European Social Forum sponsored by business?
Paul Treanor | 26.09.2002 10:45
The European Social Forum is predictably facing a deficit, so they are looking for more funds. This report of the organisers (in Italian) has details:
First, the ESF is preparing to abandon the principle 'no sponsoring'. A list of around ten potential 'ethical sponsors' has been compiled....
4. Nella riunione europea di Barcellona verra' portata una lista di una decina di possibili sponsor etici, per verificare in concreto la possibilita' di una deroga alla decisione di non utilizzare nessuno sponsor.
The list itself is not online, but it does mean business sponsors, because NGO's and foundations are being approached separately for funds. Remember the Ford Foundation already sponsored the World Social Forum. Another way to raise money: sympathetic Italian political parties are being asked to encourage their members to go to Florence. If successful, that campaign will mean a very full ESF, but with a primarily Italian character.
Paul Treanor