spartacus | 13.12.2002 16:19
LACE = Linguistic Anarcho – Cyber Explosion
SCAD = Semantic Cyber – Anarchic Device
Anarchy is failing because it is lead by middle aged, middle class, white of the so-called industrial world, the western civilization. Their theory could be nice and correct, but their actions are privileged and spoiled.
All of the western anarchist’s activity is not suitable to anyone else anywhere in the world except to their own well to do and financed class / job, sponsored by the master’s existence, i.e., the richest nation syndrome.
That is also right for your enemy, the same slogan for both, so who is right, who is anarchist and who is not.
Only conscious unity is what is needed. Not national, not class, religious or party unity, but the unity of the minds and feelings for the creation of a better world.
Anarchism is not for the privileged few anarchists in Europe and North America. These anarchists would not survive one day outside their well-financed consumer home – incubator.
Lots of talking and walking, lots of debate workshops, lots of computer display, but for no avail, little or no effect at all.
Sad, bored and lonely they continue their frightened cyber hegemony and the so-called anti-globalization movement is their baby, the left opposition of capitalism – the party.
We are all the result of the objective condition; the difference is in what we do under that historical condition. We can either become anarchists or capitalists or passive. But still its better with these anarchists than having none.
The rich anarchists of Europe and north America can easily afford all these gatherings and conferences, they can afford to travel from one city to another, even to a different country just like that. I wonder why many like me cannot go to any of these events, are we not anarchist enough or just much poorer.
Most of the anarchists in the world like the poor people can hardly leave where they are. The poor subject cannot move anywhere, he hardly can guarantee his next meal, they are stuck in this condition and in that place there is no escape for ages.
So the western anarchists are a privileged minority making a lot of noise, a storm in a glass, always doing the things that no one else can afford.
What anarchism !!!
Post abundance starvation = the capitalist society = hell upon earth where paradise should have been + look at where you are = stricken by poverty and counting the days like in prison. Suffering became the name of the game – this is what capital has chose for you. So the next day starts with the same old shit. Capital will go on shitting on us as long as we live or it dies.
We have to be exploited + oppressed by capital for it to survive + profit. The reward for this exploitation is food, shelter + consumption. God is the holy commodity = hysterical attack of fetishism = mild social catastrophe based on a fiscal system + its profiteers. God bless them – thou suffering + hunger shall turn into gold = the creation of post-destruction for the future. Yet alive + kicking. Instead of eating reading – instead of drinking writing – instead of consuming creating – instead of business as usual (7000 years old business) a revolution (few months old) – so as to change these fucking circumstances – you need money to live or die a little bit longer or live higher.
Higher of course, all the time till victory. Typically writing ahead of the rest, manifest advancement + capitalism is dragging you with it down. The world as its now + as it has been for the last 7000 years is bull-shit. Moving on without liberty to a future designed by the few for all.
You should congratulate yourselves for your poverty + enjoy what life will offer which is fuck all – nothing but suffering for the majority of the human race. Use the total contact on all dimensions available on the human horizon. Nice weather but a bad system = people are the victims of conditions. Military excuse for the domination of the rich over the poor everywhere in the world.
So we start here + right away anywhere suffering exists. Life is full of surprises mainly very negative, very rarely otherwise. Eliminate the doubt + create the future. Decompose through nuclear reaction + acceleration + blast the ass-holes of the plane. They will eventually learn – that nothing comes easy – everything comes hard if you are not born to the rich. Gently uproot the rot around you + create permanent free anarchic zones – declass the war – people are killing people everywhere – they are either dead or paralyzed – how about living without fear + stupidity.
Are you stunted or what – are you under anesthesia or amnesia – or are you crippled by whatever forces acted historically upon you – the forces that fucks us up – shall I tell you about it – dare you. Terror + politics = trigger-happy, an overkill, a draw. What’s now, who is going to make the first irreversible move. The production of everyday illusion + collusion.
To maintain love you must rebel, what you have started will continue. Do not compete with the spectacle but you can expose + decompose it. Dismantle this fucked up system forever. Unfortunately people are still tribal by nature, it is about time for them to develop – people are ok but are paying the price of present capitalism + ignorance, whether they have anticipated it or not.
Why there is so much anger in the world, because life under capitalism is so pleasant and stimulating – really. Capitalism creates billions of pauper and ready slaves – the struggle of survival. That is the situation of semi/willful slaves – the obedient citizen.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel – which tunnel. Capitalism is the worst system humanity could devise. If capitalism is good then all that was written against it for centuries is wrong.
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