Diesel Action! Anti Action!
Space Hijackers | 10.02.2003 19:17
Diesel however have gone one step further by setting up an indymedia-esque website and a range of protests.
Being a global corporation however, they obviously didn't want to get their hands dirty with anything actually political or at all controversial.
Highlights of their campaign included:
A series of photoshoots of models in diesel clothes holding placards for highly political protests such as "More Green Traffic Lights"
An indymedia-esque website where people are fooled into thinking they can post up their protests (infact it simply saves it on your computer and slips in your comments when you look at the page)
A placard printer which you can design your own placard in stencil font and add naff logo's
Our plan was to print out a load of anti-Levis (One of Diesel's main brand rivals) and anti-Gap placards from the Diesel placard printer, mass produce these as flyers and placards. Go to the Levis' flagship store, GAP stores and other multinationals and protest. Then disappear off once the staff and management have become suitably annoyed.
If they so happen to then start a law suit on Diesel, by mistakenly thinking that it was a Diesel sponsored protest/advertising stunt, that would be awful. After all, although we will be using diesel logo's ( from the placard printer ) and dressing like they have told us to (well painting Diesel logo's on charity shop clothes), we wouldn't want to give the impression at all that we were from Diesel, honest. That would obviously land them in trouble and make them realise that people protest for reasons not fashion.
Our protests were a complete success, armed with a ghetto blaster blaring out deafening techno, and a pile of anti-corporate flyers we hit central London on a busy Saturday afternoon.
The shoppers were suitably confused, with some thinking that we were simply a group of anti-capitalist protestors. This was fine, as we managed to stop a good number of people entering the stores and raise a few anti-GAP cheers from the public. Others saw through the mask and assumed that infact we were Diesel fans (and perhaps actually Diesel sponsored), this group were generally suitably annoyed, and seemed to develop a new dislike for Diesel.
Eventually the layers of masks got too much for us, and we all began to get very confused as to who we were and what was going on.
We shall have to wait and see if there are any repercussions to Diesel from irate executives at GAP, Levis & Nike. Whatever happens there are certainly a good few members of the public with a new found detest for all of the companies involved!
Space Hijackers