Who supports the Oil war?
Julai | 07.02.2003 07:18
A political analysis of the imminent war in Iraq must take into account the multiple currents and groups in the US that are supporting the war, the logical and true extent of the problem, and it’s solution.
We should differentiate between the political factions involved before reaching the logical conclusion: - that this war must be prevented, if we are to continue to develop and not regress to the barbarities of the twentieth century.
At present, we are at the brink of going to war with Iraq, because Saddam Hussein is "lying to the UN about his weapons of mass destruction". That is about as tenuous an excuse for war as any other we have been sold in the past, but it is believed by many in the USA. How is this possible?
To find an answer, we need to analyze the current political currents that support this warmongering. There are several strata of people, and powerful interests at play:
These are the masses of the public that are isolated into the gigantic lumpen bourgeoisie that is the USA today. They are isolated and don’t have any contacts with other citizens of substance, and therefore tend to be easily manipulated by their assigned handlers.
To these people, the war is about "getting the job done", and "kicking Saddam’s butt" and other catchy phrases they have overheard. If asked about any ulterior motive for the war, they would respond that "Saddam tried to kill Dubya’s daddy"
Since lumpen rarely watch even the news on TV, they get most of their opinions from their peers, who are also isolated lumpen. This results in a herd mentality that is easy to manipulate by well-placed republican political operatives.
This ignorant stratum is the "base" of the American Republican Party. They can be relied upon to pull the lever for the oligarchy once every four years, that is all they are really needed for.
These people take all that they see and hear on TV as the truth. They are worried that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, and would support Bush in a war against this "evil man". They have been framed by the news media with such precision and rote repetition that they can no longer think critically.
They sincerely believe that Bush, a man who would allow the events of 9/11 to happen for political motives, would be interested in saving them from Saddam’s atom bombs and biological warfare.
They don’t think it strange that these so-called "weapons of mass destruction" are only now, in 2003, becoming critical to our security. For the last 10 years, since the first Gulf War, Saddam has been heading a regime under such harsh international isolation that his own people have suffered. It is clear to any impartial observer, that whatever weapons they do have, are rusted, old and useless.
In their mind, Bush could not be interested in oil, since they believe oil will be sold anyway, regardless of who gets the money. Bush is only securing our oil supplies for the future, and keeping them out of the hands of such evil people as Saddam. They sincerely believe that Bush and Company will keep down the price of oil, and that all is good and OK with Bush.
The mainstream media is a form of comfort blanket for this stratum. If it is on TV, it is good, if not, it is some kind of wacky idea. They have abandoned their rational faculties to a steady stream of sound bytes and political pabulum, dished to them by slick millionaire media icons. They can not even conceive that they may be being lied to, since to them, everything on TV is good, and agreed to by everybody.
This group believes that Saddam is oppressing his people by ruthless means, and that the Iraqi Kurdish and Shiite minorities are in fact the oppressed majorities of Iraq. They feel that the only solution to this ruthless oppression is an equally ruthless war against the dictator. In other words, that violence will free the people from violence, and that Iraq needs to be destroyed in order to save these people.
They believe that the Iraqi Kurdish and Shiite majorities will rise up against Saddam and welcome the American invading armies as liberators. However, the sad history of the Iraqi – American conflict has consistently shown that the Americans are not as interested in humanitarian causes, as they are in maintaining geo-political hegemony.
In the first Gulf War, when Saddam’s armies were defeated in Kuwait, the opportunity arose to fund and arm the Kurdish and Shiite "freedom fighters" and wage a war of liberation against Saddam. But, after enormous loss of life on the part of the Kurds in the north and the Shiites in the south of Iraq, it became apparent that the US was not going to support them, and the US pulled out, leaving these ethnic groups vulnerable to Saddam’s brutal repression.
What went wrong? The Kurds were fighting a war of insurgency lead by the PKK, a Stalinist / Communist party. If they would have been allowed to "win" against Saddam, they could have declared a separate Communist Kurdish state, taking much of Turkey with them. Apparently, Bush I decided that Saddam was a better risk than the PKK, so he abandoned them.
Much the same fate befell on the Shiites in the south. We should therefore be extremely careful in assuming that they will rise up and support the American occupation army, whom they do not trust, by their own past experience.
UN - Ingénues
They believe that if only the UN weapons inspectors would be given more time and more cooperation from Saddam, that the war could be averted. On the basis of oft repeated soundbites, this solution is plausible, but in reality, this nothing but a façade for the real motives behind in this ugly war for oil and monetary hegemony.
Some politicians in the American democratic party fall into this category, or at least appear to do so, for the sake of bamboozling the masses with this sophistry.
It has been quite clear that the preparations for war were so vast and at such a pace that the only possible outcome, short of a miracle, will be a war. All other charades simply served the warmongers as fodder for the masses, and gave them time to ramp up their war machine for the conflict, scheduled to start in the spring of 2003.
This group knows that the war will be fought for oil, but is in denial as to the true motives behind this power play. They feel that if democracy were imposed in Iraq, then the war for oil would have been justified, since history will show that "good was done". They must believe that the proceeds of the Iraqi oil will be kept in a "trust for the Iraqi people", and deny the obvious fact that wars are never fought for the benefit of the oppressed. All wars are about the power of money.
Oil is extracted from the ground using technology that is not available but to oil producing nations. In the past, the Gulf States had to sign concessions to American and British oil companies in exchange for a portion of the profits of the oil extracted. This accommodation has ended; most Gulf States now have their own national oil companies that do their own extraction and refining.
It is very interesting to see the correlation between the emergence of Iraq as an enemy of the US, and the fact that Saddam has refused to sign concessions to British and American oil companies. In a more "democratic" regime, these concessions would be forthcoming, presumably from a more pliant pen.
These ingenues believe that the promise that the republican usurpers have made to the Iraqi people, that the proceeds of the sale of oil will be held in trust for them, is true. This may be so, but be assured that this will only happen after signing the new oil extraction concessions with Haliburton, BP, Chevron, etc, the very companies that are now in the inner circle surrounding Bush. What percentage of the proceeds do they mean? Off the top, or the bottom?
In the view of the deniers, OPEC needs to be controlled by the West, since this will assure us of a steady supply of cheap oil. The realpolitik of this gambit is that the oil will flow, to those who comply with the New World Order, and it will not be cheap. After all, profit is the American way.
Knowing how the flow of contributions to their intake systems improve every time there is talk of a Second Coming, some fundamentalist American tele-evangelists are desperate to show that the New Testament’s "prophecies" are now unfolding, and that the Second Coming is indeed at hand. They can site chapter and verse of substantiating circumstance, and, if one throws one’s critical thinking out the window, they even seem plausible.
To them, this war may be Armageddon, the war to end all wars, and the war that will close with the Second Coming of Jesus. But a Jesus of their own making, a Jesus that molds to their economic and social predilections.
In fact, these extremists are advising the second cowboy president and his advisors, and advisorettes, that this is the good that will come out of evil, and therefore Bush II-s name will be written in the book as the man who did good, as one of the seven trumpets, or is it as Og, or… well, only they know.
But, by influencing the president to make war against an enemy which "fits" the mold of the prophecies, they are in effect, retrofitting history. They are promoting a war for the sake of validating prophecy, so that it will all have come to pass, and their version of Jesus can rule the world. They are pre-visionists of history, rather than simply historical revisionists.
Weapons Promoters
Any modern war must be fought with the latest gizmos, and serves as a showcase for the various military-industrialists with close ties to the republicans. New and more effective, ever smarter, better missiles and bombs, all fitted with video cameras to display the explosive blasts to the lumpens back home.
This is a market of death, where the intent is to sell weapons systems and software to the Pentagon. The truth of the matter is that the US military has become a sort of extraterrestrial power, where it’s weapons are so sophisticated and deadly that they can not be defended against, but where their own soldiers need not face danger.
The US military has become a cybernetic warfare machine where the filth and death of war never enters the clean room atmosphere of the darkened command and control centers. There, the top brass sit in plush chairs and push buttons to release death upon unseen "enemies", knowing there could be some "collateral damage", but that is normal in any war, isn’t it?
This is not warfare in a traditional sense, since there is no military defense against it; it is a quantum leap over the rest of the world, who must now face a form of technological blackmail inconceivable in the history of war.
Shrewd rather than compassionate, these right wing Zionists will go to any length to win in their ongoing battles with the Palestinians, and their Arab neighbors. They are lead by Ariel Sharon, who has proven he is utterly ruthless to the point of committing genocide, and who now is trying to form a government out of a minority and extremist position.
Claiming divine authority, the Likudnicks take refuge in the Talmudic scriptures, which to them justify any atrocity in the name of Israel. How they seem to forget that they were also forced into ghettos, and brutally suppressed by the Nazis, in their own Jewish Diaspora.
For the second Bush war, the Lickudnicks are taking an official wait and see attitude, knowing full well that when the battle breaks out, they will be involved in a significant way. This time, they intend to change the map of the Middle East, in order to accommodate their version of History. They will let the Americans do their cybernetic warfare, and stand back and claim the spoils.
This brazen historical retrofit is in fact a previsionist strategy, that history must be made to accomplish that which has been "written" centuries before. Since this has a very deep and profound effect on many well meaning conservative Jews, they use their religious interpretation of Zionism as a political tool to cajole them into supporting the Lickud party.
Maybery Machiavellians
To those people in Washington with inside knowledge of what really transpired on 9/11, there can be no greater danger than a public outcry for an investigation that actually finds the truth behind the official scenario of the 9/11 events.
Originally, the events of 9/11 were planned to justify an Iraqi war, but it was decided that the timing was wrong, since the event had gone out of control. It was necessary to cover things up, to write a clean and neat history of the event, and to move the attention of the masses away from it.
The Taliban could be an easy target, and the cowboy president would get accolades for his quick action in going after Osama bin Laden, dead or alive. A video war was arranged and there was progress in clearing out the terrorist’s camps, but Osama got away and faded into the sunset.
In the political doldrums that followed, there was insistent talk about an investigation, and the Internet was abuzz with a lot of theories about what actually happened that day. The official scenario was falling apart, it was too full of holes, and people were beginning to talk.
It was then that the Mayberry Machiavellians decided to launch the war against Iraq anyway, as a form of media cover for the investigation into 9/11. If the masses were preoccupied with the war in Iraq, they would soon lose interest in following any investigation into the matter, and would probably conclude that at worse, someone had "dropped the ball".
Sadly, their strategy worked; at least it has so far. The investigation was postponed and even shelved, until an insistent outcry from the families of the victims forced the cowboy president to authorize an investigation, a la Warren Commission.
Thus, the Kissinger commission was born, but was short lived, when Kissinger himself discovered the facts that he was going to have to shove under the carpet, he resigned stating that he had "conflicts of interest" with his clients. Such a moral and upright man, don’t you think?
As matters stand now, Bush has managed to get an old oil company crony of his to head up an investigation, which to his delight, has now been relegated to utter oblivion in the US media. Nothing much will be found out, except of course, that the lumpen will be told that some minor officials in the CIA and FBI had "dropped the ball".
These neofacsists operate out of the principle of power and authoritarianism. They hold powerful positions in the republican oligarchy, and are well placed to maneuver the levers of power in their favor. They believe that the world should be placed under the auspices of a Pax Americana.
This technological blitzkrieg would be the basis of a New World Order, a form of economic and military protectorate, where the willing would receive our favor, and those not so willing, would remain outside of our protection, and be exposed to dangers untold.
This age-old racket involves using military power and economic chicanery to maintain an otherwise useless and corrupt elite in power in the West. The true danger is that this faction means business, and cares little about our constitution.
International Bankers
In the year 2000, Saddam had the temerity to peg Iraq’s oil to the Euro, rather than the US dollar. This placed him in a very dangerous position vis-a-vis the international financial community, which has an enormous vested interest in keeping the otherwise fiat US currency pegged at an artificially high value.
If the Iraqi oil were sold for Euros and the US dollar devalued against it, then the price of oil to any customers outside of Europe would increase. In fact, in the current exchange rate, Saddam is obtaining about a 15% bonus from the dollar’s devaluation against the Euro.
The US dollar would then loose it’s hegemonic position as the de-facto world currency, which would lead to the international banker’s worse nightmare, a meltdown of the house of cards that is the US economy today.
The American economy has become a carcass of it’s former self, which was once vibrant and powerful, based on real and honest work. Today, work has been farmed out to numerous sweatshops in the third world. The only thing the US exports is money, which is created in abundance in it’s own expansionary credit systems. This situation has evolved since the days of Ronald Reagan, the first cowboy / president, with his easy-money for the privileged policies, the "trick the down" economics.
Some international financiers believe that if American Dollar is based on the price of oil, then this monetary hegemony can be maintained, by simply constricting an ever-scarcer resource. Those nations who do not do our bidding will find themselves on the short end of the oil equation. It is World War II all over again, as global empires clash over scare non-renewable resources.
A better outcome would be the emergence of a true trading currency, such as the efforts of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia to create the Gold Dinar, a new financial entity that exists only as a trading currency, in order to compensate for currency fluctuations across the world.
Such a currency does not require any backing, such as gold or oil, simply because all transnational commodities and services are pegged to it. The spot price of oil will be x Dinars, and all other national currencies will be float against the Dinar. In simper terms, if one wishes to buy a barrel of oil, one must first purchase the Dinars for it, from a global SWIFT like system, and pay for it in Dinars.
This approach would let the US dollar reach its true value, and slowly let the air out of the huge financial bubble that threatens the world’s financial stability since the 1990’s.
The Politically Aware
Not all is lost, the Green Internationalists, and many other politically aware groups and individuals do not share any of these sociopathic beliefs centered on the power-complex.
People all over the world, who do not have the burden of American media imposed on them, can remain critical of this obvious power play on the part of an oil oligarchy in the USA.
The antidote to this neo fascist warmongering is the use of an alternative fuel, namely Hydrogen. This even rated a wink and a nod from Bush II at his recent State of the Union speech. The cat is out of the bag, it can’t be denied any longer. Oil is obsolete, polluting and centralized. Hydrogen will fuel the transportation of the future.
If hydrogen is used instead of oil based carburants, oil blackmail could not be used against nations that refuse to be the NWO’s "friends". The faster and the further we get away from oil, the closer we are to the day peace and social justice come to this tired planet.
Hydrogen is a renewable energy transport, and can be generated anywhere on earth from electricity, with local efforts that do not rely on geopolitical power.
The US media will try program the masses to believe that this is all "generations" away, that we must wait at least 20 years for anything remotely like a Hydrogen Economy to take hold.
True enough, at the rate the republican oligarchs want to convert to hydrogen and thereby reduce their profits; it would take many years. But then again, if John F. Kennedy had not launched our nation on a quest to reach the moon in a decade, we would have taken many generations to do so as well, if ever.
It is a question of leadership, of honest stewardship of the planet’s resources for the benefit of all of mankind. It is treason to Humanity to use power to perpetuate an obsolete energy source and a monetary system that is about to disinflate.
G_d help us reach a healed earth, grant us your abundant supply of renewable energy, shine your everlasting sun on us.
Atlanta, GA
February 5, 2003
The Four Corner Stones:
Cybernetic Democracy • Financial Justice • Ecological Harmony
Peace and Non-Violence