slice of life from Gaza
mick | 25.09.2002 19:21
I wish Jonathan Swift was alive but why revive the dead to witness what they saw before in Ireland. Rather, we may grudgingly and boringly commend the IDF as definitely the most repulsive and cowardly military in the world. Six-million dollar shitebags the lot of them.
A few nights ago a 25 year old Palestinian woman was murdered by certified non-terrorist bullets when she went too near a window. The Israeli killers simply spray stuff around them, anything they find in fact. The logical excuses they deign to provide are always seedy and repulsive, and their morality is cartoon grotesque, but it certainly is good box-office in America and within the British government. Please remember our Blair government supplies weapons to these killers, and comically branded Sharon 'a man of peace'. So please do not show brand loyalty to a Labour government that is even more oily and hypocritical and treacherous than the Tories, Tories who can sit back and do nothing while Labour does it all for them. Is it any wonder the Tories are happily redundant?
All this complaining by me and by you and by him and by her is merely passing water if we do nothing about it. Have you ever noticed that when you boil water and then cool it down it goes back to being the same? It’s a great philosophical problem in quantum physics - you can't detect the history of individual molecules nor do they betray a memory. Maybe morality in the West is like this? People boil for a little bit with indignation, then cool off and go back to being and doing the same as yesterday.
Multiculturalism is mostly continents walking down a catwalk. Our humanitarian aid is meant to show our deep concern, to show the furrows on our brow at suffering, when it is really like those botox injections to paralyse the nerves in our forehead and deliver a white wonderful look of contentment to the camera.
In Palestine, the fine reversal of comic and moral sensibilities is best expressed by a little thought experiment. I was on TV when I should have been in the house of a martyr when the Israelis came to demolish it. The martyr was a suicide bomber in 1995, murdering 19 Israeli soldiers. When we visited the first time the main room was in half dark, and the small side wall lights lit up pictures of the martyr. The family was still in grief, especially the father, whose dead son resembled him so closely it made the room even more haunting. So the soldiers came and blew up the house to collectively punish the family. I want to know if you feel sorry for the family for the pain of the death of a son and now the demolition of their home? In Palestine the family home is often a collective affair between brothers and fathers especially. Many closely related families live in the same block It is a terrible punishment for them all, and it should also be known that no suicide bomber ever tells his family beforehand, for what parent could stand that thought? I know of one mother who did not know it was her son for eight days. I also want to know if you feel sorry for me because I was on TV, when I should have been there?
My question is, do you feel sorry for yourselves? None of you people were there either, so why don’t you feel sorry for yourselves?
So the Americans have landed the Zionists in Palestine just like the moonshot in 1967. More strange sand landings of modernity slowly colonising and extinguishing the difference between them and us.
What the hell are we going to do about it?
Well, you don’t have to think too hard. There is no intellectual problem here. Please join a Palestinian Solidarity group, boycott Israeli goods, go to London on the 28th September, and if possible, please come here to show close solidarity with a wonderful and gentle people suffering the most appalling injustices.