September 11. | 08.12.2002 09:53
The world's media has reported that many of the so-called hijackers "fingered" by the FBI are still alive. For example the BBC (British Broadcasting Cooperation) carried this report:
Hijack "suspects" alive and well.
The following article is a remake of which lists many of the media articles dealing with the hijackers who were not hijackers.
Abdul Aziz Al-Omari (Flight 11) (Trained Pilot)
The identities of two men with same name have been cobbled together to create an FBI "terrorist". Both are Alive!
The first has the same name, the same birth date as one of the FBI "terrorists" but has no idea how to fly.
The second has the name Abdul Rahman Al-Omari and a different birth date, but is the person pictured by the FBI and is a pilot for Saudi Arabian Airlines.
Here are some quotes from the world's media concerning them.
Omari Number 1
"A Saudi man has reported to authorities that he is the real Abdul Aziz Al-Omari, and claims his passport was stolen in 1995 while he studied electrical engineering at the University of Denver. Al-Omari says he informed police of the theft." - ABCNews
"I couldn't believe it when the FBI put me on their list. They gave my name and my date of birth, but I am not a suicide bomber. I am here. I am alive. I have no idea how to fly a plane. I had nothing to do with this." - Telegraph 23rd September 2001
"The name (listed by the FBI) is my name and the birth date is the same as mine, but I am not the one who bombed the World Trade Center in New York," Abdul Aziz Al-Omari told the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.
"Al-Omari has since been found in Saudi Arabia and is apparently cleared in the case" - New York Times
"Saudi Embassy officials in Washington have challenged his identity. They say a Saudi electrical engineer named Abdul Aziz Al-Omari had his passport and other papers stolen in 1996 in Denver when he was a student and reported the theft to police there at the time." - BBC
"Abdel Aziz Al-Omari and Saïd Hussein Gharamallah Al-Ghamdi, are well in life, the first in Saudi Arabia and the second in Tunisia for nine months." - Wal Fadjri 21st September 2001 (translate)
Omari Number 2
Mr. Al-Omari, a pilot with Saudi Airlines, walked into the US embassy in Jeddah to demand why he was being reported as a dead hijacker in the American media.
"Abdul Aziz Al-Omari is a pilot for Saudi Arabian Airlines" - BBC 23rd September 2001
"A pilot with Saudi Airlines, was astonished to find himself accused of hijacking as well as being dead and has visited the US consulate in Jeddah to demand an explanation." - Independent 17th September 2001
This Al-Omari lives with his wife and four children in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Saeed Al-Ghamdi (Flight 93) (Trained Pilot)
"Saeed Al-Ghamdi is one of three hijackers that US officials have said are linked to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network." - BBC
No BBC! Mr. Al-Ghamdi is still alive and well and at his job for Tunis Air.
"I was completely shocked. For the past 10 months I have been based in Tunis with 22 other pilots learning to fly an Airbus 320. The FBI provided no evidence of my presumed involvement in the attacks." - Telegraph 23rd September 2001
"Asharq Al Awsat newspaper, a London-based Arabic daily, says it has interviewed Saeed Al-Ghamdi." - BBC 23rd September 2001
"Abdel Aziz Al-Omari and Saïd Hussein Gharamallah Al-Ghamdi, are well in life, the first in Saudi Arabia and the second in Tunisia for nine months." - Wal Fadjri 21st September 2001 (translate)
"..... not dead and had nothing to do with the heinous terror attacks in New York and Washington." - Saudi embassy
Waleed Al-Shehri (Flight 11) (Trained Pilot)
"A sixth person on the FBI's list, Saudi national Waleed Al-Shehri, is living in Casablanca, according to an official with the Royal Air Moroc, the Moroccan commercial airline. According to the unnamed official, Al-Shehri lived in Dayton Beach, Fla., where he took flight training at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Now he works for a Moroccan airline." On Sept. 22, Associated Press reported that Alshehri had spoken to the U.S. embassy in Morocco.
"His photograph was released by the FBI, and has been shown in newspapers and on television around the world. That same Mr Al-Shehri has turned up in Morocco, proving clearly that he was not a member of the suicide attack." - Daily Trust 24th September 2001.
"He was reported to have been in Hollywood, Florida, for a month earlier this year but his father, Ahmed, said that Waleed was alive and well and living in Morocco." - Telegraph
"Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and well." - BBC 23rd September 2001.
Ahmed Al-Nami (Flight 93)
"I'm still alive, as you can see. I was shocked to see my name mentioned by the American Justice Department. I had never even heard of Pennsylvania where the plane I was supposed to have hijacked." He had never lost his passport and found it "very worrying" that his identity appeared to have been "stolen" and published by the FBI without any checks. The FBI had said his "possible residence" was Delray Beach in Florida." - Telegraph 23rd September 2001
Salem Al-Hazmi (Flight 77)
"Mr Al-Hamzi is 26 and had just returned to work at a petrochemical complex in the industrial eastern city of Yanbou after a holiday in Saudi Arabia when the hijackers struck. He was accused of hijacking the American Airlines Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon." - Telegraph 23rd September 2001.
Khalid Al-Mihdhar (Flight 77)
"Saudi officials at the embassy were unable to verify the whereabouts of the fifth accused hijacker, Khalid Al-Mihdhar. However, Arab newspapers say Al-Mihdhar is still alive.
"..... there are suggestions that another suspect, Khalid Al Midhar may also be alive." - BBC 23rd September 2001
Others accused of being involved:
Ameer Bukhari
"Ameer Bukhari died in a small plane crash last year." - CNN Correction
Adnan Bukhari
"Adnan Bukhari is still in Florida" - CNN Correction
Amer Kamfar
".... that a suspect sought by the FBI, Amer Kamfar, was in fact an alive pilot in Arabia. " - Wal Fadjri 21st September 2001 [translate]
Even after the above has appeared in the world's media the FBI has made no attempt to alter its web-sites which clearly list the wrong names, wrong photos, wrong identities and probably wrong nationalities of the real hijackers.
Given that the hijackers (if there were any) were clearly using false identities, why has the FBI never attempted to find out the hijackers true identities? Why does the FBI seem totally disinterested in apprehending the real culprits? This lack of action from one of our "trusted" government departments is very close to treason.
The evidence is such that the only people we can be sure DID NOT carry out the WTC bombing are the Arabs.
The trouble with the case against bin Laden and the Arabs, so far, is that it is laughable. It is a joke.
1) The WTC attack, described as brilliantly planned and executed by professionals, who some how forget to acquire (easily obtainable) false driver's licenses for identification and, if you can believe it (and most people can not) used their real names when boarding the aircraft. The FBI suspect list was comprised using the assumption that those on the passenger lists had used their real names (real smart,.. these guys really earn their money eh?).
2) These same professionals, leave a car at an airport (which is found within hours of the attack,.. what a surprise!) with incriminating documents (a flight training manual in Arabic). Professionals, (actually any sane persons) not wanting their "ground support" to be compromised, would take taxis to the airports.
3) When it is established that many, if not all the hi-jackers were using false identities the FBI suspect list did not change (yeah, morons run the FBI).
4) One of the accused carries a passport on an internal flight (in case he wants to travel overseas after the attack).
5) This passport, originally in the accuseds luggage or on his person, rips through the suitcase or jacket, survives the fireball, punches a hole through the WTC and then flutters to the ground a few blocks away. Fortunately, the passport had the name of the accused on it and is generally in great condition, although apparently somewhat muddy.
6) One of the accused (Mohammed Atta) packs a suitcase (in case he wants to visit relatives for a few days after the attack) with a "how to be a terrorist in the US" document (just part of the professionalism, mentioned above) that just happens not to be loaded on the plane (so that the incriminating document survives,.. what a surprise!).
7) Mohammed Atta travels to Portland Maine to fly to Boston (why not drive straight to Boston) and transfer to the suicide flight. This is utterly unbelievable. This introduces a huge potential problem. What happens if his flight is delayed. How embarrassing for the so called leader of the terrorists, if he can't make his connection. That would throw a spanner in the works. Transferring flights like this offers no upside but huge downside, and is considerable evidence that Atta has been framed.
8) And do not forget that phone calls were made from the planes blamed the hijacking on Israelis (actually, they used the words "middle eastern looking" but we all know that many Israelis are very middle eastern looking).
These laughable "facts" which all point to the Arabs can be viewed as strong evidence that the WTC was not carried out by the Arabs. These nonsense "facts" all point to an event where someone is being framed.
From Arabs Not To Blame For 9-11.
Hours after the 9-11 attacks, authorities began to find clues conveniently left for them to stumble upon. The Boston Globe reported that a copy of the Koran, instructions on how to fly a commercial airplane and a fuel consumption calculator were found in a pair of bags meant for one of the hijacked flights that left from Logan. 64
Authorities also received a "tip" about a suspicious white car left behind at Boston's Logan Airport. An Arabic-language flight training manual was found inside the car. 65
How fortunate for investigators that the hijackers "forgot" to take their Koran and Arab flight manuals with them! Within a few days, all "19 hijackers" were "identified" and their faces were plastered all over our television screens.
Then, like a script from a corny "B" spy movie, the official story gets even more ridiculous. The passport of the supposed "ringleader" Mohammed Atta, somehow managed to survive the explosion, inferno, and smoldering collapse to be oh-so-conveniently "found" just a few blocks away from the World Trade Center! 66
It is obvious that this "evidence" was planted by individuals wishing to direct the blame towards Osama Bin Laden. How is it possible that Arab students who had never flown an airplane could take a simulator course and then fly jumbo jets with the skill and precision of "top-gun" pilots? It is not possible and the fact is, the true identities of the 9-11 hijackers remains a mystery. In the days following the disclosure of the "hijackers" names and faces, no less than 7 of the Arab individuals named came forward to protest their obvious innocence. 67
That's right! Seven of the nineteen "hijackers" are alive and well. They were victims of identity theft, some of whom had had their passports stolen. They were interviewed by several news organizations including the Telegraph of England. Here’s an excerpt from David Harrison’s Telegraph story entitled:
Revealed: The Men With Stolen Identities:
"Their names were flashed around the world as suicide hijackers who carried out the attacks on America. But yesterday four innocent men told how their identities had been stolen.
The men - all from Saudi Arabia - spoke of their shock at being mistakenly named by the FBI as suicide terrorists. None of the four was in the United States on September 11 and all are alive in their home country.
The Telegraph obtained the first interviews with the men since they learnt that they were on the FBI's list of hijackers who died in the crashes in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.
All four said that they were "outraged" to be identified as terrorists. One has never been to America and another is a Saudi Airlines pilot who was on a training course in Tunisia at the time of the attacks. Saudi Airlines said it was considering legal action against the FBI for seriously damaging its reputation and that of its pilots." 68
(emphasis added)
The story of these identity thefts was also briefly reported by ABC 69 and BBC (England) 70 The FBI does not deny this. Nobody denies this fact because it is easily verifiable. Instead, the US media and government just ignore this inconvenient little fact and keep right on repeating the monstrous lie that the hijacker identities are known and that 15 of them were Saudis.
CNN revealed that FBI director Robert Mueller openly admitted that some of the identities of the 9-11 hijackers are in question due to identity theft. Here’s what CNN reported on September 21:
FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week's terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been "relatively easy" based on their level of sophistication. 71
This opens up a whole Pandora’s box of unanswered questions. First and foremost of which is this: why would Osama Bin laden, the Saudi Arabian caveman, steal identities? To cover his tracks you say? Next question: why would a Saudi Arabian, attempting to cover his tracks, steal the identities of....fellow Saudi Arabians??? What would be the point? Why go you through the trouble of stealing identities that would point back to you? Why not steal Greek identities, or Brazilian identities, or Turkish ones? A much more logical conclusion is that non-Arabs stole these identities as part of a "false flag" operation designed to point the blame at Arabs, and Saudi Arabs in particular.
What kind of a corrupt character is FBI boss Mueller? He initially admitted that false identities were involved with 9-11, but then he allows the media to keep naming these innocent, and alive, Arabs as the hijackers? Why doesn’t he correct them? More on the slimy Mr. Mueller later on!
Now I'm really going to rock your faith in the false religion of 9-11. In February of 2000, Indian intelligence officials detained 11 members of what they thought was an Al Qaeda hijacking conspiracy. It was then discovered that these 11 "Muslim preachers" were all Israeli nationals! India’s leading weekly magazine, The Week, reported,...........
From Stranger Than Fiction.
A listing of many articles on 9-11 is available here.
Ziad Jarrah is one of the best known of the 19 9/11 hijackers. What most people don't know, however, is that there were actually two Ziad Jarrahs: the one raised in Lebanon and who's picture has been widely circulated by the FBI, and the one that (may have) flown on Flight 93. The evidence of two is undeniable, and amazingly, we even have pictures of the second Jarrah......
Ziad Jarrah is not the only 9/11 hijacker to have a secret doppelganger. Although the FBI investigation and the mainstream media have consistently ignored the evidence and its implications, the evidence is often very clear. Numerous 9/11 hijackers are, in fact, still alive. To mention some of the more obvious cases.....
From The Two Ziad Jarrahs.
Try these for a little truth about 9-11.
The World Trade Center Demolition. 740 KB
Evidence of Explosives In The South Tower Collapse.
Chapter One of the FEMA WTC collapse report (with comment). 850 KB
Chapter Two of the FEMA WTC collapse report (with comment). 1.9 MB
The Pentagon Crash Hoax. 1.4 MB
Stranger Than Fiction. 600 KB
Arabs Not To Blame For 9-11.
The Air National Guard Mission And Vision Statements. (How did the ANG measure up on September 11? In one word: treasonous.)
Full list of articles from
Some of Eric Hufschmid's early web articles on 9-11 can be found at
Who Blew Up the World Trade Center.
Clouds Of Concrete.
What Identifies A Demolition?
Full listing of Eric Hufschmid's early web articles.
Articles from and others
The World Trade Center Demolition from
McMichael's Analysis Of The World Trade Center Demolition.
The World Trade Center Demolition As An Insurance Scam?
Many Hijackers Still Alive.
Hijackers Still Alive From the BBC.
Another Article On The Hijackers Who Are Still Alive.
For faster downloads you can find 3 of the above articles mirrored at
The World Trade Center Demolition. 740 KB
Chapter Two of the FEMA WTC collapse report (with comment). 1.9 MB
The Pentagon Crash Hoax. 1.4 MB
September 11.
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