First of all one does note need any conspiracy theories to know that most major media channels systematically report the same news and chosen topics of the day. It is fair to say by this proof alone, that major media seems to be controlled. We have President Bush talking as if he rules entry into wars without worrying about the general public. He plays at a dangerous game of Globalism as some kind of prince without the sanctions of the people he was elected to govern. It is apparent that he is hiding the economic woes that Globalism has bred in creating a portfolio of potential wars. Tapart News and Art that talks at supplys many topics that are generally not covered in the mainstream media and combines art to emphasize the results of so called Free Trade attached to Globalism. A working poor class has been created in the USA and other nations while a wage slave class has been created in many other countries. The biggest issue of our times is the need for real jobs worldwide instead of wars. Wars are a quick fix to mask the real economic woes of the USA and many other nations. Sooner or later, the real problems have to be addressed. See the Cross of 9/11 Tangle of Terror artwork and read American in Terror by Chuck Harder. Much of it applys to most other nations on earth. Note all the articles and published letters from regular people who are outside looking in. Tapart News starts out by demonstrating the real unemployment rates in the USA. All the editorial art from Tapart News can be seen at or with a top newspaper story about this art titled Power to the People art is at All who are dedicated to human dignity in the workday and fair trade, please pass on these sites. The Cross 9/11 Tangle of Terror art symbolizes the masked forces at play that need to be untangled before it is too late.