Guns out of control
RealFacts | 13.01.2003 00:04
David Blunkett's knee jerk proposals to put a ban on all replica handguns,
including air pistols that resemble real weapons, and impose 5 year prison
sentences for anyone carrying firearms prove just one thing (apart from the sheer incompetence of a Government that makes proposals only to withdraw them within 24 hours): that the new laws imposed upon us after the Dunblane tragedy have done nothing to stop gun crime.
The laws that were brought into force post Dunblane simply criminalized
law-abiding sportsmen and gun enthusiasts whilst doing nothing to prevent the illegal use of firearms, which nearly always involves illegal weapons that are unaccounted for under the law.
We believe that it is not guns that cause problems but people. It is the
illegal use of guns and the drug gang culture that is glorified in the media
that is to blame. Why should the rights of law abiding British folk and
their traditions be trampled to crack down on alien crimes based around
a divisive, media glorified 'culture'?
Thus the British National Party stance is to:
1) Re-introduce the right of responsible sportsmen and law-abiding gun enthusiasts to hold properly licensed firearms, and enshrine in law the right of the holders of legal firearms to use them, in extremis, in the defence of their families, their neighbours and their property against violent thugs and aggressive intruders;
2) Encourage the parents of victims of gang related violence, both Black
and White, to sue record companies for the glorification of gun culture
in their records. Click here for a selection of anti white 'gangster rap'
3) Wholeheartedly agree with Lee Jasper, the Mayor of London's advisor
on race relations, when he says that black parents should have the choice of sending their children to black-only schools where they can have decent black role models and escape from the gangster role models that they tend to adopt from the music industry. In passing we note that parental choice is a fundamental right which, of course, white families should have as well.
4) There should be a national debate culminating in a referendum on the
following issues:
The re-introduction of the death penalty for hard drug pushers.
The re-introduction of the death penalty for those who use firearms whilst committing a crime.
To give the police the right to 'shoot to kill' when faced by someone carrying a firearm without lawful excuse;
To introduce as a penalty for households where illegal automatic weapons are found during police searches a system whereby every adult in the household is heavily fined if of native British stock, or permanently expelled from the country if of foreign origin.
Liberals who believe that such proposals are "too harsh" must either produce realistic counter-proposals of their own, or accept that the failure of decades of liberal policing and sentencing policy has produced such a dangerous crisis of illegal firearms crime that they have lost the moral right to criticise us. Only with sensible policies like those outlined above can we eliminate the growing problem of gun crime in our inner cities as well as retaining our traditions and upholding the rights of law-abiding British people.