Newbury Stop The War, Peace Vigil
Neil Salmon | 05.02.2003 11:56
On Friday 7th February between 7.30 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. there will be a peace vigil outside the town hall in the market square in Newbury town centre. The aim of the vigil will be to raise awareness amongst the people of Newbury that the likelihood of war in Iraq is getting closer every day and to get as many people to raise their voices in opposition before it is too late.
A similar event held at the end of last year was very well attended. The supporters of this event come from many backgrounds but all are united in similar beliefs, that: -
· This war is wrong,
· The case for it has still to be made,
· Iraq does not pose an imminent threat,
· Tony Blair and George Bush are not considering the long-term effects of their actions on the rest of the Middle East or the wider World,
· Our Prime Minister is ignoring the views of those in Government and the country, who are opposed to this action,
· The humanitarian consequences on the people of Iraq will be unimaginable.
Many similar events are happening around the country at this time, culminating in a rally in London on Saturday 15th February co-ordinated by the Stop The War Coalition.
Neil Salmon