anti-wef | 23.12.2002 00:56
From the 25 of January to the 28 of January the WEF(,a meeting of the richest multinational corporations and government buearacrats more than 1.000 (mostly european) "global leaders" from politics,medias and economy are meeting in Davos ski ressort, Switzerland.( They discuss in a "private setting" about ways of making oppression and exploitation more efficient and more profitable. The WEF, which claims its mission is to help "eradicate poverty, promote security and enhance cultural understanding" is more often that not seen to represent the interests of multinational corporations. It's members include microsoft, coca cola, nestle, shell and hundreds more.
For 31 years the annual meeting of the WEF (world economic forum) has taken place in Davos. Except last year(2001) the WEF went to New-York City. This year the WEF comes back to Davos for its annual meeting .
The WEF-summit in Davos is another attempt to minimise the social and political rights in favour of the benefit of the capital - owners. The last summits have shown, that a critical public isn't welcome, neither inside nor outside the conference-buildings. Due to the past years mobilisation in Davos,the Swiss authorities have this year authorized the demonstration in Davos on the 25 of January.In 2001 the demonstration was forbiden and all, who protest against the meetings with their voice and their presence, were confrontated with a massive repression on the part of the police. The state authorities protect the economy-bosses and the politicians with every method available (legal but also illegal) and try to suppress every single critic. 2003 should be easier as the demonsatration is authorised. But we are going to confront the rulers with resistance that cannot be ignored.
In Switzerland and in other countrys some autonomous groups have met to prepare and co-ordinate the actions against the wef-summit in Davos and also to support international mobilisation. The following four points show the basis of our cooperation and our political self-image:
- we disapprove of the WEF and our attitude towards it is confrontative. It is impossible to reform the WEF, because of this we don¹t want to have any dialogue. our aim is, to smash the wef and to prevent their meetings. But the WEF is only one specific institution of the capitalistic system of exploitation, which we disapprove of completely. our protest does not end with a smashed wef, our fight is against capitalism which can not be civilised - its own logic and rules together with other forms of oppression like sexism, racism, homophobia, antisemitism characterise the injustice of our world.
- Our protest is against categorising, marginalising and excluding people and social groups; our aim is a society, that is orientated to the needs of all and not to the profit of a few. our protest contains the use of resources and information equal to all people. In our actions and in our kind of organising we try to live our own utopia. We are against a society based on hierarchy and control. We disapprove of the state as a place of capitalistic actions and we also refuse the new institutionalisation of the capitalistic exploitation by world economic forum, international monetary fonds or world trade organisation. Our answer is our protest, are our own actions. We do not rely on political parties or lobbies, we express our criticism together, independently and unmistakeably. The ways of protesting and showing the criticism depend on the people who express them. In our resistance there should be room for different kinds of actions and there should be no limits to creativity.
- the protest against the wef-summit in Davos is not the only thing, it is only one part of the global resistance against oppression and exploitation. Our solidarity is with all oppressed, who do not want to accept the prevailing contradictions without criticism, and our solidarity is with all, who realize their power and organise emancipated resistance. But as we are part of the prevailing contradictions, we have to question our positions all the time. Our action is a reaction on the prevailing situation, it is a logical and necessary answer to the ruling politics and the politics of the rulers.
- the wef-summit is used by the Swiss government to create a distinctive image of themselves as equal partners in the international context. our protest against the wef-summit is connected with our resistance against the Swiss government politics, against racist and sexist politics and against the neoliberal basic position of our society.
wipe out wef!
anti-wef coordination Switzerland, November 2002
""with our call to action we want to initiate a discussion about the wef-summit in Davos and want to call to actions against this summit. we are going to offer a platform for coordinations and want to support our common metting. an infopoint and a place for preparations for the actions every wendesday starting 16:00 H , Ecole de Chimie, Place du Château, Lausanne . On friday 24.01.2003 events will take place in Geneva. Saturday 25.01.2003 early morning The "Davos express train" will bring demonstrators from Geneva to Davos (passing by Lausanne, Bern and Zurich)