October 16 – 17 – 18 Stop Global War Parade Northen East Italy
Sherwood Comunicazione | 18.10.2002 16:50
“Generalized strike” means making up, finding, experimenting a great variety of practices that can easily touch all figures and parts of widespread society work.
The following is a report of the initiatives that took place during the three days of generalization of Northen east strike.
October 16, Wed.
Northen East
Global McStrike. IWW, Invisible Workers of the Word, all over Northen East Italy make McDonald’s unusable: “our disobedience active actions damaged and blocked the functioning of Mc Donald’s branches…we appeal to all workers who haven’t got a steady job, who work conceiled, who haven’t got contracts, who are blackmailed and are afraid of striking: disobey by blocking the machines that are exploiting you!”
Bologna Ex Albergo Ferrovieri, Via Casarini 23, was occupied to turn it into the SCALO INTERNAZIONALE MIGRANTI (International Migrants Landing), against Bossi Fini law and for citizenship universal rights.
Trieste Crital Mass invades the city. Activists ride their bikes blocking the traffic and calling for flying-meetings in front of temporary-work bureaus, obliging them to close.
October 17, Thurs.
Padova Associazione Razzismo Stop co-ordinates the occupation of two flats in order to reaffirm the right every human beings holds to a worthy life. Two migrant families are to live in these two houses.
Associazione Difesa Lavoratori workers block the departures of buses from 12 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. because APS, local council s.p.a., hires temporary workers in “public services” .
Environmental Commitees “per non trattenere il respiro” (not to hold our breath) broke into a meeting held by Environment Councillor on Agenda 21 showing banners against city cementation.
Venezia Agenzia sociale per la casa occupies in Sacca Fivola three public flats left empty by Ater (territorial housing board). These flats are returned to the community, to three families.
“Having a house is a right! Let’s generalize the strike, let’s enlarge rights!” says the flyer.
PADOVA MESTRE BOLOGNA Critical Masses: hundreds of activists blocked the traffic claiming a better city life and stopped social production rythms.
October 18, Fri.
Padova 3000 demonstrators pass through the union’s parade following a huge banner which says STOP GLOBAL WAR. Migrants, students, workers mark the morning filling the the demonstration with general issues. After reaching the ‘speeches’ final square’ the Disobedients wrap a BNL branch up with a banner against global war. BNL is in fact responsible for the construction of the OCP devastating oil pipeline in Ecuador. Then the Disobedients continue the parade on an active and indipendent path.
But the morning isn’t over, Movimento per il diritto alla casa ‘rescues’ a flat via occupation.
Monselice Early in the afternoon in Via Piave, a building, left empty in the last three years, was occupied in order to start back the Laboratorio sociale No War experience and to return a public space to the city.
Bologna Disobedients together with Omnitel temporary workers and students demonstrate through city streets. They finally reach the “Scalo Internazionale Migranti”, occupied two days before.
Trieste The most of the people demonstrating are students following the Disobedients banner. This part of the demonstration continues the parade following an unauthoried path.
Rovigo during the parade a great banner “let’s generalize the strike to extend civil rights” was hung from a city centre tower. At the end of the action some of the activists were stopped by police and eventually released.
Monfalcone 200 Disobedients leave the parade and occupy the former public hospital where a crowded meeting affirmed the need of a steady social city space.
Mestre Disobedients get the chance of talking at the final parade assembly, the crowd response is a “generalized” applause. A “Boycott war banks” banner was hung at BNL local branch. Many students followed the parade.
Vicenza The city temporary-work bureaus didn’t manage to open their windows and doors. More than 1000 Disobedients, together with many other people, passed through the city centre, through which police headquarters denied to walk.
Treviso Comitato M21 and the students brought to the parade different social issues such as the campaign against Bossi-Fini law and a firm NO to the war.
Belluno 2000 persone adhered to the citizenship parade following an against the war banner, written in different languages.
These three days of mobilization showed the extraordinary potential, richness and practical effectiveness of issues such as “generalized strike” and “social disobedience”.
“Generalized strike” means making up, finding, experimenting a great variety of practices that can easily touch all figures and parts of widespread society work.
We are not only talking of a way of “extending the strike”, we are also showing the emerging of new forms of antagonism when blocking and stopping exploitation and control empire machine.
The meaning is different, too. “General strike” express a unique rapresentation and situation, “generalized strike” calls for a multitude of situations and practices.
“Multitude’s power”!
Another consideration is necessary, we are a living a period of changes that make the generalizing of strike fundamental in everyday life. Everyday exploitation and control empire machine should be sabotaged.
Everyday practices should spread out, renewing the struggle against the empire control “machine”, which is strong and fragile all together!
Disobedients against global war
Sherwood Comunicazione