part of what he calls a broader plan to have smaller smarter units. But of course this will only be seen as the U.S. applying economic and political pressure on the German government. These divide and conquer tactics being utilized by the Bush regime can only backfire as every day Europe becomes more and more democratic. It is also important to note that some of the government's supporting the Bush regime's invasion of Iraq like the Berlusconi government in Italy are on their last legs. Berlusconi himself could very well find himself in jail by this time next year as a result of a corruption case progressing against Berlusconi in Milan. And if my predictions are correct, that when 2 million people marched this weekend in London, Tony Blair may find himself relegated to the back bench of his party if he continues to do British Petroleum's bidding in supporting the U.S. energy sectors' war on Iraq.
Lloyd Hart