Solidarity with the Professor J
Solidarity Commitee | 06.11.2002 11:59
November 5, 2002
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The Case of Professor Jota - Chilean Military Fabricates Evidence
The 1984 anti-terrorist law being applied against Jaime Yovanovic to accuse him of the death of General Urzua in Chile has been modified by Law 19.027 promulgated January 24, 1991, and which stipulates, among other things, that to be determined a crime of terrorism, explosives need(ed) to be used, which is not the case in Urzia's assassination. Nonetheless, the Chilean military has sent the South African government, via Interpol, fabricated evidence that explosives were involved in this case. This is a great lie, as newspaper accounts and photos at the time of the event prove that the vehicle in which the killed were riding remained intact and only the bodies showed evidence of gun shots. Moreover, in the trial in which Palma, Araneda and Marchant were found guilty of the same deaths, evidence of explosives was never presented. We call on the international solidarity community to circulate this information to discredit such "dirty works" as the Chilean military are undertaking against Jaime. Below is a translation of the appeal to the Military Court presented to suspend this case.
Protection Appeal:
ALBERTO ESPINOZA PINO, lawyer, number to the day nº 300.041 of the I. Municipalidad of Peñalolen, adressed in Agustinas 1442 of. 208-B, to S. S. I. I say:
In compliance with Article 139 of the Military Justice Code this appeal is presented on behalf of Jaime Yovanovic Prieto to permanently rescind his detention order under a resolution of the Second Military District Attorney of the Second Military Court 320-85, role for the following reasons:
The detention order results from an attack on an auto July 10, 1985. This detention resolution does not comply with the law and is illegal and arbitrary the consequences and effects that it has been given to said resolution. In effect, said car of processing refers to the imputación of crimes of the law 17.798 upon control of weapons and of the law 18.314 upon terrorist conducts.
The imputaciones by infraction to the article 8º of the Weapons control law is prescrita and the imputación by the crime tipificado in the I articulate 1º Nº 2 of the law 18.314 does not exist at present because the legal basis of the accusation was substituted by Law 19.027 on January 24, 1991. Thus the detention order is illegal and constitutes a grave human rights abuse, a wrong to the right to the liberty of the protected, reason by which should be left without effect the process.
We implore that this appeal on JAIME YOVANOVIC PRIETO's behalf be accepted and be left without effect the process.
5 de Noviembre del 2002
Solidarity Commitee