Palestinian – Al Qaeda Connection
Abdul Wilson | 02.01.2003 22:42
He said one of six senior al-Qaida officials operating in countries such as Jordan and Saudi Arabia recruits Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, trains them mainly in the techniques of bomb making, and supplies them with funds to plan and plot attacks against Israeli targets, operating as independent cells.
The officer noted that in January 2001, Osama bin Laden linked up with Iman a-Zwahil, the Egyptian terrorist leader, in order to expand the organization's activities.
"Without joining forces with the Egyptian, al-Qaida could not have prepared for the September 11 attacks in the US and expanded its activities," he said.
Al-Qaida also wages an economic jihad, striving to destroy tourism and hit a countries in the pocketbook in order to prove to the world that it is strong enough to create economic instability, according to the officer.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said last month that al-Qaida had infiltrated into the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, where it linked up with Hizbullah.
Chances of an escalation in the North by the Hizbullah in the event of a US attack on Iraq are unlikely, the officer said, but noted that Israel is monitoring cooperation and contacts between Syria, Iran, and Iraq and the ongoing manufacturing of weapons by Syria, which has transferred some to Hizbullah. Israel is also monitoring the transfer of "sensitive equipment" among the three countries, which began in the spring of 2002.
The co-operation between the Palestinians and Al Qaeda has reached alarming proportions. The erosion of terrorist military bases for in Afghanistan means that operations have had to be relocated in “friendly” territories. The Palestinian areas have welcomed another well funded and heavily armed and trained terrorist group into their midst. The Al Qaeda – Palestinian attacks in Mombasa, the bombing of an Israeli owned hotel and the dual missile attack on an Israeli passenger airliner, prove the level of co-operation for terrorist activity. This is a disturbing strategic enhancement of the global terrorist infrastructure. After the Mombasa attacks Al-Qaeda, unafraid of the West, was quick to admit to the world that they and the Palestinians were working in unison. However, Yasser Arafat, after intense pressure from the West and fearing the reduction of the $100,000,000 per month he receives in “foreign aid” from the EU and other Western countries, denied the connection.
The danger lies in the international community turning a blind eye to the creation of the Palestinian suicide culture. As we now know their “Holy Jihad” is not restricted to the Middle East. Below is one example of the Koranic obligations that the Palestinians are indoctrinated with from birth and they include evil designs on us in the West.
“The Jews are Jews, whether Labour or Likud, the Jews are Jews…They are the ones who must be butchered and killed. As Allah the Almighty said: 'Fight them.' Allah will torture them by your hands and will humiliate them and will help you to overcome them, and will relieve the minds of the believers. ... Our people must unite in one trench, and receive armaments from the Palestinian leadership to confront the Jews. ... Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Whenever you meet them, kill them. WHEREVER YOU ARE, KILL THOSE JEWS AND THOSE AMERICANS WHO ARE LIKE THEM – AND THOSE WHO STAND WITH THEM — they are all in one trench…
— Dr Ahmad Abu-Halabia, a member of the "Fatwa Council"
appointed by the Palestinian Authority and the
former acting Rector of the Islamic University in Gaza,
delivered in the Zayd bin Sultan Nahyan mosque in Gaza
on October 13, 2000, the day after the lynching of the Israeli
reservists in Ramallah, and carried live on Palestinian television
If the Palestinian - Al-Qaeda connection continues unchecked it is inevitable that the Palestinians and their new allies will continue to attack targets in the international arena. Palestinians, under Yasser Arafat, invented the modern day hijacking in the early 1970’s as demonstrated by their horrible acts at the 1972 Munich Olympic attacks and other hijackings. Now they have the resources, arms, funding, and global strategic aid to just shoot down passenger aircraft from the ground. Palestinians have been involved in “limited” international terrorism in Argentina and chili and European countries in recent years. International escalation is now inevitable.
Abdul Wilson
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