Herr Bush and Herr Hitler
Post No Bills | 14.11.2002 05:36
We have no territorial ambitions.
Herr Hitler :
Germany has no more territorial ambitions.
marked the U.S. Veterans Day holiday and
said about America :
"We have no territorial ambitions. We don't seek an
empire. Our nation is committed to freedom, for
ourselves and for others.
Speech by the Prime Minister at Birmingham on March 17, 1939 :
When I came back after my second visit I told
the House of Commons of a conversation I had
had with Herr Hitler, of which I said that,
speaking with great earnestness, he repeated
what he had already said at Berchtesgaden-namely,
that this was the last of his territorial ambitions
in Europe, and that he had no wish to include in
the Reich, people of other races than German.
Herr Hitler himself confirmed this account of the
conversation in the speech which he made at the
Sportpalast in Berlin, when he said: "This is the
last territorial claim which I have to make in Europe."
And a little later in the same speech he (Hitler) said:
"I have assured Mr. Chamberlain, and I emphasise it now,
that when this problem is solved Germany has no more
territorial problems in Europe."
Post No Bills
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