london tubestrike and tubeworker bulletin
Workers' Liberty Tubeworkers | 02.10.2002 14:45
a regular bulletin by tubeworkers for tubeworkers
Side 1: Solidarity can win; link up with firefighters and local government; build public sector alliance;
Reject divide-and-rule; Cross union-unity; Keep up the pressure
Side 2:
Falling Standards; No Safety - No Work; Pink Ken - Yellow New Labour?; No Regard for Truth; No war on Iraq!
Please print out and distribute to tubeworkers, at your local station or at picket lines.

“Building on the rank and file revolt”
A trade-union day school organised by Solidarity and Workers’ Liberty , with speakers including Mark Serwotka (general secretar y, PCS) and Steve Godward (Birmingham fire-fighter), both in a personal capacity.
Saturday 26 October, 11 to 5.30, University of London Union, Malet St, London WC1.
To register to attend, please phone 020 7207 3997 or email mailto:

“Imperialism: what it is, how it has changed, how to fight it”
London Solidarity/ Workers’ Liberty forum.
Wednesday 16 October, 7.30pm. University of London Union, Malet St, London WC1,
near Euston.
Workers' Liberty Tubeworkers
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