A call out to do something else & stop THE WAR & this society!
Angry Martha's Column | 14.11.2002 14:09
The Bristol "stop the war coalition" have shown exactly where their considerations are, they are waiting for more Iraqi people to be butchered, have they no compassion? no anger at what has already been done and will (with them sitting pasively on a road somewhere) happen again? Paying "moral witness" to mass murder is disgusting.
100,000's of men women and children and the devastation of the Earth can be stopped, just by these "privilidged" people actually fighting back. Rather than sitting around whinging and pleading, and marching and droning tired worn out slogans that never did mean anything and mean even less now.
There never was a time for "passive resistance", you either resist genocide or you passively watch it happen. The so-called anti-war movement have consistently chosen the latter path.
Let us tear down the buildings that recruit, train, finance and send out the trained killers to butcher predominantly brown skinned people. Let us end the sickening sight of moralistic masochists, getting a kick out of trying to assuage their guilt through protest pantomimes. While deep down they KNOW they will stop nothing, (we can only guess at the motives of such people). They are not prepared to risk anything, in the fight against this genocidal society.
The war will not be stopped by "good vibe protests", it will not be stopped by feel good about yourself "peace vigils", and it will not be stopped by following the rules of law and order laid down by those responsible for the mass extinction of life on Earth. No ideology is going to save us and no amount of praying, chanting,pathetic prancing and posing is going to save one life, not even theirs. And the stopping of war (period) will not be orgainsed like the ritual uninspiring, boring protest. The stopping of War, means the ending of this society. And this will only happen when the degree of refusal and outright physical resistance is so widespread and so uncontrollable that the whole ediface comes crashing down.
A mass movement (and the "movement" is far from "mass"!) based on appeals to power and passivity will remain useless because it is entirely limited from the outset and is part and parcel of the status quo.
War (against people and planet) is endemic in this society, in order for it to function it must have "resources" to feed its continued survival. The socialist empire (1917-1989) was exacly the same. If war is to be stopped then we need to be prepared to change our ways of "living" (today we dont live, we survive) we need to reject the idea of industrialism, development, expansion, growth, consumerism, capitalism, socialism, communism, fascism, all are derived from the same source, all have brought nothing but misery and devastation to life on Earth.
We are in a position of being in the "belly of the beast", we are in a positon to actually stop this murderous system. We can do this by destroying the economy. We should be hitting the main arteries that hold up this society. The only thing that matters to the rulers of this death machine is money and order. Disorder and economic sabotage, spreads like wild fire. This will not only stop this escalation of war but will bring the whole show to an end. This fight can only be organised through small affinity groups, other wise it will be a full frontal clash and the powerful will win.
Uncontrolable, unseen, sporadic and consistent blows against the economy will aid our brothers and sisters internationally in their struggle against the Empire. For those unable to join the physical side there is the extremely important work of support networks and the written word/leaflet distribution etc.
To reject those who don't want or feel they just can't sit back and passivly watch the continuation of the status quo shows exactly where these anti-revolutionaries are coming from. They want to keep everything as it is because they have cut themselves out a nice comfortable niche in the market of tokenistic opposition.
In conclusion, we have the choice (we are really privilidged, in that we have a choice)of following the same route followed by these so-called "anti-war" movements, which is passively follow orders, march around with their slogans, sit on roads and perhaps (among the most "rebelious") chain yourself down, (the ultimate act in passivity) or you can rebel, you can resist, you can fight back and actually try your best to not only stop this present escalation in the war on the middle east but to bring the whole disgusting order to an end. IT'S YOUR CHOICE.
Angry Martha's Column
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