Having a blast in Bali
Pettri Gerdt | 16.10.2002 10:28
It's unfortunate, for sure, that the willfully ignorant, who are direct participants in the destruction of paradisical islands like Bali, are killed in such a way but...until this murderous system, capitalism, civilisation, techno-industrial society is brought to an end then this will be the outcome. The predominatly brown skinned people of the world cannot continue to be decimated, the Earth completely devastated without them choosing to fight back, using whatever means at their desposal. This horible, vile order will not go away by wishful thinking.
The so-called "anti-war" types merely want the business of Earth destruction and the genocide of peoples to go on quietly. It is only when the oppressed fight back and the Western Civilisation openly declares war that you see these types coming out of the wood work. And even then they are to be found calling for pacification, "stay peaceful", no human passion now! We don't want to change anything, business as usual, protest as usual. Socialists and anarcho-leftists have had their turn at detroying the Earth and indigenous cultrures, infact, they tried to outrun the Nazi's and rightists in their zeal.
This Civilisation is crumbling, this is the end time for this vile order, everywhere is rebellion against this “invulnerable system”. Anti-consumerist bombings in Moscow. A bombing in a mall in Helsinki. Sniper in Washington, bombs, burnings. War’s in Nepal, Columbia, just look at the news! They can’t hide it anymore. The nightmare of life on Earth, a man made nightmare is intolerable. What is needed is for those of us in the so-called “privileged” parts of the Empire, to join with our rebellious brothers and sisters through-out the Earth and make direct attacks on the establishments here, destroy the economy. This is the only way that this juggernought of death, this civilisation will be stopped. Those who choose to sit back while 50,000 plant and animal species are driven to extinction everyyear, while the air and water becomes toxic, while millions are driven from their lands, rampant disease, rocketing suicides, have chosen sides in this war. The fight to destroy this society is the fight of life over death. If you choose the death of all life for the plastic world then accept the consequences and totally justified responses from those who don’t want this so-called “future”.
Stop Western Civilisation! Stop the Destruction of all Life!
Destroy the Economy!
Economic Sabotage, You Know it Makes Sense.
Pettri Gerdt
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